Grime: Video Overview Games

Home » Game Reviews » Grime: Video Overview Games
September 1, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Grime: Video Overview Games

When you say “Sohslike”, mean something already familiar, and sometimes even brought. But GRIME is familiar in any way. If only because the main character in this game was created from the stone, and instead of his head he has a black hole.

Stone Balka

Imagine if work Salvador Dali used for something more landed and mass – for example, for cinema. And texts Boris Viana From his “foam of days” – for advertising prospects and signs. Both – famous surrealists. So B Grime The familiar, it would seem, Soulslike-Metriculia was placed in a surrealistic world where the stone heads and faces are circular;where from the sky can suddenly fall a huge statue, and then we will jump in her hands;where even it is necessary to fight with heads, and jugs can push you with your hands.

Grime: Video Overview Games

This stone pane is not what it seems.

Description in Steam appropriate: “Unusual matter self-destructs, while the world shrinks and shrinks – he firmly stifies you and stands up on the unexplored shore of life. You do not know what he hides, so someone else in his recognition, and yet you will have to fight for survival in the reigning horror “.

Grime: Video Overview Games

Yes, it can be something dangerous and beautiful.

At first, here really do not understand what is going on, who we are and where we. But still interesting, I want to consider everything around with open mouth. Gradually, we learn that they got into the world of the exposed sky, where some mother whisper and pour breathing into stones, and those are born by ugly voonheads or sipogol, live their lives in the city of lithium, protect it, some are trying to carve statues, engage in art and dream of “Ascension to amazing proportionality “.

Grime: Video Overview Games

Wall painting here too.

Our hero is just such a proportional, polished, or extended. And his appearance here is met with admiration, caution or aggression. Some cry from their ugly, and noticing us, rushing with a cry “So I should have been! Give me this form!”.

But, as it turns out, our shape is incomplete, imperfect – perhaps because instead of the head at the hero, but the removal black hole. Therefore, the other, more advanced representatives of the exhausted belong to us with disregard, call the hero of the fake and promise to wipe it into the brick. We need to prevent this, to figure out what is happening, to free the stone and other freaks from the tyranny mothers and … However, you will find out. At some point, this surma, the atmosphere itself and events caused the feeling that everything happens in one of the worlds Planescape: TORMENT.

Grime: Video Overview Games

Here the stylistics is very much reminded of Planescape.

Yes, and characters are very bright. What is a funny major, who, barely seeing us, becomes such an adherent of the hero, collects followers and periodically makes us a sentence, killing from the joy of other fans – so he is heat.

Grime: Video Overview Games

Jon, too, Dushka.

Absorption of deformity

Gameplay Grime Also knows how to surprise. In fact, this is a mixture of Sohslayk and Metriculia, but with its ideas. The main one is just a black hole instead of the chunk of the main character. With it, you can block attacks, stunning enemies, grab the spears bruised in us and send them back, and the most important thing is to absorb objects and enemies. This allows you to accumulate “breathing”, which works as a healing potion and restores health.

This is how it happens.

And if you absorb some opponents (they are called victims), then we get their abilities. True, it is necessary to devour the number of victims, and then on a special obelisk (local fire) The ability to be cleared with the help of the hunt glasses, which we get for the killing of particularly strong enemies. Among these “living” skills are bonuses for perseverance and endurance, the ability to restore part of the “stamina” when parrying. Or there is an ability to leave your “echo” after successful evasion – if it gets damage, then a part of the endurance will restore.

Sometimes absorbing even shields – otherwise the panels do not break.

Add all these tricks with echoes, and at the exit we get enough fresh feelings from typical, it would seem, Sohslike battles. Often it is necessary to think that it is more useful – kill or absorb the enemy. Sometimes one thing is one, sometimes different. If there is little health and breathing, we are looking for, how to restore them first. But at the same time, the murder give more heat that affects the experience gained.

Grime: Video Overview Games

But here you do not have to choose.

Slot and fervor

Yes, the dust is a special resource that increases the amount of mass issued for the murder of enemies. And the mass points are an analogue of shower, gold and experience, for which on the same surrogates you can pump characteristics of the character (force, dexterity, endurance, health, intellect). Mass is used and in trading – you can buy different types of weapons and consumables (throwing daggers, bombs, temporary prizes to protection or damage and so on).

Weapons, by the way, differs by damage and speed and has the requirements for the character parameters. In addition, everyone has a special attack – one throws out and stunning the enemy, another allows you to jump on the enemy and beat. But the armor, as a rule, we will change the objects for the foundations (for example, frescoes) or remove from the bodies of defeated enemies – in this world, literally tear the stone torso, hands or feet. Characteristics are unknown, but all items are accompanied by beautiful and again surreal descriptions.

Grime: Video Overview Games

In the game, which looks like a work of art, such an exchange is logical.

Interestingly, in the case of the death of our “Chernodrogolovaya”, it is precipitated precisely a stock of the dust, but the masses remain almost intact. And then you need to flee to your frozen stone statue to return this resource. This allows you to quickly pump the character – experience glasses always with you. In the meantime you will run to the place of death, and the heat is enough enough to accumulate.

On the one hand, it makes the game easier and leverals the fear of death – you still really lose anything. But on the other – in fights with steep enemies and especially with hardcore bosses, the skill of the player, his reaction and the ability to read the timings of the opponent. From this point of view, the fervor seems somewhat artificial, unnecessary characteristic, which was invented only to give the game greater originality. Well, invented and invented – the main thing that does not interfere.

Grime: Video Overview Games

Many characters also look extremely original.

All legs, legs

Another point, giving evolving hardcore, but with a minus sign, is very limited teleportation opportunities between surrogates. It already depreciates Grime As Metriculia. There are enough places where you will not fall or who will not pass until you get the ability – for example, attracting objects or jerks in the air after jumping. But here’s the need, when there is no teleports, for a long time to go back, strains. True perfectionists and fans of metriculum spit and run, but the rest, most likely, will perceive the game only as Sohslike.

Grime: Video Overview Games

Although to see it once again, you can run.

But there is no complaints about the platform part – the complexity is adequate here, many interesting situations. Yes, and traps pleased with their surreal: how you arrive at the top right in the forehead?

Traps sometimes work in both sides.

With a set of enemies, too, everything is fine. There are, for example, bombs on the legs that need to be discarded to blow the monster inclusive on you. With arsenal of weapons – more difficult: there are repetitive alternative attacks, and in question the usefulness of the most severe duby – they are very slow.

Some also complain about bugs, but I have not met with them. But I would like to optimize better – sometimes on the smooth it seems to be “friezes”.

Grime: Video Overview Games

Even during jumps, look at the backs.

GRIME has problems with game design and optimization, but they are not so significant. But the atmosphere, pleasure, originality and surprise from what have seen – Mass. So fans of the genre – definitely play. With fervor.

Pros: very original world;Amazing history and unusual characters;Stressful gameplay, which gives the freshness of a mandatory SOULSLICK-program;Gorgeous visual style

Minuses: The authors constantly chase the player there and here, seriously limiting the possibilities of teleportation;There are bugs;Nonoidal optimization.

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