Medievil (2019): Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Medievil (2019): Video Game Overview
October 6, 2022
9 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Medievil (2019): Video Game Overview
Original Medievil Released in the first 1998 on the first PlayStation and was loved by players first of all with a gloomy design resembling work Tima Burton (Tim Burton), and a sarcastic British humor (the game was made by the British as – in no way). 21 years later Sony released her remorse that became an already exclusive PS4. Canadian-American Studio answered the updated game Other Ocean. Let’s wonder fresh Medievil on the bones to find out whether the team managed to inhale a new life in the classics.

Bikes from the crypt

In the kingdom of Gallowir Sir Daniel Fortescia is considered a hero: it would still, this is the very warrior who a hundred years ago brought his army to victory over the evil sorceration of the probe and his own killed him. However, legends are sometimes lying. In fact, our valiant knight first died in battle from someone’s crazy boom, and the zarok defeated completely different warriors. A century later, the villain, as it often happens, returned to the world of living and resurrected with him the uninstalities of all the masters. Including Dan Fortescia.

Selecting from your crypt, the unfinished knight is ready to walk all over the kingdom to finally overcome the gloom and prove that he is worthy of referring to the real hero, despite the ridicule of his combat comrades who know the truth. They, unlike Sir Daniel, did not resurrect, and communicate with the knight only in the hall of heroes, the local analogue of Valchalla.

Scene B Medievil simple and serves as a background for gameplay, history and does not pretend any patheauxity and seriousness. On the contrary, the whole game is filled with jokes and twisted, directed mainly towards Dan. Almost everything here is: from stone Garguli to books, which contain local “Laura”.Medievil (2019): Video Game OverviewPassive-aggressive phrases not only sound from the mouth of secondary characters, but also slip in the descriptions of objects.
Sir Forteschi himself – the hero, undoubtedly comic: what is one only his foolish gait and inseparable “Misterbinovskoye” soap instead of speech. However, the absence of the lower jaw and one eye does not prevent him from being one of the most charming video games of protagonists. Fortescia enchants his clumsy, however, when it comes directly to the gaming process, it begins to annoy a little.

Dances on Kostya

As in the case of recent The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening, in remake Medievil You can play, looking at the passage, written several decades ago. But if in “Zelda” the gameplay completely does not feel archaic, then in Medievil He, alas, godlessly outdated. Many things now do not do so.

Take, for example, system of saving. There are no checkpoints in the game, and if you are running out of the cells with a healing fluid, the level will have to start first. Missions are not very long, but a little pleasant in it. Especially when death overtakes the hero because of the unsuccessful jump after the murder of the boss. Health, by the way, is not replenished between the levels, and I constantly had to return to the first crypt to fill my flasks there on a slightly.Medievil (2019): Video Game OverviewOn the Gallower map you can choose the levels already covered and look for secrets on them, coming there with new weapons and objects. It is a pity, on the locations themselves there is no mini card – sometimes it would be very useful.
In addition to the main goal – to reach the end of the level and get out of it – Sir Dan can collect the Golden Bowl, opening access to Heroes Hall. To do this, he needs to overcome a certain number of enemies and, in fact, find this very cup, which is usually well hidden. For each cup in the hall of the Heroes, something good – onions with different types of arrows, spear, a magic sword, shield, hammer, crossbow, letters a lightning glove, treat vessels … well, or just encourage financially. Money in Gallower is needed to buy on them throwing shells and arrows and enchant some types of weapons.

In general, shooting in Medievil difficult to praise – it is impossible to follow in the game. On the enemies, fortunately, there is a motorway, but if you want, say, to attack an explosive chest at a distance, then be prepared to spend part of the boom, because it is not going to get automatic target.

As for battles and platforms, everything is not changed here. Sir Forteschi has two types of attack – standard and charged – and a bunch of various weapons. The hero can put a block shield, which has a property break, and in a very hopeless situation of Dan is able to tear his own hand and fight it. Jumping from the protagonist is not too graceful, but it is understandable – he is just just a walking bone in the armor. You can still somehow adapt to jumping, however, you can get used to the fact that when jumping to the platform, the knight will sometimes slide with it, it seems impossible. It always happens suddenly and does not add passing positive emotions. Medievil (2019): Video Game OverviewTo the question of obsolete game-design, I would like to result in an example level in the maze of the anthill. Somewhere half an hour I wandered through the same corridors, collecting quest items only so that in the end the boss of the level defeated Dan and I had to start everything again.
Medievil still does not lead a player for the handle during the decision of the puzzles, and gently hints at what he needs to do. True, because of this it is not always clear what exactly wants from you. I now, of course, not about the tasks like “Find a rune of a certain type and insert it in hand next to the door,” but about more cunning things. For example, we need to return the cross in the city church, and for this it needs to be created from a girlfriend. Personally, I am pleased with this oldcual approach: to move in terms of the level without obvious tips and it is much more pleasant to imagine how easy to follow the instructions.

Nightmare in front of Halloween

If you compare the original Medievil and its existence version, then a scrupulous attitude towards the original source, with whom the developers from Other Ocean approached the creation of a remorse. Everyone transferred to a new game a piece of Gallowamir around the bunch of small details and seemed to come to life. What is rather ironic for the world in which the cemetery motives are clearly visible everywhere.

We start the game in our own crypt, we go to the cemetery, then in turn of the cemetery hill, then – Mausoleum, after which we return to the grave. What’s next? Cemetery Tower, Cemetery Pier, Cemetery Village? Almost the way it came out: almost all subsequent locations are somehow impregnated with a gloomy atmosphere and inhabited by the revived dead.Medievil (2019): Video Game OverviewMedievil’s visual style is great for playing her Halloween – there are even several levels with aggressively tuned pumpkins.
Unfortunately, there was no place for new content in the game. The original was somewhat carved levels, and the fans hoped that they would be added to the new version. As it turned out, in vain. But by completing the quest with the search for lost souls, players will get the opportunity to run Medievil Sample 1998 right from the main remake menu.

Restorations underwent not only graphics, but also sound. Dialogues and orchestral soundtrack were overwritten and compared to the original quality of the first PlayStation, it sounds much better, adding the adventures of Sir Fortescia even more heroic mood. And for improving the soundtrack, composers of the original game.

It was not changed in the game at all in the game except graphics, it would not be quite right, because the interface was updated in Medievil and the opportunity to quickly switch from the main weapon to additional. Changing equipment, however, is not very convenient: it is tied to the “triangle” on the gamepad, but on the same button interacts with objects – get ready for the fact that instead of action you will accidentally switch weapons and vice versa.
New developers Medievil explicitly put the target to transfer to the remake of the game experience of the end of the 90s and not correct no mistakes of the past. But this approach works when the original itself is ideal, which, alas, you will not say about Medievil. Therefore, in the remake, we have a practically a complete set of flaws of the era of the first PlayStation: not always an adequate camera, as well as clumsy jumping and battles.

At the same time, it is impossible not to note what kind of proximity and attention to the details were transferred from the original. Fans should definitely be satisfied: it’s the same Medievil, in which they played 21 a year ago, just in a new, beautiful wrapper. That before newcomers unfamiliar with the series, then for them a remake can be a good opportunity to join the classics and see with their own eyes, which unfriendly to the player used to be platformers.

Pros: Grave entourage, on the one hand, gloomy, and on the other – generously coined by humor;Colorful updated graphics;All dialogues and sampling phrases are translated into Russian and voiced.

Minuses: The disadvantages of the original moved to the remak, although the same camera and jumping could be corrected;Sometimes there are bugs (the game sometimes stops working out work, and the main character can get stuck in textures).

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