Advent Rising: Cheat Codes

Home » Video Game Cheats » Advent Rising: Cheat Codes
February 22, 2024
6 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Advent Rising: Codes
Advent Rising: Cheat Codes
Easy Kills
To Have Easy Kills, Max Out Your Aeon Pulse to Level 5. After Doing SO, Switch You Aeon Pulse So That You Will Be Able to Do Radial Flare. Because Your Pulse Is Maxed Out, IT Usually Kills in One Hit. IT Will Also Mostly Kill Everyone In The Room That You are in.

Escape Pod Choice
After You Return to the Escape Pod Bay With Olivia, Ethan Tells You to Take Olivia and Run to the Escape Pod While Olivia Tells You to Take Ethan. At this Point, You may choose either one depending on who you walk towards. IF You Walk Towards Ethan, You Take Him to the Pod and See Olivia Get Scanned. IF You Walk Towards Olivia, You Take Her To the Pod and See Ethan Get Scanned. AT The End of the First Chapter, You Will Choose Who Gets to Come with You on the Escape Pod. This Choice Only Affects The Banter Between Your Character and the One You Save. After the Credits End, You Will Play The Epilogue, And The Staff Chapter Is Who Becomes The Final Boss in the Game.

Bonus Boss Battle
Wait Until The Credits End to Face Another Boss in A Bonus Battle.

Chapter 1: Secret Super Mario Brothers Tunnel
After Escape Pods, Ethan Will Instruct You to Find Olivia. You Must First Find And Use Six Hidden Buttons In This Level. To Find The First Button, RepeateDly Hit The Locker in the First Room Until It Disappears. To Find The Second Button, Look Behind The Pillars to the Left of Where You Start in the First Room. To Find The Third Button, Exit The First Room In The Direction You Entered This Level. The Button Is Located Near The Door With The Fire In Front Of It. To Find The Fourth Button, Look Behind The Left Locker in The Second Escape Pod Room. The Fifth Button Is Found Behind The Pillars In The Second Escape Pod. The Final Button Is Located on A Door On The First Section of Walkway Overlooking The Large Room with People Running Below and Ships Flying in Space Above. Once The Final Button Is Pushed, Simply Turn Around and Follow The Now Open Path To the Secret Tunnel. ONCE ON THE OTHER SIDE YOU CAN FIND A PIPE THAT RESEMBLES THOSE FROM THE SUPER MARIO BROS. Climb ITO IT to Warp to A Mario-Style Cave, Where The Music Also Changes to Match That Of A Classic Game. Jump Across The Platforms and Reach The End of the Cave. Once There You Will Find Three More Pipes. Each One Of Them Will Warp You Ahead to a Farther Point in the Game. The Pipe on the Left Advances To the Intermission Sequence Showing Marin, Giddeon, And Olivia Taking Off From The Planet In Chapter 4. The Middle Pipe Warps You to the Top of a Building in New Bahn. The Pipe On The Right Warps You to the Escape Pod Intermission Sequence.

Chapter 4: Secret Super Mario Brothers Pipeline
Find and Use the Six Hidden Buttons in Level B of this Chapter. To Find The First Button, When You first Start Destroy The Black Object in the Wall in Front Of You. After You Pass Under A Large Gun and You Will Walk Into An Open Area With Three More Black Objects. Destroy The Black Object In The Corner Opposite The Second Button. Then, Go Up the Small Ramp and Wait Until Two Bridgees Appear, On One Side Of Another Large Gun. Use a Charged Jump from the Bridge to Reach A Platform Above The Large Gun to Access A Hidden Room with the Third Button. Proceed Through The Level Until Reaching An Area WITH THREE DOORS THAT ENEMIES ARE APPEARING FROM. There SHOLD BE TWO Small Door Under the Turret Farther Back (Which Leads To a Tunnel That Contains The Fourth Button). To Find The Fifth and Sixth Button, Get To Where You Must Use A Switch to Create A Bridge. Do So and Start Crossing It. While Walking Across The Bridge, Look To The Right to Find An Alcove with Two Large Explosive Objects in It. Destroy Both Of Them to Find The Last Two Buttons. Note: Use The Button Closer to the Start of the Bridge First Or The Secret Pipe Will Remain Locked. After all Six Buttons Are Used in Order, The Locked Door At The End of the Bridge Can Be Opened, Leading to the Secret Super Mario Brothers Pipeline.

Defeating Ethan
WHEN FACING ETHAN IN THE BONUS BATTLE (IF YOU TOOK OLIVA), HE WILL START CHARGING THE BLACK BALL ABOVE HIS HEAD. Equip The Surge Power. WHEN HE TOSSES IT, YOU CAN KNOCK IT Back. He Will Catch IT and Throw It Back Three More Times. After the Third Time, IT Will Hit Him. He Will Then Fall To The Ground and Three Gold Colored Rocks Will Fall from the Ceiling. Use Lift to Pick Them Up and Throw Them. REPEAT THIS ABOUT FOUR OR FIVE TIMES TO KILL HIM. You and Ethan Will That Get Sucked Into A Warp Hole and Get Dumped in a Snowstorm. Your Health Will Drop Very Quickly. Walk to the top left and a string figure Will Find You.Optical Sight Sight in Advent Rising.
Open in the NotePad File …/ Advent Rising / System / MyDefuser.ini. SINCE IT IS Unrealengine2 Engine, Then Everything is Simple.
On Any Convenient Button After The Symbol “=” We register: “FOV 30 | Onrelease Fov 90” (WITHOT QUOTES).
I, for example, it looks like this: “mouse4 = fov 30 | Onrelease Fov 90”.
Numbers Can Be Any, But These Are Optimal, Since 90 is Fov In The Default Game, and Something Less Than 30 IS TOO Close and Long Zoom. Save the File and Enjoy The Zoom In The Game (Naturally, It Is Better to Do This From The First Person, There Is a Special Button to Switch The View in the Game).To Be Needed During The Game to Call The Tab Key Console and Keep The Code, Then Press The Enter Key.

God – Invulnerability
Badass – All The Abilities of the Hero Are Pumped Up to the Fifth Level
Useammo – Endless Ammunition and Energy
Teleport – Moves The Character to the Point on Which The Sight Indicates
Suicide – Suicide
Blaster – Get H.A.Z.E.
Pistol – Get Faust
Xj9 – Get XJ9
Launcher – Get Talmage
Seekerpistol – Get Talon
Pulsegun – Get Acolyte
Seekerxj9 – Get Darkfire
Seekermicrowavegun – Get Discord
Assault – Get Kaull
Seekerlauncher – Get Fury
Photon – Get Stalker
Stungun – Get Stun Gun.

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