The Creators Of Remember Me Almost On The Verge Of Bankruptcy

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September 29, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Young Paris Studio Dontnod Entertainment, launched last year science fiction adventure action REMEMBER ME, Faced with unbearable financial difficulties, after which she will not remain anything else, except to recognize himself insolvent. At least, so consider some journalists, ready to put the cross on the company.

Dontnod was founded in 2008 former manager Criterion Oscar Gilbert (Oskar Guilbert). At first, things went well, in two years the staff of the developers increased up to a hundred people. And then it came a turn to produce the first game, and turned out to be futuristic REMEMBER ME.

Despite the fact that the story about the Arrorists in neo-Paris sample of the 2084th year was taken by critics regarding heat, to collect an impressive cashier to developers and failed. What they kind of blame Capcom, Publisher of the game because he did not bother to advertise REMEMBER ME Among the simple gamer population. As a result Dontnod It turned out to be simply not able to pay with creditors and this morning announced … Reorganization of the company.

Yes, yes, the studio still holds, says the head Dontnod. Though Gilbert and forced a little later to drop the number of your employees, the remaining ahead still has a lot of work. After all, according to their own words, at the moment on the horizon of the creators REMEMBER ME Already looming a new major project, apparently able to pull them out of debt pits.

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