Trollhunters: Defenders Of Arcadia: Video Review Games

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August 15, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Trollhunters: Defenders Of Arcadia: Video Review Games
In old age years fall into childhood – this is apparently about me. For the second month I am distracted by cartoons. First again hooked on n to write an overview SAMURAI JACK: Battle Through Time. And the last couple of weeks I watch “Troll hunters” Guillermo del Toro GUILLERMO DEL TORO). It is a pity that the game is based on, Trollhunters: Defenders of Arcadia, turned out to be much less exciting.

Cheerful TV series on the awesome book

“Troll hunters” – This is, of course, not such a cult thing as “Samurai Jack”, But also a very spectacular and fascinating TV series from the big directory. It is simpler, affordable, but here there was a place for humor, and for romance, and for a school comedy, and for superhero fantasy-action.

The main characters, the usual schoolboy Jim Lake and his disturbed friend Toby, unexpectedly found themselves that under Earth there is a big and ancient civilization of trolls – with their history, myths and legends, heroes and villains, shopping beds and kabacco. Jim became the first person – troll hunter. And now it must protect good trolls (and at the same time and inhabitants of their native arcadia) from bad, otherwise to the whole lid.Trollhunters: Defenders Of Arcadia: Video Review GamesInitially, Jim (he is small and sitting) voiced Anton Yelchin, who later tragically died under the wheels of his own car.
There are still funny vengeful goblins;half-breeding, which can take the form of both man and troll (taking this opportunity, I give hello to Enrique!);Then Merlin and Morgan will appear from the myths about King Arthur, aliens, and Jim himself will turn into … In general, Guillermo del Toro, coming up with the universe of fabulous arcadia, stuck a lot of things.

It is worth recalling that the series is made on his own book, in which everything is much more gloomy and serious. But this is just not surprising that the adaptation turned out to be brighter – it would be, on the contrary, weird, release DreamWorks Animation a cartoon where the trolls kill a bunch of children and sit on the throne from their bones, and the chief of the chief is half. And in any case, the series is exclusively childcored – this is one of the best representatives of the genre “for family viewing” in recent years.Trollhunters: Defenders Of Arcadia: Video Review GamesThe story, invented del Toro, turned into a trilogy, and the next year the full-length cartoon “Titanov’s uprising” will be completed.

Without preface

The appearance of the game based on, of course, was the question of time. Development Trollhunters: Defenders of Arcadia Trusted an experienced studio WayForward, famous for such excellent projects as River City Girls and series platformers Shantae. That is, in theory, everything should have been growing and turned out.

However, strange solutions have been visible from the very beginning. It is clear that such games are designed primarily on fans. But when the story starts from the end, expanding and becomes new in detail, but at the same time no one explains what kind of people they came to such a lifetime and why Merlin begins to talk with us, – it looks very dismissively and to beginners, andTo those who, perhaps, the series has not yet watched.Trollhunters: Defenders Of Arcadia: Video Review GamesWell, here you immediately and a small spoiler. Who knows will understand.
In this sense, the authors SAMURAI JACK: Battle Through Time Everybody did much more neatly and competently. But employees WayForward, It seems that it was just too lazy, once or not to explain, put together and adapt so that it was interesting to a slightly wider audience.

Lonely hunter

Be that as it may, history in Trollhunters: Defenders of Arcadia spinning around the movements in time, which first suits the trickster tribster, and then the Morgan itself appears behind his back.

In principle, for fans everything seems to be cool – In stock All familiar characters. Toby, as usual, humoritis and eating, Claire in a cooperative (at one screen) wielding his branded staff. There is both Enrique, and adore dirty socks Argh, and the Morgunchik, and even Stricler – True, it is represented in his not the most pleasant, greenish and eared form.Trollhunters: Defenders Of Arcadia: Video Review GamesIn the market of trolls by habit you can go to the pub.
Only the majority take a very indirect participation in the gameplay itself, bring their roles at best to animated ability. In the series, Jim rarely remains alone, and the central subject of the plot is just a friendship. Therefore, I would like more powerful joint participation, and not only splitskin-regime exclusively for Jim and Claire.Trollhunters: Defenders Of Arcadia: Video Review GamesThat would be so in the game!

Call to friend

The gameplay itself in the theory is quite competent for the platformer: it would still, because WayForward On this field eats dogs like Argh – dirty socks! We are running on Jim running, jumping at different levels, moving from Arcadia to the market of trolls, in dark lands, in the alien metropolis Akiridion-5 and back.

We overcome traps, fight and gradually open new abilities – for example, a throw of a kind of boomeranga, which can be hurried and press the enemies and press the buttons. Or a sharp jerk that is used both as a weapon and as an opportunity to break through fragile walls.Trollhunters: Defenders Of Arcadia: Video Review GamesSometimes such platforms suddenly disappear right under their feet.
In addition, the further, the more familiar characters are ready to help the troll hunter – it is only necessary to fill a special scale and call them. If you call Toby, then he will demolish the strongest drawers blocking the road. The former enemy, the Hunter on the Hunters Among Roth, ready to raise Jimmy on the stone to the stone so that he jumped up higher. And alien boy with a girl, ages and a creek, create a hoverboard, where you can overcome big abyss and traps.Trollhunters: Defenders Of Arcadia: Video Review GamesToby, apparently, lays the way with his belly.

Jim hurries to help!

At the levels you can collect dirty socks and evil dwarfs in the caps. In the market, we exchange socks on useful items that give temporary bonuses (for example, invulnerability and fearless five seconds), and the dwarms are used in the closet in the local dash.

Won there and earned during the passage of money allow you to spend on sharp costumes for Jim – one, for example, adds hearts of health, the other increases the attack and everything in such a spirit.Trollhunters: Defenders Of Arcadia: Video Review GamesThe main thing is that the suit is sitting?
Another means of earnings are the side orders. All, naturally, simple – then Claire will ask to find a paper package for the task of the Obzh, Trollich Baghdwell need to bring the sister to the mysterious box, then the fan of the kard wants to take an autograph from him, and we will have to travel through Merlin’s time card to move on Akiridion-5 and back.

Without a light and pain

The trouble is that, first, Defenders of Arcadia very short – somewhere the watch for three. Secondly, it is not even cute in the picture, which is especially striking on the background of a spectacular, excellent original original.

And most importantly, we rarely cast a real challenge. Enemies for a long time, generally play the role of training mannequins. And even fights with bosses leave a feeling of deep bewilderment.Trollhunters: Defenders Of Arcadia: Video Review GamesAmong Roth here we are not afraid.
Gradually, the situation becomes a little better – more intricate battles with bosses, difficult traps, planning on wind streams and so on. But there most often die due to their own inattention and not very convenient management. What to say, if here you can get up in the blind zone of the enemy and just throw the boomerang into it, while the reptile does not perish, and without realizing that it was?Trollhunters: Defenders Of Arcadia: Video Review GamesThese enemies can be easily killed in this way – the boomerang passes through the shield and stamps in the back.
As a result, the meaning disappears to collect money, buy new costumes, exchange socks on objects with bonuses, perform side tasks and pass tests.***
It seems that Trollhunters: Defenders of Arcadia did the sleeves – like everything you need, on the spot, but clearly lacks every effort, scope and elaboration. As a result, the game calculated exclusively on fans is hardly and will be interested in the starting meeting with loved characters.

Pros: New story in the framework of the series;many familiar characters and locations;The gameplay itself is quite competent and diverse;There is a cooperative of Jim with Claire (although this is not enough).

Minuses: gameplay is clearly implemented without much effort;The enemies do not challenge, so some mechanics are simply not needed;Short game;Graphics and Animations of Frankly Medium.

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