Raft: Cheat [1.01b (2825145)]

Home » Video Game Cheats » Raft: Cheat [1.01b (2825145)]
February 21, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Raft: Cheat [1.01b (2825145)]

This mod is designed for normal difficulty and aims to balance the game to be more enjoyable in both single and multiplayer modes.

Raft: Cheat [1.01b (2825145)] Free Download

Installation instructions:

Copy: Assembly-CSharp.dll

Way: \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Raft \ Raft_Data \ Managed \

The path for the pirate: Raft \ Raft_Data \ Managed \

I advise you not to replace the file, put the original empty folder, then put the mod file.

Fashion features:
Reduced hunger rate
Decreased thirst
Item Durability / Usage increased by 4 times
Element Stack size multiplied by 5x
The shark doesn’t always stay so close to the raft
Improved shark bait performance
The raft rotation lock must always point forward
Sail speed increased by 2x
Slightly lower float height of the raft
Double the number of items spawned (Singleplayer)
Multiply the number of items spawned by the player’s score (multiplayer)
Automatically teleport back to the raft when too far away from it
FOV (Field of View) Fix [Default FOV 80]
Hotkey: teleport back to the raft
Hotkey: Shark On / Off (Host only)
Hotkey: Toggle ability on / off
Hotkey: enable / disable built-in developer cheats

FOV controls
Numpad 0 = FOV 50
Numpad 1 = FOV 60
Numpad 2 = FOV 70
Numpad 3 = FOV 75
Numpad 4 = FOV 80
Numpad 5 = FOV 85
Numpad 6 = FOV 90
Numpad 7 = FOV 100

Mod management
Numpad / = Toggle Fly mode
Numpad * = Teleport back to the raft
Numpad – = Cheats (On / Off)
Numpad + = Stop shark (On / Off)

Office cheats: (if enabled)
F10 = Toggle free flight camera
F11 = Toggle HUD
Ctrl + L = Learn all recipes
Ctrl + I = Toggle debug HUD
Ctrl + G = grow all plants in all areas
F1 = Add 10,000 of all basic resources
F1 + Ctrl = add a brush and 10,000 colors
F2 = Add 500 raw materials
Ctrl + F2 = Add 500 from each flower seed
F3 = Increase health, thirst, hunger and oxygen by 100
F8 = Speed ​​up time by 10
F6 = Decrease timeline by 10
F7 = time scale for switching between 0 and 1 (pause and cancel)
Right arrow = increase time of day by 10-20 minutes (hold shift to increase)
Left arrow = Decrease time of day by 10-20 minutes (hold shift to increase)
Right Alt = Toggle mouse lock
Ctrl + K = deal 1000 damage to whatever you are looking at
Ctrl + C = Add selected research as a recipe to inventory

Known Issues: Minor: at some higher FOVs, the first person player’s hands will become a little hollow due to the developer not making them long enough for higher FOVs

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