Mary Skelter: Nightmares: Video Review Games

Home » Game Reviews » Mary Skelter: Nightmares: Video Review Games
April 6, 2022
6 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Mary Skelter: Nightmares: Video Review Games
What will happen if Snow White, Red Cap, Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty will gather together and … Wait, wait for the porn right away? No, not porn, but a Japanese game, Dungeon Crawler about battles in the dungeons in anime-style and with a slightly crazy (well, as always from the Japanese) concept. I agree, the difference between porn and the Japanese game is sometimes barely noticeable, but still in Mary Skelter: Nightmares In addition to Fanvis and pretty nyashek with fabulous names, there are really interesting gameplay, and unusual mechanics. Although someone I deceive – okay, there you can wash the girls and undress in mini-games. Interested now? All other shocking details are below.

Dungeon Crawler for undressing

Mary Skelter: Nightmares was quite rare at the current times an exclusive for PS Vita. But not long – the game turned out so lucky that the second part was transferred to a large, fourth “curly”, where she came out in mid-July – True, so far only in Japan. And first, in the meantime, they ported on the PC – in Steam, she also debuted in July and immediately received many very positive feedback.

Why? I already answered partially. Yes, in our detachment, which descends into local chamsis entitled “Prison”, walks through the cells overlooking the eye, overcomes traps and distributes in step-by-step regime of monsters (in general, does everything in any Wizardry or Legend of Grimrock), only cute nyashki fight. And the main character, a sensitive boy named Jack, can flirt with them, give gifts (among whom, of course, enters and a gorgeous bed in their personal room), as well as paw girls for pins in mini-games. All this reduces the number of clothes on the girls and fills the scale of sympathy to Jack from one or another Wyf, which also gives bonuses in battles and in the study of the dungeons.

Blood, madness and roses

Few? Here you have. All girls can lick blood from each other, getting any bonuses like instant health restoration. The fact is that they are all “bloody virgs”, which in battles gradually accumulate the local analogue of rage and periodically fall into rabies – in this state they can randomly attack anyone, even an ally, cause more powerful attacks, but they themselves get more damage. If you lick some of the blood from them, the level of rage will decrease. In addition, to reduce it and even withdraw your girlfriends from the Blood Vakhanlia can Jack – for this he must shoot on them from the pistol with his blood.Mary Skelter: Nightmares: Video Review GamesAll enemies have their own vulnerabilities that can be studied in local bastiary.
The huge dungeon itself is a living organism that has its own desires and which can change its condition. Periodically, he throws special monsters against us, and begins, actually, the title nightmare – you can not beat these worst, you can only escape. The chance to fight and win the victory appears only after you destroy the heart of one or another location.

All this madness in the atmosphere and mechanics is complemented by the appropriate stylist. The first location is clearly made based on “Alice in Wonderland” – everywhere image watches and playing cards. At the local cemetery, trees and fences were seeing roses, and the eyes of the girls, when they fall into madness, not alo-red, and glamorous pink ..

In the fight only girls

However, Mary Skelter: Nightmares – This is also a really interesting Dungeon Crawler, in which we are learning and pumping new skills for our “Snow Wholes”, improve their weapons and armor assembled in the battles of crystals, for them they change the class girls (besides the usual archetypes there are also poetess, and Libero,And even some “Virgin Sakura”), we carry out simple quests for collecting objects and the destruction of monsters. And constantly deal with too burdensome, but useful “grind” to automatically increase the levels and be able to fight with more serious enemies in new champions.Mary Skelter: Nightmares: Video Review GamesIn the state of bloody-pink madness of the girl especially sex.
Yes, there are almost no interesting mysteries as in the same Legend of Grimrock, and survival mechanic – do not need to feed the heroine and put them in the lining on time. But a lot of traps, and each character has a unique bloody skill, which helps in the study of dungeons. Sleeping beauty, for example, can blow up the dilapidated walls to open a hidden passage, Snow White is struning for an arrow removed switches, a red hat refreshes partitions, and Jack is added to splash the room with its blood to, for example, pay off the candle ..

The only thing that I personally was slightly strained – this is what the local plot (rather interesting in its essence) is served in the format of prolonged and non-interactive visual novels, where half of the replica is hardly some sighs, sobs, interjections, particles andphrases in the spirit of yup, yup. Well, of course, it is a pity that the fabulousness of the heroine is limited here only by their recognizable names – and imagine how it would be good if, for example, Snow White knew how to call on the battlefield Seven aggressive gnomes, and the red hat was poison!Mary Skelter: Nightmares: Video Review GamesYou can fight automatically. How to move on the map.***
Mary Skelter: Nightmares In some places it looks like a joke about the fact that the Japanese wanted to make a normal Dungeon Crawler, and they still got almost porn with half-color nyashki, combined with a date simulator. In places it is a really exciting game about the conquest of dungeons – with pumping and interesting mechanics. But in general, it turns out very specific and colorful, in a good mad entertainment, which will mostly have to do with all the connoisseurs of anime, but it is quite capable of putting on this needle and someone else.

Pros: There is an anime version of Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Red Hap, with which you can flirt;many possibilities for pumping and developing characters;A number of unusual mechanic for the genre;Many traps and hidden passages;colorful location design;Cute picture.

Minuses: Visual novel, with which the plot is served, looks like a prolonged and non-interactive;Music is repeated and comic.

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