S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky: Helpful Tips

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September 23, 2020
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky: Helpful Tips

The long-awaited sequel to Stalkera has arrived, here are some tips:
1.In the new stalkere, the problem with the cartridges has been fixed, as you remember, in the first part you had to carry around all sorts of cartridges with you. in the new stalker there are special boxes (at any base) in which the first-aid kit cartridges and bandages are automatically replenished. so that the weight is significantly reduced and you do not have to save up ammo and you can also take much more weapons.

2.the most optimal weapon at the beginning of the game is a roundabout (I picked it up on the base of the military at the cordon), by the way, when entering the cordon, do not try to wet the warriors, it is better to run and take first-aid kits as needed and already far enough from the buildings where they fired from all the guns soak a couple of warriors at least one of them will have a Kalash or obokan.

3.Immediately after the quest with a shabar for Sidorovich, save and wet the entire base of stalkers who have become your friends (for this, go to the mustachioed commander and ask to join them), after that (if everything worked out) we collect weapons and first-aid kits from them, and now you have dozens of cool weapons (I personally collected two vintorez there, 3 assault rifles and a lot of other stuff), and after that, about ten minutes later, all the main characters will appear back and you are again a friend of stalkers (by the way, as you remember, not the base itself, the weapon is automatically hidden therefore, it is necessary to start a “ war ” from afar).


On the cordon there is a bridge to the left of our base, if you climb to its top, then there will be an anomaly, jumping there we will find ourselves at the blockage at the end of the rail, and there are two boxes and many more cartridges and food.


At the beginning of the game, you can find the coolest weapon Ventar, it is lying in the swamps near the cars, where you were covered with a blowout in the video, when you were leading the scientists.


Just like in S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl, do not forget to shoot small boxes – they can contain cartridges, bandages, etc..

At the very beginning of the game, when you are taken out of the base of the clear sky, in any case, do not step into the water (swamps), radiation will immediately rise and you will begin to die slowly. Do not rely on anti-radiation syringes – you will be given 1 piece in the head, this will not save.

When you are told to go down to the basement, hide all your equipment in some cache. Don’t hide and go down to the basement – everything will be taken away from you.

The best weapon to start the game is a sawed-off shotgun or a rifle, because cartridges for it can be found immeasurably throughout the swamp and not a single wild boar or bandit can withstand a shot from a stop.

If the enemy does not see you or is involved, then select a pistol and shoot exactly in the head. He is a corpse.

Also, do not forget to unload the found weapon – it may contain cartridges.


At the end of the game at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, when you need to kill the Strelka, do not go into the first portal, but immediately shoot the Strelok from the Electro Cannon until you kill. Of course, it won’t work the first time, but patience and work will grind everything.


At the Junkyard, you will be given the task of finding Fang’s PDA. Before entering the basement, there is a booth with anomalies nearby, there is an electrical panel, put everything there, up to the armor and trunks. Otherwise, going into the basement, everything will be taken away from you. In the patch version 1.5.03, which says: “Added the ability to return your belongings after a robbery in the basement at the Dump. When entering / leaving the Dump, now only part of the money is taken away.” I put the patch, but, alas, they take everything and all the money too.


At the base where Sidorovich is located, there is a stalker with a rifle “vintar-VS”, kill the stalker and take the vintar, they will shoot at you, do not pay attention, run to another location, then after a while back and you will not be touched, as you do did not touch anyone. For everything to work, you need to be friends with stalkers, that is, they must be green.


In the current Zone, a good weapon is much more than salvation from a squad of mutants than in the Zone of the past S.T.A.L.K.E.R.a. Here with weapons is much more difficult. It wears out, does not have the most desirable characteristics, etc. I will not talk about Vintorez in the Swamps, especially since this is not a unique weapon and you need to spend about 4000 rubles for repairs.

BUT ALREADY ON THE CARDON you can find a VERY POWERFUL and ACCURATE weapon. However, you will have to run after him. To get it, you need to complete side quests for Stalkers. This chain will include “Find a lucky detector”, “Bring Magic Vodka” (True-true :-)), “Bring a Special First Aid Kit”. And in the end, you will be given the quest “Bring a Trophy Weapon” (it seems the quest is called that) and you will be given a tip to the cache, which is located on the ATP, in the building on the second floor in the refrigerator, which opens like a regular box (the location of the cache can be yours is different, but it’s vryatli). There will be “TROPHY AKM-47/2”, which has AWESOME DAMAGE, AMAZING ACCURACY, and LARGE-SCALE SNIPER CARTRIDGES. AKM-47/2 can be upgraded, of course. And even if you put both sniper and assault modifications at the same time, then this weapon instantly turns into a REAL DEATH MACHINE. But a question arises before us: should we keep the AKM-47/2 for ourselves until something similar is found, or should we finish this quest for which they give 1200 rubles? I think you will choose the first option.


I found in the game … Teleport. Moreover, on the cardon, it is located on the destroyed bridge at the very top, if you jump into it, you will find yourself on the right side of the railway there are a lot of cartridges for cutting.


At the base of DEBT, if you start smacking, the doors to the main building close, but if you stand in the doorway and shoot at the dude with the RPK-74, then you can enter the building with a weapon! There we bring down everyone, we get somewhere around 7000 or a machine gun and a bunch of swinging Kalash. Can be done many times. The fighters are installed after a while, or, if it breaks to wait, just go to another location and back.


After the first conversation with the forester, we go to the debt workers opposite, there is still a guide among them. At one of the important we take the quest-bring a machine gun from the tank, above which there is a transport anomaly. The tank machine gun is called, a copy of the 74th only in the store 2000 cartridges 7.62 and even 2000. I advise you to run there light and in the skeleton, this MAD weighs well.


There is a tank under the teleport in the Red Forest. Actually, only from it you can get into the teleport, and if you take a good look at the turret hatch before jumping, you can find 2000 rounds for the machine gun.


Start over. … … Do not pump the Chaser – there is little use for it, a regular sawn-off shotgun knocks down from one shot, and he from three. The vintar is cool, of course, but you have to look for the cartridges – they appear only after the Garbage. The best pistol is Marta, the shaft of cartridges, the lethality and the 15-round clip are impressive – after pumping the snorks with two cartridges, she squeezes her eyes shut. The Black Hawk Pistol is cool only for the price – the clip is too small. Abakan helps out well with a sight and a silencer almost to the Forester, and after completing tasks from him – he gives a pumped Vintar – you can try Thunder with Shaft. In the Red Forest, on the left of the map, there are stalkers – they give the task to bring a machine gun – it is located next to the teleport to the Forester, a heavy infection – 2000 rounds are included with it. The “Bulat” suit is an excellent middle ground between Exoskeleton and Seva, it only breaks off 2 containers for artifacts after pumping, by the way, Sakharov has a good price in the assortment – + 10%, and he buys the artifact at good prices. In the Dark Valley, first bring all the flash drives to the gunsmith, and then complete the task – the last one does not take from me. If you have a stalker occupation of the checkpoint on the Cordon by the Stalkers, then you have taken the task to bring a first-aid kit – you will have to carry the military to the Cordon, Abakan and 1000 cartridges will help significantly. Talk and help with everyone whose point is in a circle – money will not interfere. I recommend that you first follow the story to the very Duty – so you will have a good weapon as quickly as possible and you will not have to pump too much – that is, Abakan and Martha are enough. Having engaged in the war of groups – first (I do not remember – the gunsmith at the flea market gives tasks or not) to complete tasks for the bandits and bring flash drives to the bandits’ gunsmith – the money is not bad and pumping for suits will appear for all gunsmiths, and then take it out. By the way, it is often not necessary to repair suits – the armor is permanent. We buy a Veles detector from Sakharov or earlier – Mom’s beads and Mica will help get rid of the problem with bandages, and save first-aid kits. At the factory in the Dark Valley, the door on the second floor opens later in the story. Attacks on the camp of scientists on Yantar will continue until you complete Sakharov’s task to repair the psi – installation, so if you need weapons for sale – wait longer and help fight back as much as you can – after the repair, the zombies will be sharply reduced. When you go to the Red Forest, do not chase the Strelko too much, you still don’t catch up and you’ll run into an ambush at the checkpoint – Red Forest is terribly anomalous, don’t forget to fix the suit … Good luck, Stalkers!


In the agricultural industry there is a stalker selling modified weapons and a rocket launcher, sitting in a dungeon at the stalkers’ base between 4 tanks. When the task appears, Take the swag and take it to Sidorych, there under the bridge (where the swag lies) Khaletsky’s carrier sits. You take the task from him to free Khaletsky – to bring a friend’s PDA carrier. The PDA lies on the railroad on the far right side. After the appearance of the task, a spatial anomaly appears above the embankment, jumping into it, you will find yourself right next to the corpse with a PDA.


After moving to the Agroprom Base, there are tasks – to help fight off the checkpoints – mutants attack on the platform, and bandits attack the very first bolkpost from the entrance. Do not rush to help this post – let the bandits kill a couple of stalkers – at least one of them will have a VINTAR, well, and ammo.


A lot of money can be earned by selling cartridges, and there are a lot of them in chests at bases, especially at the military base at the cordon. Want a powerful cannon? fully upgraded “Groza” complex for rate of fire, with optics and glushak – this is exactly what!


Vintar can also be obtained near the Debt base, at the Agroprom Research Institute. On the way to it, there will be a train car on the right and a loner stalker behind it. We approach, shoot in the head, and select the vintar. And there are plenty of armor-piercing and ordinary cartridges for it in the box at the entrance to the “Menagerie” with stuffed mutants on the same base of Debt opposite the merchant’s house.


In the Cordon location, you can take a quest from a military man who hid in a tunnel under the road (when you walk from Sidorovich to the railway bridge), and the quest for these things or a PDA in the tunnel, and you can get into it only by jumping from the bridge 🙂 to teleport.


Vintorez in the cordon can be obtained much easier than described above, the fact is that if you join a group of stalkers (they will turn green on the map), then you can kill them without consequences, but you need to kill with a knife butt, the stalkers standing next to you will change their attitude towards you ( turn yellow). You only need to kill one and there will be no problems. Tried it on version 1.5.00.

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