Thq Nordic Bought The Rights To Action-Adventor Outcast

Home » Game News » Thq Nordic Bought The Rights To Action-Adventor Outcast
September 29, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Thq Nordic obviously do not confuse jokes about her addiction to the acquisition of franchises. “Is there anything, where can I start a year better than with the purchase? We do not think so, “the official announcement of the publisher reports that the rights to Outcast Switched to possession Thq Nordic.

According to the company, the transaction with the authors Outcast From Studio Appeal Signed the Swedish office Thq Nordic. Sales, distribution, as well as the assessment of the new content and possible sequels of the game will be headed by a branch of publishing houses in the Austrian Vienna.

Recall that Outcast – Adventure game of 1999. The main character is the former special forces of the Cutter Slade, which is sent to the parallel world of Adelph to close the black hole. Outcast Allows the player to freely explore the wonderland, communicate with the aliens and fight.

In the early 2000s Appeal worked on the continuation, Outcast II: The Lost Paradise, However, in the development process, the studio went bankrupt, and the project was closed. In 2013 Appeal began to give signs of life and bought the right to play Atari. Finally, in November 2017, a remake of the original Outcast With subtitle SECON CONTACT. The game is available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox 1.

Is There Any Better Way to Start Off a New Year Thanw An Acquisition? We don’t Think So. THQ Nordic Acquires The Outcast-IP from Its Original Creators!

Read more here: https: // t.CO / FZIEECPQLD # Thqnordic #outcast Pic.Twitter.COM / Y9Aglu10as

– Thqnordic (@Thqnordic) January 10, 2019.

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