Bogatyr: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Bogatyr: Video Game Overview
March 9, 2022
6 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Bogatyr: Video Game Overview
Russian RPG recently on the lifting. Pathfinder: Kingmaker, Grimshade, Atom RPG, Ash of Gods: Redemption, Morty Encased – these are non-ideal games, but in general, in its own interesting, fascinating and places almost at the level of world standards. However, and now things come out, which seems to return us (or rather, macate face) in the past, during times “Prince”, “Talisman” and first “Zlatogorya”. Speech, for example, about Bogatyr from two excessively fun Russian developers hiding under the signboard The Bratans.

Bogatyr, Amanora and Snake Gorynych

It is easy to guess that in the game Bogatyr We act as a warmer. Ten years he, together with the prince, fought with the bass on the southern borders, and now returned to his native land and found that they suffer from the invasion of strange gays. The native village was burned, his wife was killed, and she had a young son, obviously closed his wife from another. It is the love and women of our hero, as in the end it turns out, became the fault of all these disasters.

But during the first hours of three, we will deal with the causes of the invasion of marsh monsters, look for information about other participants in the campaign of Prince Vsevolod, helping the local liberation fortresses and hire a militia, repair the carts, wearing the peasants, free from the monsters of the burial place, to drive nomads (forwhich will come up with an almost rubbing bassurmann in these parts) and return home the escaped sheep.

And, of course, it was not without folklore – there will be a battle with a hut on the couch legs, and a meeting with the snake of Gorynych. The bonus goes the opportunity to eat aunty to talk with animals, with a well and with a live oak, which only in such a changed state will miss us in a dense forest.

Not a warmer choice

In general, the obligatory Russian folk program with an admixture of the scenery of the authors is bad-poorly performed. And even added some nonlinearity. Helped to find a runaway sheep – now they will be given horses for the militia. And if they did not help, look for them elsewhere. But mostly the choice arises already in the final.Bogatyr: Video Game OverviewFight with the snake Gorynych very complicated.
I had the most interesting line with the search for the rest of the squad of Prince Vsevolod, and with trying to figure out how his place was taken by the younger brother Vslav – with him clearly something unclean. To reveal this case, I could not fully succeed, and in the final I was informed that Vseslav remained to pronounce in these lands. It was a little offensive, but I did not replay, as I knew well where and why this quest line stalled.

Bogatyr and bugs

The fact is that the game has many bugs and constantly break scripts associated with the tasks – most often active characters and points refuse to recognize themselves active. And you have to wait or wait, or overload the game, or go further, hoping that the next launch everything will work out. After rebooting (and you can only be maintained at wooden crosses), the quests are sometimes considered active, the enemies are reborn, chaotically disappear and marks appear on the map – constant confusion reigns.

Well, in general, from a technical point of view Bogatyr Looks like a frank trash – frequent departures during dialogues (as a result, I was generally afraid once again talk with someone!), nightmare animation, terrible trees and grass, typical, deprived of the parts of the hut. And the mockery management turns the battles to the mini-game “Put the cursor to the enemy”.Bogatyr: Video Game OverviewFirst you have to find out how best to communicate with the dragon.

How much to the silica of the Bogatyr?

Finally like rpg Bogatyr At best, it is perplexed. With the receipt of the hero level, it seems like becoming stronger and opens up new active skills – a cry, immobilizing enemies, an explosion of a zipper in the area, calling Kimikadze, running to opponents to explode with squeal. But the abilities quickly end (there are only five of them), and then our bogatyr picks up the levels (even killing a couple of enemies), but what he swears – unknown. No screen with characteristics I found.

More or less tangible things affecting the heroic power – these are new weapons and shields that we or find, or get as a reward for quests. But also of all three or four types of all passage. Trade, Kraft, the collection of lute from the bodies of the defeated enemies – nothing here was delivered here. Yes, and it would hardly save the game with such a level of technical execution.

This is a warmer under the action of a mumor.
Two members of the studio The Bratans – Guys are fun. Before the game about the hero, who emancated the fly, they released the same scary and ammunted Dungeons & Geese – “Platformer in the genre of an existential detective”, whose passage, as the authors assured, “proven increases the extentivity of 42%. There we played gay trying to find for sale in the new light “Party of the Issurance Dildo”.

Here and now the developers are joking, writing funny appeals and assure that the output of the patch for Bogatyr Delivered because one of them was in Iraq – apparently, on an official visit. The position is understandable: “We do not want to admit that the developers of us are none, so you turn around our sins in a joke and skew under fools”. However, they ask for the game real (albeit small) money, therefore evaluate Bogatyr accounted for a complete serious and no joke.

Pros: More or less feels Slavic flavor, including thanks to music;There are elements of nonlinearity in the plot;You can eat amansor and communicate with the snake of Gorynych.

Minuses: no role system;boring battles;primitive for most of the quest;terrible technical implementation;nightmare management;Scary picture.

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