Test Drive Unlimited: Tip (easy money)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Test Drive Unlimited: Tip (easy money)
August 11, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Test Drive Unlimited: Tip (easy money)

Not enough money in your account? It’s easy to fix. I’ll explain now.
Cling some computer rider, breed him for a race (preferably the rate was as high as possible) richer than all motorcyclists. The trick is in the places on the map. Ever noticed things like two 2-lane one-way roads lying side by side and not separated? This is what you can find at the bottom of the island along the coast. So, the start is obtained on the road where you challenged the opponent to the competition, and the finish line is placed on the next road, opposite the start with a slight deviation, because. the start and finish cannot be located quite opposite. As a result, in order to win this computer idiot, you just need to drive to the next road towards the finish, well, 200 meters, while your opponent will rush to the nearest crossing from one road to another. You call this bad racer for revenge 10 times, no less is the most boring thing in this scam. After that, win any race of your choice and you will be pleasantly surprised by the amount that will be transferred to your account. The only condition is 10,000 on the account, so that there is something to bet on.

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