Halo Infinite Could Get Out Before, But It Was Redone Because Of Criticism Halo 5

Home » Game News » Halo Infinite Could Get Out Before, But It Was Redone Because Of Criticism Halo 5
October 7, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Among the fans there is an opinion that Halo 4 And Halo 5 – no longer “labor”. Partly, this is due to the fact that parents Halo From Studio Bungie said goodbye to the series after Halo: Reach, And then she moved into the hands of a new team – 343 Industries. It turned out, 343 Accepted fan criticism Halo 5 So close to the heart that arranged a large-scale alteration Halo Infinite.

Journalist told about it Alan Pierce (Alanh Pearce), which visited the presentation Halo Infinite For the media. Outside the framework of the official event, one of the employees 343 admitted Pier, what Infinite could come out earlier if the fans did not meet Halo 5 with negative. Due to the disappointment of fans, the plot of the sixth part of the series began to redo, and the launch had to postp1.

Halo Infinite should be a kind of “spiritual reset” franchise. Game events start after Halo 5, However, the plot of previous parts will not need. In a conversation with journalists, employees 343 emphasized that they tried to convey the feeling of “that very” by all Halo in Infinite.

When 343 Arranged Announcement Halo 4 In 2011, she announced that the following three numbers Halo Will be “Saga about the reducing agent” (Reclaimer Saga). Halo 4 And Halo 5 adhered to this idea, but Halo Infinite, Judging by the information Pier, Departed from the planned line of Sagi and is going to open a completely new chapter in the history of the franchise.

Halo Infinite It turns out at the end of the 2020 on PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series X. In August 343 Industries going to tell about multiplayer.

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