Full Passage Of The Witness Will Break Out Of Your Life For 70 Hours

Home » Game News » Full Passage Of The Witness Will Break Out Of Your Life For 70 Hours
October 14, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

It seems that the longer the creator of the platformer Braid Jonathan Bloou (Jonathan Blow) makes his new project The Witness, that larger it becomes.

Two years ago the independent developer was surprised, they say, the game is not eight, but by as much as 25-40 hours. Now Bloous assures that the full passage of the puzzle will take you and more – in the area of seventy hours.

Judging by the recent game of the game designer in Twitter, the other day the studio invited the tester for the run The Witness. And the gamer turned out to be savvy in solving cunning tasks. And he defeated only 97 percent of the gameplay, and eight full working days went to the end of the game. That is, according to calculations Bloous, one hundred percent you will need at least seventy hours. And what is the most interesting – there is not a single repeating riddle or banal “aggregate” in the puzzle. The developer swears that the whole content is original and has a reason for existence on a mysterious island.

Well, for those who cannot turn from real life almost for three days or simply does not suffer from the desire to know every secret The Witness, The author Braid (which, by the way, according to Bloous, Fourteen times less) There are also good news: if you do not take for additional tasks, you can reach the end of the game for a significantly shorter period.

It is assumed that release The Witness For PC and PlayStation 4 will be held this year. And right! And that and looked, the project will swell at all to the unrealistic scale, and Bloous quite with debts will not pay off to complete it.

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