Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night: Cheat Engine Table [UPD: 07/03/2019] {Cielos}

Home » Video Game Cheats » Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night: Cheat Engine Table [UPD: 07/03/2019] {Cielos}
February 20, 2020
6 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night: Cheat Engine Table [UPD: 07/03/2019] {Cielos}


Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night: Cheat Engine Table [UPD: 07/03/2019] {Cielos} Free Download

– health still drop when being hit but you won’t die.
min health allowed can be changed via the entry. default: 1, can be changed by editing the script, line 3.

ignore mp
– you can always use Shards and Techniques regardless of your current mp.
– mp still drop when using Shards and Techniques until it reaches zero or reaches the min mp needed for the equipped Manipulative Shard (lazy to trace for the behavior of casting Manipulative Shards …).

inf. bullet
– equipped bullet quantity won’t drop below 1 when you fire your gun.

inf. double jump
– as title says.
– if you’re NOT using keyboard + mouse, you can’t use the downward-kick in mid-air with this script activated. you will have to change the lua key-listener in the script to listen to the controller down button instead of the keyboard “S” key.
– with keyboard + mouse, you can use downward-kick in mid-air without the need to do a double jump mid-air first.
– if you’re in newgame + already, you don’t need to re-acquire the double jump shard in order to double jump.

ignore gold
– you can buy anything from Dominique regardless of your current gold.
– gold still decreases until it reaches zero when you buy stuff.

ignore ingredients
– you can always craft items, prepare foods, and enhance shards with or without any ingredients.
– ingredients still decrease until they reach zero when you use them.
– it would prevent the game from registering the buff you gained from eating. so, remember to deactivate this script before you first eat a new food. or just activate this script when you need to craft / prepare / enhance something.

999999 luck
– luck is capped at 999 by game default. the script, when activated, would force 999999 luck and skip the upper cap (luck would still be shown as 999 when in the menu).
– luck would revert to normal when you deactivate the script.

modifiers mod
– activate this script to gain access to 7 child scripts.

attack speed mod
– activate modifiers mod first.
– attack speed modifier will be replaced by the specified x?. i.e., any equipments and / or shards that would modify this same value would be replaced by the script.
x? can be changed via the entry. default: x1.4.

move speed mod
– activate modifiers mod first.
x? default: x1.15, same as the effect of the “Speed ​​Belt”. that means, with this script activated, you don’t have to spend an accessory slot for its effect.

slide speed mod
– activate modifiers mod first.
x? default: x1.2, same as the effect of the “Strider Belt”. that means, with this script activated, you don’t have to spend an accessory slot for its effect.

backstep speed mod
– activate modifiers mod first.
x? default: x1.2, same as the effect of the “Moon Belt”. that means, with this script activated, you don’t have to spend an accessory slot for its effect.

100% crit hit
– as title says.
– activate modifiers mod first.

guard all attack
– activate modifiers mod first.
– should GUARD all incoming attacks, if I haven’t missed any nullify modifiers…

guard all trap
– activate modifiers mod first.
– gives you the effect of “Aegis Plate”. no trap could hurt you.

enemy drop mod
– you can force the enemy drop.
– if you’ve set set a shard or item drop, that shard / item you have 100% drop rate.
– you won’t get the shard you choose if the enemy you killed have no shard to drop (check the Demon Archive if you’re not sure). just pick another enemy to kill. the same goes for the item drops.
– you’d find 3 id entries for each of the 4 items. that are the same address actually, I just separate them so that you can select the desired item from the drop-down-list easier. e.g., if you want to drop a sword, find it from the “id (weapons)” drop down list; if you want to drop some food, find it in the id (items) list. etc.
– for steam version with DLC installed, check kyoski’s post for the item list that would work for you.
– with fetch id activated, you can highlight an entry in the “Archives> Item” menu, then copy the highlighted entry id manually, and paste it to one of the drop id entry.
or you can use the following hot-keys in-game to set the drop.

hold numpad0, then: numpad1 to 4 :: set the highlighted entry id to drop item id 1 to 4 respectively. and set the drop quantity to 1 numpad5 :: set the ghlightedted entry id to the drop shrad id. numpad9 :: reset all drop ids, and all drop quantities to zero. 

– when fetch id is activated, all items / entries would be revealed, no matter you have obtained them previously or not. applies to both the ?????? items / shards and those won’t appear as ?????? at all if you haven’t discovered them yet, like the password-unlock items, boss medals, tomes, etc.
– you can use the included Item ID Generator made by pox911 get all the ids your game version support.
– when you click the “Pull IDs” button, the dorp-down-list of the “drop shard id“would be populated as well. this way you can choose the skills shard (toggle-able shards) from it.

highlighted item / shard
– allows you to edit the quantity and max stack of the highlighted item / shard.
– there are many GRAY pointers there, I’ve yet to test what they are for. feel free to test around and report.
– also allows you to edit the rank, grade and 2 modifiers of the highlighted shard.
– what the modifiers represent may differ depends on the shard you’re highlighting. some shard just need the rank or grade to calculate the effect, some use the modifiers. you will have to test for yourself.
rank, grade will be saved when you save the game, while the 2 modifiers will be reset on each game session.

game speed mod
– CE’s speedhack is causing stuttering to both sound and animation, hence this script.
– allows you to change the game speed at will.
– CE’s hotkeys are set for easy speed change in-game:

Launch process:
1. Start Cheat Engine, “Load” and select a table
2. “Select a process to open”, select the desired process.
3. Select the desired option, put a cross.

You can download Cheat Engine from our server here.

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