The Long Dark: Save Game (Exploration Game Achievement + Lots of stuff / Achievement Exploration + a lot of things)

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February 2, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Long Dark: Save Game (Exploration Game Achievement + Lots of stuff / Achievement Exploration + a lot of things)

For English readers: go to Lonely Lake Cabin -> Achievement unlocked. A lot of stuff at 4 places (rifle at Quonset Gas Station)
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This save will help you easily get the Exploration Game achievement without wasting a lot of time:

The Long Dark: Save Game (Exploration Game Achievement + Lots of stuff / Achievement Exploration + a lot of things) Free Download

just copy it to your save folder, boot and go from the tourist office to the farthest lake house – on the Whiteberry map it is marked as Lonely Lake Cabin (go around the wolf on the lake next to the camp site)
Go inside the house and the achievement will be awarded if the rules don’t change 😉

Preservation taken from v.302, difficulty level – stalker, almost 23 days already lived.
Lots of food (including 2 army bags and 74 timothy stalks), a bow with 4 arrows, 33 rounds and a gun cleaning kit.
The gun itself, uncleaned, together with 12 cartridges, lies at the gas station of the Coastal Highway.
He did not kill anyone, did not fight with wolves, did not catch fish and did not shoot with a gun! So if you live for two days,
get Pacifist achivu, and if 25 days more – Silent Hunter.

For those who want to continue playing on this save further, I have accumulated a lot of things at four points:
one) Camp Office – the office of the camp site. All things are in two flat boxes near the bed.
2) Trapper’s Homestead is the forester’s house in the lower left corner of the map. All things are in the workbench, safe and first aid kit
3) Carter Hydro Dam – Lots of things, from all over the dam and the adjoining cave! I laid everything out at the entrance, + surprise 😉
4) Quonset gas station – refueling. There is an uncleaned gun – at that time there was no gun cleaning kit – and 12 rounds.
At the same time, you now have 33 rounds and a gun cleaning kit with you, so when you get there, you will have a gun and 45 rounds,
you can easily live 200 days! Moreover, you already have the best clothes of non-animal origin.!

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