The Sims 3: World Aventures Hint (How to Create a Tomb)

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June 30, 2020
16 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Sims 3: World Aventures Hint (How to Create a Tomb)

The Sims 3: World Aventures Hint (How to Create a Tomb)

A tomb is a large object and what it will be like depends entirely on you, your desire and imagination, it is akin to building a house … Therefore, we will consider only the basic techniques – where to start, where to get it, how to place it and make it work.
First, we build the dungeon itself (basement) using the basement tool.

I think everything is clear with this

Some of the tomb objects and upgrades
Tomb Object (Mist Generator): These objects are essential elements of the tomb and are often found in every room. They create a foggy curtain that hides from the player the halls not yet explored. This heightens the anxious expectation that the hero experiences when exploring the new tomb. The fog will dissipate after the player has examined the given room and entered the adjacent room. If this hall is connected to a not yet explored arch or exits through the window of the basement room, the fog will also dissipate. Fog can be turned on or off at will.
Floor Switch: This switch is a classic element of the adventure game. It is small and takes up only 1 square of the floor, on which the hero can step or on which he can move a rotating statue. Triggers that trigger certain events are activated when the hero steps on them or removes their foot from them. Floor switches can also appear and disappear at player’s choice.
Wall and Floor Traps: These are 2 different objects that can be placed on the wall or on the floor. They can be set up to fire fire, darts, hot steam, or shock the unsuspecting researcher with a blast of electricity. Traps can function in different modes: covert and inactive, charged and visible, charged and covert, or covert and active. Each of the modes can be started both by a character passing by the trap and as a result of customization. Once trapped, the heroes can catch fire or lose consciousness. However, there are many ways to get around them. Heroes can disarm the trap or push a statue towards it, causing the mechanism to work idle. Water can neutralize a fire trap. It’s easier to do this if there is a steam trap nearby … which creates water! After getting wet, the hero can completely freely pass through the fire trap. Experiment and find your own original solutions!
Well: The well is one of the most remarkable objects of the tomb. Your characters can use it to get wet, making them invulnerable to fire. If the hero catches fire, it will also help him to quickly extinguish the flame. A secret switch can be installed at the bottom of the well as a trigger. You can also place treasure at the bottom. Another fun element is the ability to change the color of the water in the well. In fiery tombs, it can be made blood red, and if poisonous colors are used in the design of the dungeon, the water can be cloudy green. But the most interesting feature of wells is the ability to use them as portals. Wells, like portals, can connect to each other. Your ward sinks to the bottom – and then appears from the nearest well on the same floor. It is also possible to turn the source into a superportal. Here you set the rules yourself and define the entry and exit points, even if they are located in different parts of the world. This will allow you to create unique entrances to tombs located on the island and in other hard-to-reach places.
Treasure Chest: The best incentive for any discovery is the opportunity to receive a worthy reward for your efforts. Chests allow you to fill a new tomb with treasures, keys, junk and anything else you can imagine. Unlocking chests with key stones are also triggers that can trigger the desired events.
Sarcophagus: A sarcophagus can become a place where treasures are kept, or become a hiding place, a place to sleep, and even a place to have sex. However, his most remarkable feature is the creation of mummies. Mummies will patrol the tomb in search of unsuspecting explorers to beat or – horror! – curse! Mummies make any tomb dangerous and unpredictable.
Lever Torch: The Lever Torch, like the Footswitch, is an object that your character interacts with to trigger various events. You can make it active or use it as a dummy to force players to diligently explore their surroundings. You can choose the color of the torch flame, which will allow the creators of the tombs to give players additional clues to solve puzzles. Or just create the right lighting in the dungeon!
Swivel statues: These statues are another essential element of the classic adventure game. With their help, you can defuse traps or, for example, open a previously blocked exit from the maze. They are most often used in conjunction with a foot switch. The trigger elements of the switch can be configured to activate the mechanism the moment the hero steps on it, and deactivate immediately after he removes his foot. However, the statue can be placed on top by keeping the switch pressed. Rotatable statues can be made secret (to determine their qualities, you first need to examine the statue), explicit (you do not need to examine the statue), or completely motionless.
Secret Ladders: Ladders from The Sims 3 can now be hidden. This is adjustable so that the trigger can hide or open the stairs. Secret stairs are a great way to surprise players. When there seems to be no way out, a switch opens a secret staircase that will take your characters to new adventures.!
New objects and updates
Note: you can install triggers and events through the purchase menu by holding down the Ctrl + Shift keys and clicking (simultaneously) the left mouse button on the desired object.
Holes in the wall and floor: These are small, rune-decorated holes in which the heroes can discover treasures or secret switches. BUT, attention: bugs can appear from them! Secret switches can be used to set triggered events. Holes in the wall and floor can appear and disappear. But the main thing is that treasures can be hidden inside, for the sake of finding which the heroes do not feel sorry for precious time!
Keypad and Keystone: Each tomb has its own key! Keyboards contain an Insert Keystone trigger that triggers certain events. Most often, this is unlocking locked doors and treasure chests. The panel can be customized to match different key stones – for example, in the shape of a heart, a star or a crescent. Keystones can be found in tombs – inside chests, under a bunch of boulders, and in any other nook and cranny.
Heap of Ancient Coins: Ancient Coins are great rewards for your characters. In exchange for them, you can purchase adventure rewards from a special merchant. Ancient coins heaps are very small, small, large and very large.
Lots of boulders: passages to caves and ancient structures shouldn’t be easily accessible. You can block a door, a corridor, or access to rewards such as ancient coins and treasure chests by placing a bunch of boulders along the way. Heaps of boulders can be placed in two versions – in the corner or on the floor, while they can be made of light and dark stones. Over time, the heroes of the game will be able to fight their way through them, clearing the way for hidden switches and treasures. The creators of the tomb will be able to determine the length of time required to clear the blockage.
Secret Doors: Secret doors are ideal for hiding access to secret rooms. They can be locked, unlocked, visible or hidden, sometimes even impossible to detect at all! Visible doors can only be opened by strong and patient heroes, and the hidden one must first be carefully examined. Locked doors can only be opened with the trigger, since the actions “Lock”, “Unlock”, “Hide” and “Show” are events in the game. A door that cannot be found is impossible to investigate. However, it can actually be detected, but only if the correct trigger makes it visible.!
Locking and Unlocking Doors: Doors in tombs can be locked or unlocked. This is the surest way to stop the heroes until they solve the next puzzle. The simplest example: select the “Unlock” event for the locked door, which will be triggered if a character steps on the floor switch.
Giant Boulders: These can be placed so that they block access to individual rooms – or the entire tomb. These huge stones can only be destroyed with the mysterious Pangu ax, which can be obtained during your adventures in China. The giant boulder is a great opportunity to give players a reason to return to your tomb once more after they find the Pangu ax.
Starting elements and examples of their use
To explore your tomb was truly breathtaking, you should adhere to a certain order of actions when creating it. It can be changed according to the intention and personality of the creator, but here’s where to start.
1. Develop a plan and define the style of the future tomb. Do you want to fill it with fire and fog, or are you closer to a swampy cemetery with ponds, fountains and steam traps? Before tackling individual puzzles and small details, decide what and where you want to place and what impression you want to make on those who are destined to visit your creation..
2. Build a tomb and place all objects. Make sure the traps are suitable for narrow corridors, that you have enough room for wells, and that swivel statues can be freely moved to the desired location.
3. Configure triggers and Events. How well the puzzles are initially thought out will determine how easy or challenging the adventure is. For everything to work correctly, you must follow a certain algorithm of actions.
TIP: for your tomb to really work like a tomb, you need to set a series of triggers and Events for the objects in it. Commands can be found in the buy menu or by clicking on an object with the left mouse button while holding down the Ctrl + Shift keys. Below are examples of using these commands, but first it is important to explain where you can find them.!
Triggers and Events
If you want a specific object to trigger something, you must first select a trigger element, and then define an Event for it. For example, you want the door to open after the hero steps on the floor switch. Procedure:

Now we turn to the arrangement of the tomb:
First, call the console – Ctrl + Shift + C and enter the TestingCheatsEnabled code true Now enter the BuyDebug code
After that, we go to the purchase mode, where special objects are now available, including objects of tombs
Now let’s try to build something:

Unlocking the door with the key panel
1. Build a wall and place a door
2. Lock the door – Press Ctrl + Shift + click on the door and select “Lock”
3. Place the key panel on the wall next to the door
4. Place the key stone in the room
You can also hide it under a pile of rubble:
5. Select the action “Link triggering elements … Insert key-stone” for the key-panel (all actions are carried out through Ctrl + Shift + Click on the object)
6. Select the action “Allow to add triggers and events” for the door
7. Apply the “Link to event … Unlock” interaction for the door
Now the door will open if you insert the stone key into it.

Door unlocking with foot switch
1. Place the door
2. Place the foot switch
3. Lock the door through the buy menu
4. Select the “Link Triggers …” Stand Up “action for the foot switch
So the trigger here is “Stand Up”
5. Select the action “Link to event …” Unlock “” for the door
It turns out that the event for this trigger is “Unlock”

Disabling a fire trap with a steam trap
1. Place the trap on the floor
2. Place the second trap on the wall, as close as possible to the first trap
3. Place the floor switch
4. Select the action “Set the type of trap …” Fire “” for the floor trap
5. Select the action “Set the type of trap …” Steam “” for the wall trap
6. Select the action “Set the state of the trap …” Fiery and explicit “” for the floor trap
7. Select the action “Set the state of the trap …” Charged and explicit “” for the wall trap
8.Select the action “Link the trigger elements …” Stand on top “” for the foot switch
9. Select the action “Associate with event …” One charge “” for the wall trap
VERDICT: The character cannot pass by the fire trap. However, when he steps on the floor switch, the steam trap kicks in and floods the fire trap with water. After that, the fire trap is deactivated and the character can move on.!

Using the swivel statue to disable the trap
1. Place the rotating statue
2. Place the trap on the floor
3. Select the action “Allow explicit movement – (now: no)” for the rotating statue
4. Select the action “Set the type of trap … Electric” for the floor trap
5. Select the action “Set the state of the trap … Charged and explicit” for the floor trap
The character will certainly not want to risk and walk past the included electric trap. However, now he will be able to move the statue on it, thus disarming the trap and providing himself a safe passage!

Using a pivoting statue to make the floor switch visible and unlock the door
1. Place the rotating statue
2. Place two foot switches (switches A and B)
3. Place the door
4. Lock the door
5. Select the action “Hide” for switch B
6. Select the action “Allow explicit movement – (now: no)” for the rotating statue
7. Select the action “Link trigger elements …” Stand on top “” for switch A
8. Select the action “Link to event … Appear” for switch B
9. Select the action “Link trigger elements …“ Get off ”” for switch A
10.Select the action “Associate with event …“ Disappear ”” for switch B
11.Select the action “Connect the trigger elements …” Exit “‘for switch B
12.Select the action “Allow to add triggers and events” for the door
13.Select the action “Link to event … Unlock” for the door
If a character steps on switch A, switch B will appear! However, it will quickly disappear if your ward gets off switch A. The solution is to place a rotatable statue on switch A, which will make switch B visible at all times. After that, your hero will be able to step on switch B and unlock the door.

Release the mummy
The mummy can be released with any trigger element
1. Take a bunch of boulders as an example!
1) Place the sarcophagus
2) Place boulders in the middle of the room
3) Select the action “Link trigger elements … Remove” for boulders
4) Select the action “Allow to add triggers and events” for the sarcophagus
5) Accept the interaction “Connect with event … Release the mummy” for the sarcophagus
6) Drag a bunch of boulders to the sarcophagus (hide under the boulders)
Now, after removing the boulders, a mummy will run out of the sarcophagus

2. You can also use the door
1) Place the sarcophagus
2) Place the door to the sarcophagus room
3) “Link trigger elements … Pass” for the door
4) “Associate with the event … Release the mummy” for the sarcophagus
Now after the sim enters the door, a mummy will come out of the sarcophagus

Placing treasures in chests, sarcophagi, secret switches
For example, we will use the chest!
1) “Component treasures … Reusable treasures” for the chest
2) Select the treasures you need from the list

Closing the door after a sim enters with a secret switch
This function can be used as a trap! When entering, for example, a tomb, the door will be locked!
1) We put a secret switch
2) We put the door
3) “Link triggering elements … Secret switch” for the secret switch
4) “Associate with event … Close” for the door
5) “Events … Close … Enable effect” for the door
Now, after the sim steps on the switch, the door will close. And the “Enable Effect” action sets the effect of the flight of twinkling stars!

Blackout unexplored rooms
Tomb fog effect for unexplored rooms
1) We put the fog generator
2) “Choose the type of tomb … (optional)
3) On the last room “Set the last room marker” for the fog generator
Fog turns on automatically when the generator is installed

Hide / open stairs
By hiding the stairs, you can get the trap effect!
1) We put the stairs
2) We put the floor switch
3) “Hide” and “Allow to add triggers and events” for stairs
4) “Tie the trigger elements … Stand on top” for the foot switch
5) “Associate with event … Appear” for stairs
After the sim steps on the switch, a ladder will appear …

Using wells as portals to other rooms
We will consider an example on 2 wells
1) Place two wells in different rooms
2) “Change the name … 1” for the first well
3) “Change the name … 2” for the second well
4) “Make a superportal … 2” for the first
5) “Make a superportal … 1” for the second
Now, when exploring the first well, your sim will emerge from well “2”

Using Suggestion Plates
To help you complete the quest, you can use the tips written on such plates.!
1) “Enter text …” for the plate
2) “Associate with an event … Read” for a sign
3) For example “Link to event … Open” for a door
Now after reading the sign, the door will open

Setting up the mummy exit
So you can adjust the time of the mummy’s exit or completely disable the mummy
1) “Release the mummy … Always Never Rarely Configure” for the sarcophagus
2) “Mummy Type … Damn Normal”

Changing the denomination of ancient coins
1) Place a bunch of ancient coins
2) Select the action “Resize … (choose one of 4 you need)”
When collecting coins, you will receive a set amount of ancient coins

Resizing a boulder pile
1) Place a bunch of boulders
2) “Debug: set the remaining cleaning time … (from 0 to 0.9)” for a heap of boulders
Now when choosing a cleaning interval, the size of boulders will change

Turn on the closed door effect
Passing the tombs in Egypt, you must have come across doors with a lock on them! But when you click “Close”, then nothing comes out …
1) build a room
2) We put the door (arrows inward)
3) We put the fog generator
4) “Allow to add triggers and events” for the hole
5) “Events … Lock … Enable effect” for the door
6) “Lock” for the door
After that, there will be a lock on the door.

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