Microsoft Ordered To Close The Amateur Project Based On Halo Online

Home » Game News » Microsoft Ordered To Close The Amateur Project Based On Halo Online
September 21, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

In early 2015 Microsoft And 343 Industries Suddenly announced a computer shooter Halo Online, And it was a real big surprise for all serial fans. First, the game was developed by the Russian company Saber interactive, And secondly, it was intended in the first stages for the Russian market. All other regions were implied if “things go well”.

In the “pretty affairs”, however, did not really believe, because it is for America Halo – Cult, and in Russia a franchise far to top of popularity. And it is mildly. Having stuck a year and a half in Bethe, Halo Online ordered for a long time to live in August 2016. But this ended the official history of the project. And his informal life began.

The game became interested in a team of amateur developers. They got her code, which began to gradually bring to mind. The project was called Eldewrito, And the other day updated to version 0.6, after which finally became quite playable and interesting. And here the original owners intervened in the situation.

Microsoft I decided that the modests with their homemade violate its original copyright and ordered Eldewrito close, and then its developers will be worse. 343 Industries I rolled the message to the community, where, first of all, poured his ears with her ears. And secondly, justified the actions Microsoft. In general, there will be no people any homemade Halo Online. Probably.

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