How to Survive 2: Save Game (Max Level)

Home » Video Game Saves » How to Survive 2: Save Game (Max Level)
October 18, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

How to Survive 2: Save Game (Max Level)
How to Survive 2: Save Game (Max Level)
How to Survive 2: Save Game (Max Level)
How to Survive 2: Save Game (Max Level)
How to Survive 2: Save Game (Max Level)

Character of maximum 51 level with fully pumped skills. The character’s inventory contains all game items (weapons, armor, food, etc., etc., including unique, rare and gift items), 999 pieces each. The camp was built and improved completely, in the inventory of the camp there are also all buildings for 999 pcs.

How to Survive 2: Save Game (Max Level) Free Download

Completed all tasks of the main plot and all add-ons to the game.

How to Survive 2: Save Game (Max Level)

Move all documents from the archive to the game folder …/ How to survive 2 / Data / Save if you want to get a fully pumped character, full inventory, a camp set up and a completed storyline. This is for those who just want to run through the game at the maximum level. In principle, you can just start a new game “new camp” and select a character from the archive at the entrance, after which the character level and inventory will be saved, but the camp and quests will need to be passed on a new one – an ideal option for those who want to complete the game with the maximum level of enemies and full arsenal.

If you want to do the machinations of throwing all items to your favorite character, then just move it from the archive to the folder with the game …/ How to survive 2 / Data / Save two files (highlighted in red rectangle). Please note that the character from the archive occupies the first slot i.e. if your character you are playing is already saved on it, then be sure to duplicate your save (with an identical name) to any place. After the tossing and dragging is completed – go into the game and add everything you need from the character’s inventory to the camp chest. Next, we throw back the save with your favorite character into the game folder – go into the game, open the chest and take everything that we just threw. It is worth noting that such a fraud can be done as many times as you like at any time and, in fact, at the exit we have an endless inventory.

I hope I have clearly explained what’s what and why. I wish everyone a pleasant game!

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