Mount & Blade: Warband Free Cheat Codes

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By Jonny Gamer

Popular Video Games

In the bootloader, go to settings and tick EnableCheats. The following keyboard shortcuts will now be available to you:

Ctrl + F5 (only in battle) – artificial intelligence takes control of your character

Ctrl + H – heals your character

Ctrl + Shift + H – heals your horse

Ctrl + F3 – Self-Flagellation

Ctrl + X – gives experience to the selected character

Ctrl + X (on the screen of your hero) – gives your character 1000 experience points

Ctrl + X (in inventory) – 1000 units of gold

Ctrl + W – Increases Weapon Proficiency

Ctrl + Alt + F4 – all enemies suddenly die

Ctrl + Shift + F4 – the same for enemies only in sight

Ctrl + F4 – a weaker version of the same: the enemy does not die immediately, but after a few clicks

Ctrl + Shift + F6 – the same for your warriors

Ctrl + F6 – and again the same thing, but for one party member

Ctrl + T – on the map are displayed all objects except shelters

Ctrl + left click (on the world map) – moves the entire team to the specified location

Ctrl + F9 – Slow Motion (press again to turn off)

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