Christianity Did Not Allow The Gamer To Pass Bioshock Infinite

Home » Game News » Christianity Did Not Allow The Gamer To Pass Bioshock Infinite
October 6, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Personal beliefs – a wonderful thing. We, for example, do not have anything against them. Even if they diverge with our (well, with the exception of individual extreme or even extremist options). However, sometimes loyalty to ideals comes … However, we will not judge one such concrete case, but will provide this opportunity for you.

Bryn Malmberg (Breen Malmberg) – Serious gamer, at least well-related Bioshock. And he is also a zealous Christian and does not think for himself away from the canons of faith, even in games. And imagine his condition when his (or not quite him, and his character) forced in BIOSHOCK INFINITE Take Baptism to get to Colombia.

The state turned out to be disgusting. Because Brin appeared before the choice: or to betray (as he determined it himself) faith, or tie with the game. Because without Columbia, it does not pass. Alas, he did not occur to his mind that Baptism is forced to accept still not him, but his character. Which, with all the proximity to the user, has its own stirring in him with a look at life.

And maybe it came, but Malmberg dropped her aside and rolled the letter to Valve (as a computer gamer, he acquired his copy in Steam), where very politely asked to return to him, because he could not play it. Valve, The right ideals of freedom, democracy and political correctness, the gamera did not dare. And he is now proud, with a loot, but without BIOSHOCK INFINITE distributes interviews to different sites. Hero, shorter.

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