Mass Effect 2: Trainer (+8)

Home » Video Game Trainers » Mass Effect 2: Trainer (+8)
November 15, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Mass Effect 2: Trainer (+8)

Mass Effect +8 Trainer by Inferno

When people become greedy even things that use to be free aren’t anymore. NEVER pay for trainers;)


Mass Effect 2: Trainer (+8) Free Download

-To use these options press the Escape key to bring up “Mission Computer”.
* Money (Num 1) – Hotkey or Button set your money ammount to 9999999 for a more specific ammount use the textbox
* Medigel (Num 2) – Hotkey or Button set your money ammount to 99, for a more specific ammount use the textbox
* Element Zero (Num 3) – Hotkey or Button set your money ammount to 999999, for a more specific ammount use the textbox
* Iridium (Num 4) – Hotkey or Button set your money ammount to 999999, for a more specific ammount use the textbox
* Palladium (Num 5) – Hotkey or Button set your money ammount to 999999, for a more specific ammount use the textbox
* Platinum (Num 6) – Hotkey or Button set your money ammount to 999999, for a more specific ammount use the textbox

-Inf. Ammo has a “glitch”. If you plan to scan a planet deactivate Infinite Ammo option temporarily otherwise scaning planets is “unusable”, you’ll see what I mean.
* Infinite Ammo (Num 7) – Activate
* Deactivate Inf. Ammo (Num 8)

God mode
This sets shields to an insane value so if you wish to deactivate this option completly you will need to reload the game.
* God Mode (Num 9)

Enjoy and happy gaming (cheating)

VISTA \ 7 Note
No need to start the trainer in Elevated Mode (Run as Admin) unless you START Mass Effect 2 in elevated mode too.

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