Pacter Is Divided By Forecasts Of The Outcome Of The New Console War

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October 13, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Famous Industrial Predictor from Wedbush Morgan Analytical Agency Michael Pacter (Michael Pachter) decided to weigh the potentials of nextgen consoles Sony And Microsoft. He adheres to a common opinion that the victory does not blame the “iron” more powerful, but the one who will offer consumers the best services and entertainment. Of course, the price factor also plays a huge role in the battle for wallets.

“I think in the coming months both consoles will be well sold. Next year Sony sell consoles about 25% more than Microsoft – that is, it will be 12 million PS4 against 9 million Xbox One or so. Sony will continue to stay in the leads as long as Microsoft will not reduce the price on Xbox One, or will not explain why users are overpaying the hundred bucks for Kinect, – Pacter In an interview with Gametrailers.

I believe that Microsoft will declare the price reduction on their console in a year or two. So at the beginning of the race Sony get an advantage, but in the end the main competitor will catch it. The true value of both systems will determine the game, as well as their network services – Xbox Live and PlayStation Network. So over time, new platforms will become better and better, for which users will definitely love them.

From a commercial point of view, this generation of consoles should become more successful than the previous one, because sales of Wii U will amount to about 20% of sales Wii, so, in fact, PS4 and Xbox One will share the market only among themselves “.

Well, you can at least now start to continue to argue, which of the platforms is cooler.

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