Fallout 4: Tip (Create legendary weapons or armor using console commands)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Fallout 4: Tip (Create legendary weapons or armor using console commands)
June 10, 2020
5 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Fallout 4: Tip (Create legendary weapons or armor using console commands)

Fallout 4 Legendary effects console

1. We throw the weapon or armor we have on the ground

2. We aim the sight at the thrown object, press and HOLD the button E (Take the object), be sure to hold the button, while the object is not taken into inventory, but as if freezes in the air, while it can be moved, etc.

3. Open the console and type the command GetPlayerGrabbedRef

4. The ID of the desired item appears on the screen (for example, ff001e12). do not close the console.

5. In the console, type the command [FormID] .amod [ModID], where FormID is the received item ID, ModID is the ID of the Legendary effects fallout 4 mod (for example 1F04B8 for the Instigating modification – Double damage to the target with full health). In our example, we type the following command: ff001e12.amod 1F04B8

6. DONE! The item will respawn next to you with the applied mod. Pick it up and enjoy Fallout 4 add Legendary effects, weapons, or armor!


Only one mod can be applied to one item.

If you need to apply another mod to a changed item, you need to repeat steps 1-3, as the item ID may change.

If you need to remove a mod from an item, then take steps 1-3 and type the command [FormID] .rmod [ModID], de FormID is the received item ID, ModID is the ID of the mod applied to the item.

Here are the mods for the armor:

1F7A75APPoweredIncreases AP refresh speed
1F1D62APV.A.T.S. Enhanced-10% AP cost in V.A.T.S. (does not add prefix)
1F1DF9DRAcrobat’s-50% damage from falling
1F1DF3DRAssassin’s-15% damage from humans
1F8165DRBolsteringUp to +35 energy and damage resistance as HP diminishes
1F579DDRCavalier’s-15% damage while blocking or sprinting
1F81EDDRExterminator’s-15% damage from Mirelurks and bugs
93BBDDRFreefallNo falling damage
1F1DEEDRGhoul slayer’s-15% damage from Ghouls
1F1DEBDRHunter’s-15% damage from animals
1F1DF4DRMutant slayer’s-15% damage from Super Mutants
1F3072DRPoisoner’s+25 poison resistance
1F81EEDRTroubleshooter’s-15% damage from robots
1F1E0CPAAlmost UnbreakableQuadruples durability
1F1E0BPALow WeightLow carry weight
1F57E4PATitan’s-15% damage while standing and not moving (no prefix)
1CF57CSPECIALCunning+1 Perception, +1 Agility
1CF57FSPECIALFortifying+1 Strength, +1 Endurance
1CF57ESPECIALLucky+2 Luck
1CF57DSPECIALSharp+1 Charisma, +1 Intelligence
1F4D18MiscChameleonHard to detect while sneaking and not moving (also adds invisibility visual effect)
1F3A49MiscDuelist’s+10% chance to disarm melee attacker on hit
1F2D3DMiscMartyr’sTemporarily slows time during combat at or below 20% HP
1F1E47MiscPunishingReflects 10% of melee damage back on attacker
1F3CA9MiscSafecracker’sIncreases size of sweet spot while picking locks
1F1C2FMiscSprinter’s+10% increased movement speed

Weapon mods:

1F1026APQuickdrawCosts 25% fewer AP
1ED37EAPRelentlessRefills your AP on a critical hit
1F04BDAPStalker’sIf you are not yet in combat, increases V.A.T.S. accuracy but costs more AP
1CC2AAAPV.A.T.S. Enhanced (Gun)Improved VATS hit chance, 25% less AP cost
2056F0APV.A.T.S. Enhanced (Melee)40% less AP cost
1E6D6BCritCrippling+50% limb damage
1F6AD4CritEnragingCritical hits cause target to frenzy
1F1048CritKneecapper+20% chance to cripple the target’s leg
1CC2A6CritLucky weapon2x critical damage, + 15% critical refill rate
1EF5D7DamageBerserker’sIncreases damage as you decrease your DR
1EC036DamageBloodiedIncreases damage as you decrease your HP
1E73BDDamageExplosiveBullets explode on impact and inflict 15 AOE damage
1F5479DamageFreezing+10 cryo damage and will freeze targets on critical hits
1EF481DamageFuriousIncreases damage with each hit on same target
1F04B8DamageInstigating2x damage if the target is at full health
1EB99ADamageJunkie’sIncreases damage as you increase the number of your withdrawal effects
1E8174DamageNocturnalIncreases damage as night grows longer and decreases damage during the day
1F4426DamagePenetratingIgnores 30% of the target’s damage and energy resistance
1F9B4DDamagePlasma Infused+10 energy damage and can turn enemies into goo
1CC2ABDamagePowerful+25% damage
1EC56DDamageRapidProvides 25% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload
1CC2ADDamageTwo shotShoots an additional projectile
1F7B8ADamageViolent+25% damage and limb damage, but has more recoil
1E7173DoTIncendiary+15 fire damage
1CC469DoTIrradiated+50 radiation damage
1F31B9DoTPoisoner’sTarget is poisoned for 10 seconds
1E7C20DoTWounding+25 bleeding damage
1F57E2DRCavalier’s-15% damage while blocking or sprinting
1F5995DRSentinel’s-15% damage while standing and not moving
1E6846Racial enemyAssassin’s+50% damage vs. humans
1F81EBRacial enemyExterminator’s+50% damage vs. Mirelurks and bugs
1E6847Racial enemyGhoul slayer’s+50% damage vs. Ghouls
1E6845Racial enemyHunter’s+50% damage vs. animals
1E6848Racial enemyMutant slayer’s+50% damage vs. Super mutants
1F81ECRacial enemyTroubleshooter’s+50% damage vs. robots
A4739MiscAutomaticAutomatic fire mode
1F109CMiscMedic’sHeals targets instead of hurting them (game data says DO NOT USE)
1CC2ACMiscNever-endingUnlimited ammo capacity (no reload)
1EBABDMiscNimble75% faster movement while aiming
1E81ABMiscStaggeringChance to stagger on hit

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