Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview
November 30, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview

Scarlet Nexus developed Bandai Namco Studios, Responsible for Code Vein, and project managers Kate Iidzuka (Keita IIZUKA) and Knezi Anabuki (Kenji Anabuk9) who used to work on the series Tales Of And, in particular, over the beloved many Tales of Vesperia. It is clear that expectations from the game were elevated. And in general, they justified.

Interesting universe

INScarlet Nexus we see the picture familiar to many games. Strange alien mutants attack people (they are called different here), love to devour brains, and fighters from the detachment of other (op9) become the only defenders from them. Only they can cope with the aggressors with the help of their extrasensory abilities, so constantly recruit talented psyonics from around the world. They look like everyone as teenagers, because they take pills from aging, helping longer saving their skills.

Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview

This boy is already colonel. Anime, what to take from him ..

Such abilities have learned to develop, affecting a special fusion hormone in the human brain. Therefore, almost most people have more or less expressed extrasensory skills. And those who do not possess are called deserts. The authors also added elements of cyberpunk and anti-nightopias – and in the end, it seems to be a template SCIFI in a really interesting setting that the authors themselves call the braid.

Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview

OPI fighters in this world are treated as superhero and constantly show them in the news.

Two exciting and different story campaigns

At the start, we choose for whom to play – for Yuito Sumaraga, recruit OPI, who is also the son of the head of government and the brother of the commander-in-chief, or for an experienced cadet of Kasanese Randall. These are two different storyline campaigns. At first, of course, a lot is repeated, but even common scenes (for example, the first attack of other, which happened on the streets of the city) we see from different points of view. Yes, and in the future, about similar situations hearing other dialogues and get acquainted with other characters – Yuito and Kasanese fall into different detachments of the opi to different commanders. Soon the main characters begin to close enough to cross the plot – to write letters to each other and go to tasks together.

Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview

True, normal communication is not possible for a long time due to the nature of Kasanese.

And, of course, we are also visible in different ways. The authors generally emphasize that Yuito and Kasanese are unlike each other. He, despite the hype, which is immediately twisted around the recruit (still – the relatives of such influential politicians!), tries to remain modest, kind and attentive. It is mostly emphasized cold, it is straightforward to rudeness and, it seems, it is worried only about your pivot sister Naom9.

Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview

Blue-eyed Naomi prepared a special role in this story.

As a result, the storylines of Yuito and Kasanese at some point radically diverge – they turn out to be on different sides of the barricades, if not more. But at the same time still keeps the feeling that everything should end in another. No wonder at the very beginning of the game, I will ask intrigue – Yuito will find out in Kasanese a girl who many years ago, when he was little, saved him his life. But they are one age – as such can be?

Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview

Heroes even fight with each other.

In general, in history Scarlet Nexus Everything is so famously twisted in the ball of intrigues, unexpected events and questions that cease to pay attention to the template of some moves and characters. Just want to know how it will end.

For the same reason you understand and accept that this is not a game in the open world, but first of all bright, swirling story anime. Here everything is subordinate to the story, so there are no side tasks so much (although there are always additional classes), and our city streets rarely allow you to spend.

Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview

Even children on the streets are aware of the psychic abilities.

Many different characters for communication

In addition to Yuito Ikasae in Scarlet Nexus Full and other characters. Among them, there are many combat comrades of the main characters with which we interact quite tightly (including on the network), building relationships. Here and the flirt with the presentation of gifts, and purely practical benefits – the higher the level of connection with one or another character, the more steep extrasensory abilities can be used in battle.

Yes, as I said, among the actors a lot of template for anime (and not only) images. Immediately appear merry-balagen;dissatisfaction with harm that sharpens the tooth on the heroes;Brazing girl with pigtails;Childhood friend, friendship with which, it seems, is about to be reborn in something more (she obviously wants it);secretly loved in Yuito Tikhonya, which speaks with such anime dying (I played with Japanese voice acting, which I advise you!) what you start to wait for some kind of hentai scene.

Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview

This quiet loves when the flowers give her, – she decorates our database.

Yes, and in the dialogs a lot of banal pathos. There are foolishness. For example, Yuito in the plot is experiencing a personal tragedy, but at the same time in scenes and dialogues designed to pump off with partners, it may be easy to discuss key rings with predictions, restaurants and fashion magazines. And even no matter how it happened with a girl who seems to be in the village of enemies, drinks tea with her and argues about how good she cares about him.

Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview

They can darken for a long time.

This is not exactly the wine of the screenwriters – in theory, such scenes can not be launched precisely in this difficult period for Yuito. But still some are knocked out of the total rhythm and mood. From this point of view Scarlet Nexus I am inferior to the same Tales of Vesperia and some other JRPG – there are nontrivial characters there, and better written dialogs. But fresh game Bandai Namco Studios still takes its number of partners, how often we interact with them, what are all different, how many events are connected with them. Follow the relationship of heroes still interesting, especially if you love anime. Another thing that could be even better ..

Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview

Dramas, emotions and losses will be much.

Non-easy and exciting battles

But what the Scarlet Nexus was definitely possible, so it is a combat system. Fights pass in real time in the style of slash wheels, but we do not just score enemies with cold weapons (Yuito uses a big sword in the near battle, and Kasanese attacks throwing daggers in the distance), but actively alternate the psychic abilities of heroes. Sometimes allies are issued in the plot, but, as a rule, we ourselves choose the team and then whose talents will use in battle.

So, you can apply the telepathy of the small colonel Luke to instantly teleport over the battlefield. This will help in situations when the monster closes the body with a metal barrier, as soon as we run up to him, – he will not respond to it, and we have shifted it to blows in vulnerable places. Other messengers know how to go to the shadow, hiding out of sight, – then it is better to borrow with the very in love of Tikhoni her talent of premonitions, which will show all hidden enemies. And if other vulnerable to fire, then we take a pyroxy childhood friend.

Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview

Others can be stunned, finishing and attacking from the back, inflicting critical damage.

Characters with talents a lot – for all occasions. And our task is to alternate these abilities on time, considering that they all work only for a limited time, and then recharge. Therefore, it is important to interact with partners, strengthen the connection to improve the effectiveness of their skills.

Yuito and Kasanese use telecinez, which allows them to throw them in other objects from boxes and bicycles to cars and buses. The latter sometimes will even get somewhat to drive the rated field and crush the worst.

Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview

At the end of the trip, the bus will take off and falls on enemies.

There are also special objects that are made of increased damage – you can blow up the fuel truck, engage the ceiling on monsters or overlook the construction hook, snatch and throw a pillar or part of the wall. Frequently involved QTE.

Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview

Different key combinations are harvested for different objects.

In stock Also analogue of the rage regime (“acceleration of the brain”), when all psychic talents work more efficiently and recharge faster. Moreover, one can go to the so-called “Movepole” to apply particularly powerful damage. In fact, the psycho in this case fights in his own head.

Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview

Long in the tolepole, it is impossible – you can also drop the skates from overvoltage.

Efficiency of telekinease, ordinary attacks and other actions that help in battle, we increase the learning and pumping skills on the so-called brain card – with obtaining new levels it is allocated, respectively, brain glasses.

Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview

On the brain map, the business opens new branches of abilities.

Plus, of course, no one canceled equipment that gives bonuses to strength, health, protection and so on. Additional cells under them need to be opened – the main characters are made by pumping the corresponding skills, and their partners need to give special devices. By the way, and gifts, and consumables, and equipment can not only buy equipment, but also to communicate for the collected resources.

Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview

Naturally, there is plenty of clothes to change the appearance of the wards.

As a result, battles are obtained by dynamic and difficult even at the usual level of complexity. And the bosses at all use unique tactics and change behavior – for victory you have to use almost all talents, mechanics and opportunities that in JRPG it is rare. Like the fact that Grinda can be engaged, but not necessarily – there is more solves the “skill” player.

Even together the main characters it is difficult to cope with such a goat.

The game looks like a cool anime

Yes, B Scarlet Nexus Few budgeness. There are no supernert graphics, and instead of cinematic rollers, pictures are used. But they are well drawn – at the level of high-quality anime. It is no coincidence that the eponymous series has already begun to break.

Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview

Cinema angles there too grabs.

Especially successful design of other. Describe these bouquets of flowers with female legs and other mandes of distinct words. The authors themselves say that they specifically mix the organic and mechanics when creating other. But on this obviously did not stop – the fantasies of local artists would envy the authors Silent Hill.

Scarlet Nexus: Video Game Overview

How do you like a miracle yudo?

It is clear that Scarlet Nexus not the best JRPG in the world and she has its own problems. But the game also finds enough arguments so that I will no doubt recommended it to all fans of the genre and anime in general. And the main of these arguments is that Scarlet Nexus Interesting to follow the story. Not to mention the fact that it is represented by two plot campaigns – such a rarity role in the role-based genre.

Pros: a fascinating plot, broken into two campaigns for different heroes;many characters with whom you can communicate and interact;Interesting setting;in many ways a unique combat system;extremely colorful monsters;chic art;Expressive voice acting, especially in Japanese;game translated into Russian.

Minuses: In the plot, characters and dialogues there is quite a lot of cliches and banal pathos;The camera when moving and in battles does not behave quite adequately.

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