Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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March 29, 2022
9 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars: Passage
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Act 1: Parisak 1: Paris1. Take the newspaper.
2. Go up.
3. Talk to everyone and leave the cafe.
4. Speak with Nicole (photographer) until she gives you my phone number.
five. Go up, talk to the workers and give him a newspaper.
6. Take a drawer tool.
7. Go down and then in the pass on the right above.
8. Open the hatch tool and go down to it.
I. Take the clown nose there and go up.
10. Take there a handkerchief and a piece of fabric.
eleven. Climb up the stairs.
12. Show the Swiss business card Rosso.
13. Show him a piece of fabric.
fourteen. Talk to him.
15. After that, roll up with him.
16. Call Nicole on the telephone worker and learn its address.
17. Go to the right.
eighteen. Go to Ryu Zharry.
19. Talk to the saleswoman.
twenty. Go to Nicole’s apartment.
21. Talk to Ne.
22. Show her fabric and take a photo.
23. Show her nose clown.
24. Go to the store and show the seller photo.
25. Talk to him.
26. Leave the store (the seller will give you the electric shock).
27. Call Todrika and ask him about Khan (use the photo).
28. Go to the hotel Yubu.
29. Talk to the pianist and show her a photo.
thirty. Try to take the key to the left.
31. Talk to the pianist about the key.
32. Go for Ne.
33. When the clerk leaves, take the key.
34. Close up and open the key bottom door with the key.
35. Open the window and climb into it.
36. Go on the right window.
37. Open the cabinet and try to leave the room through the door.
38. After the cartoon, a well-wing pocket pockets and take a business card and boxes from.
39. Leave the room through the door.
40. Talk to the clerk and show him a business card.
41. Show the pianist a business card, talk to her and take a manuscript.
42. Return to the room, climb the window and throw a manuscript down.
43. Leave the hotel.
44. Go to where the manuscript fell and take it.
45. Talk to Nicole.
46. Go to the museum.
47. Look at the thumbnail in the center of the hall.
48. Go to Nicole and talk to her.
49. Go to the airport and then to Ireland.

Act 2: Ireland

one. Talk to the boy.
2. Go to the bar.
3. Talk to the priest.
4. Wait until it replaces the wire on the table, and then take it quickly.
five. Talk to Figurald.
6. Talk to Doyle and order him beer.
7. Talk to him again.
8. When he will drink, take a towel from his hands.
I. Talk to Figurald again.
10. Get out of the bar and talk to the boy.
eleven. Enter the bar and talk to Fitzhald.
12. He will leave the bar.
13. After he leaves, leave the bar and talk to the boy.
fourteen. Look at cartoon.
15. Talk to Bartender.
16. Park to him a business card.
17. Use wire on the wires.
eighteen. Go down to the basement and pull the lever.
19. Go outside and open the hatch.
twenty. Return to the basement and take the gemstone.
21. Turn on the water in the sink and moisten the towel.
22. Leave the bar and go to the left.
23. Talk to the farmer.
24. Climb on a stack of hay.
25. Insert the tool in the hole in the wall and climb the wall.
26. Try to go down the stairs (you will hit the goat).
27. Then, as soon as possible, use a log on the left.
28. Go down on the stairs.
29. Take a little plaster.
thirty. Drop the stone idol, and then raise it (idol will make holes in the wall).
31. Use plaster on holes.
32. Use the heated towel on the plaster on the floor (if the towel dried – wet it again).
33. Take a plaster figure and insert it into holes on the wall.
34. Enter the secret passage.

Act 3: Paris

one. Show Nicole Gem.
2. Go to the police station.
3. Talk to the police.
4. Go to the hospital.
five. Talk to duty.
6. Show her a business card.
7. Talk to her again.
8. Go to the left corridor.
nine. Talk to the cleaner and touch the plug out of the outlet.
10. When he leaves, open the door on the left and take a medical bathrobe.
eleven. Return to the duty, and talk to a man and then with a young doctor.
12. Go to the left corridor.
13. Then go to the long door to the left.
fourteen. Talk to the nanny and with all patients, then try to go right.
15. Talk to a young doctor and give him a pressure measurement device.
16. Then go to the right and go to the door. Talk to patient.
17. Go to the museum and talk to Lobinueu.
eighteen. When the guar does not look at you, open the window, and then when it will close it, climb into the sarcophagus.
19. Use a pillar.

Act 4: Church Catacombs

one. Go to church and talk there with a policeman and Zhangler.
2. Talk to the police again and show him a clown nose.
3. Talk again with Zhangler.
4. When a policeman and Zhangler will leave, open the hatch with the tool and go there.
five. Click on the bottom arch.
6. Use tool on it.
7. Click on the bottom arc again.
8. Click on the boat lever.
I. Take the chain.
10. Draw it to the arch.
eleven. Click on the boat lever again.
12. Enter the pass.
13. Look twice in the hole in the wall.
fourteen. Go down.
15. Put a thumbnail in the middle of the circle.
16. Put the gem on the thumbnail.

Act 5: Spain

one. Go to Spain, talk there with a gardener and use the instrument for measuring the pressure on the hose (left).
2. Enter the house.
3. Go up the corridor.
4. When dogs start barking, hide behind the armor of the knight.
five. Rise on the stairs.
6. Talk there from Kautes.
7. Take the Bible.
8. Click Tames on a chessboard.
nine. Talk to Kautes twice.
10. Solve puzzle.
eleven. It should be like this: elephant at the top, horse in the middle, the king below.
12. If you do everything right, a secret door will open and you will take a bowl.

Act 6: Series

one. Talk to everyone and go to the left.
2. Show carpet seller match boxes.
3. Rise up to the club.
4. Try to go to the toilet.
five. Read a note on the door.
6. Talk to Ultar.
7. Return to the main street.
8. Right-click on the seller kebabs.
nine. Talk to the salary boy.
10. Give him a ball who dropped juggler.
eleven. Talk to the seller of kebabs.
12. Return and talk with the seller’s boy (he will give you a brush).
13. Return to the club and give the brush to the owner of the institution.
fourteen. Go to the toilet, open the box with a towel and take it.
15. Return to the Seller Boy.
16. Run the cat and click on the table on the table.
17. Take a statutour.
eighteen. Use a scarf to a statutour.
19. Talk to Dane and sell him a statutour for $ 50.
twenty. Go to the club and show a photo photo.
21. Talk to him and give him $ 50.
22. Go to the handle and give him a towel.
23. Break a stick from the tree, use it on the towel and then what happened on a crack in a rock.
24. Use two times the hole in the rock and enter the passage.
25. We are aimed there the body of the profession and read all the inscriptions on the walls (Khan comes).
26. Do not lie to him.
27. Tell him that you want to die like a person.
28. And when he will stretch your hand, use the electric shock.
29. Jump down the cliff.

Act 7: Church

one. Talk to the priest and show him a bowl.
2. Use the right hand statue.
3. Look in the pipe at the statue.
4. Use the lens to the statue pipe and look into the pipe.
five. Talk to the priest and look at the coffin on the right of the wall.
6. Go to the museum and talk to Lobinueu.
7. Go to the excavation.

Act 8: Excavations

one. Go down.
2. Try to open the door (to the toilet).
3. Talk to the guard and take the keys.
4. Open the door.
five. In the toilet take soap from the shell.
6. Use the keys to soap.
7. Use plaster on soap.
8. Use the shell soap (get the key blind).
I. Get out of the toilet and give the keys to the guard.
10. Go out to the street, use the key blind to the bucket with the paint and talk to the molar.
eleven. Get down and call Nicole.
12. Go outside and talk to the molar.
13. Use key blinds on a bucket with paint.
fourteen. Go down and right-click on the thermostat (it is on the left wall).
15. Talk to the guard.
16. Right click on the thermostat.
17. Ask a guard keys.
eighteen. Use a fake key to real keys.
19. Give the guard keys.
twenty. Try to open the left door.
21. Call Nicole.
22. After that, descend down and open the Klch left door.
23. Use the bowl on the floor below.
24. Go to Spain.

Act 9: Spain

one. Talk to the gardener, log in to the house and take a mirror from the wall (on the left).
2. Talk to Kautes.
3. Go to the mausoleum and click on the candle on the ceiling.
4. Using a stick Close the window.
five. Use the shawl on the stick and then on the burning candle.
6. Use a burning stick on the Cutle on the ceiling and take the key.
7. Take the Bible.
8. Give her Kautes and talk to her.
I. Talk to gardener.
10. Cut the branch from the tree (left) and give her gardener.
eleven. Press Lion’s head.
12. Get some left left.
13. Inspect the pass.
fourteen. Use the mirror on the sunlight.
15. Insert the key into the hole in the passage.
16. Go to Scotland.

Act 10: Train

one. Talk to all try going out.
2. Go out into the corridor.
3. Go left as far as possible.
4. After that, talk to an alcoholic come back to your coupe.
five. Talk to the alcoholic again.
6. Open the window and go to it.
7. Go to the right.
8. Go to the luggage car.
I. Click on Stop Crane (left).
10. Try to leave the car.
eleven. After talking to Nicole, leave the car.

Act 11: Scotland

one. Go to the tower and pull the mechanism lever there to break it.
2. Take the handle and hex.
3. Swear in a pile of garbage until you find a hex.
4. Use both hex on the statue and then the handle on it.
five. Enter the passage and go deep into.
6. After the cartoon, take the torch and throw it on the gun

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