Reddit covered mass strike

Home » Game News » Reddit covered mass strike
August 2, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Reddit covered mass strike
Popular Forum Reddit, from where the gamers of the whole planet often draw a proven – and not very – information about favorite games seems to have hit the revolutionary moods. And not without reason.

They say it all began with the fact that Victoria Taylor (Victoria Taylor), headed by section Ask Me Anything, was unexpectedly dismissed yesterday. And it “knocked out the soil from under the feet” of the rest of the moderators who relied on her question-response sessions.

Moreover, users leading their topics at a disinterested capital are already long timely unhappy with the site administration, which, in fact, once again showed that she did not care for them. As a result, more than four hundred sections Reddit, including gamers, from protest moved to private viewing mode, that is, closed their doors for most readers.

Accordingly, the revolutions began to recruit and petition, requiring the resignation of the executive director Reddit Inc. Ellen PAO (Ellen PAO), who passed on the post last year. Some users believe that the lady is trying to put on the forum censorship and do not bend cold manipulations at all to crawl up. Well, the protest once again emphasizes the fact that as a controlling PJSC not fountain.

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