Microsoft will extend the life of Xbox ONE through the Xcloud cloud service

Home » Game News » Microsoft will extend the life of Xbox ONE through the Xcloud cloud service
August 8, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Microsoft will extend the life of Xbox ONE through the Xcloud cloud service

In a blog about the results of your E3-conference Microsoft I buried curious news: the company is going to extend the life of Xbox One thanks to the Xcloud cloud platform, which the text called Xbox Cloud Gaming. Through it on the outgoing generation, you can run nextegen games.

For millions of people who play on the Xbox One, we are preparing news about Xbox Cloud Gaming, which will allow you to run on your console, many of the announced nextgen games such as Microsoft Flight Simulator. We already do similar ones, tablets and browsers.

Probably, Microsoft Flight Simulator indicated not just like this: to release Microsoft stated that the simulator should get out on xbox one. However, over time, the company quietly removed the mention of Pastgen and left Xbox Series only. Console version MFS It starts on July 27 and even on a new generation only counts on 30 FPS – apparently, the old woman Xbox One with the game did not cope at all, so they decided to refuse.

According to The Verge, before Microsoft spoke about xbox cloud gaming on xbox one basically how about the way to quickly try games without waiting for download. How exactly the “cloud” works on Pastgen (and maybe on nextgen), will tell later.

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