Nintendo Badge Arcade will allow fun to issue a 3DS menu

Home » Game News » Nintendo Badge Arcade will allow fun to issue a 3DS menu
August 2, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Nintendo Badge Arcade will allow fun to issue a 3DS menu
Company Nintendo It was frightened, as if your Portable Console Nintendo 3DS did not bring me a long-haired men’s mortal to you, and invented a way to decorate it. Only for this first will have to .

In fact, Nintendo Badge Arcade – This is a whole set of virtual slot machines like a crane machine, for which users will receive badges in the style of famous series from Nintendo (Mario Kart, Splatoon, Animal Crossing and others). After that, all purchased icons can be placed on the HOME menu screen or instead of standard system icons in Nintendo Eshop and StreetPass Mii Area.

According to developers, daily visitors Nintendo Badge Arcade Five free games in the training machine will be laid, which, however, does not issue valuable icons. But if you’re lucky, he can give the opportunity to play for free to play cars that do it. If you directly inseparable to get the decorations for your Nintendo 3DS, then get ready to post 59 rubles, which will provide you with five games on “real” automata.

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