The Cameron Files: Secret At Loch Ness: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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March 30, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Cameron Files: Secret At Loch Ness: Passage
The Cameron Files: Secret At Loch Ness: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Rich journey. A little long, but the sea was calm.
Scotland. Lake Loch-Ness. Outside the winter window 1934.
Our hero arrived on the land of his ancestors…

17. 12. 34 – Monday.

Living room.
Making a step forward.
You are met by Lady Mak Farley.
After the Lady is noted, go to your room on the second floor.

Come to bed and having a bag with her.
Come to the desk and read the letter.
Return to the living room.

Come to the sofa and get a medallion from under the pillow.
Take from it the key and pills.
We go to the kitchen.

Come to the table in front of the bells.
From the box take matches and candle.
Look at the cabinet near the door.
From it we take the key to the room Mak Farley.
Come to the sink and take a rag out of it.
We are called Lady Mac Farley.
Come to the elevator with tea and click on the lever on the wall.
Laugh in the laundry.

Eye elevator take a cup with tea.
Put in tea tablets.
We go to Lady Mak Farley’s room, she is opposite your.

Come to bed and give Lady Mac Farley tea.
After the story about 3 crystals, Lady Mac Farley falls asleep.

Turn and look in the chest.
Take chloroform from the box.
We go around and look at the drawer.
Take the picture from him.
We pass to the Erker and come to the toilet table.
Open the box with a cluster of a medallion.
Take it from her the key from the attic.
We leave out of the room and pass to the room Sir Mak Farley.

Open the door with a key with a kitchen.

In the room Sir Mak Farley come to the bookcase.
We take from it instruction manual of a telegraph device.
Come to the desktop.
We look at the left corner of the table.
On prints We use: copper oxide, then ink and finally clean sheet.
Take a sheet with prints.
We go to the attic.

Open the door to the key.
We enter and pass to the candelabra.
Insert a candle in the candelabre and light.
We go from the door left once.
From the box we take a fombu (scrap).
Forward. From the locker take the map of the area.
We pass to the erker.
We look into a wooden box.
From the photo album I pull out the photo of the alistar poppy Farley.
Raise the Erker and immediately descend.
We break the boards Fomoika.
We look into the window.
Photographing the monster.
Go down and go ahead, sticking to the right wall.
On a closed door and open it with a rubbish.
Go down through the hatch in the laundry.

It would be good to water the throat, go to the living room.
Come to the table with glasses. Pour Bourbon.
Take crystal. Go to the hall.

We go into the room opposite the living room.
Come to mini bara, mahogany.
Take from him honey.
We pass to the left glass cabinet.
We subscribe to the glass glass.
Take the alliance agreement from Larkac.
We go to Orangery.

In the greenhouse cut off the Falaenopsis flower with a knife.
Go to the cross.

Put on the slab under the cross flower and honey.

eighteen. 12. 34 – Tuesday.

We go to the library, it is on the first floor.
Let’s go to gramophone and stop the record.
Climb over the screw staircase and click on the hatch.
We observe the conversation of mammage Mac Farley and Mag.
Go to the hall.

We get into the portfolio.
We take a letter and seam.
We go to the pier.

Take the cheerful chest and use on the boat.

On the territory of the alcohol plant.
We approach the barrels.
Take bodies between them.
We pass to the water mill.
Come to the doors and snack chain.
We enter the warehouse.
We go to the next door.
We enter the office.
Chlorine rag and sleeping.
Let’s look at the bag and take the book from it " Kelia ".
We look at the cane on the floor.
Take the key from it, and then the cane itself.
We go to the water. Melnice.
We use a cane on it.
We go to the warehouse.
Open the hatch and climb into it.

In the basement approach the electric chair.
Let’s look under it.
Look in the chest.
We take from it amber and mirror disks.
Move stool.
We use the door in the door.

In the cave we go to the intersection, then in the passage with the coat of arms.
We go to the devilish mansion.

We go to the library.
We pass to niche.
We use a cane on Dracoshi.
We go to the office of Farley.
Come to the bookcase.
Open the key bottom of the cabinet.
In a safe, we enter the code: M C with x C v.
From the safe, we take instructions for opening a cache in a chair.
Raised the stairs and enter the laboratory.
Come to the table and take a glove and a window handle from it.
We leave the laboratory and approach the chair.
Open the cache as indicated on the instructions.
Gloved take crystal.
Keep the game!
Run to the window and open it with a window handle.

Insert into the CD-ROM drive # 2

19. 12. 34 – Wednesday.

We go to the office of Farley.
Come to the desktop and look into the left drawer.
Take the dagger and the key from the observatory.
We rise to the laboratory and open the door to the observatory.
We rise to the Observatory.

Look at the locker on the right.
Take a crow and a black folder.
We take a look at the telegraph device similar to the cash register.
Turn on it.
Enter: Code – 75436, ID – 65.
Let’s look at the strange device for sending and receiving telegrams.
Put on the right plate: monster code, photo of monsters and fingerprints.
Hearing a call, look at the left plate and get the answer from Scotland Yard.
Go down to the laboratory.

Come to a strange apparatus.
Supplement it as painted in a black folder.
After reading the phrase, we take the crystal and crow. Return to Telegraph.

We will get three more telegrams.
Go down to the office.

Come to the portrait of the poppy.
Let’s see for him.
We open the casket and take the key to the chapel and the poem-riddle.
We go to the chapel.

We use the key on the door of the chapel.
We go to the pier.

Single Castle Lamps.
Take the rope and hook.
We combine them.
Return to the chapel.

Go to corner.
We climb on the roof.
The name in this riddle may differ slightly from the full Russian version,
But the simulatory solutions are the same.

Summary of the word S i R d a C H:

S – wand + four features left,
I – wand crossed five,
R – wand crossed by five Skisvemi features,
D – wand + two features on the right,
A – the symptus of the Cross,
C – wand + four features on the right,
H – the remaining button.

Go down the rope into the opened passage.
In the chapel, turn all the stone heads to the center of the hall.
Go down to the opened passage.
Come to the cabinet and take the tearsel.
Put on his crown.
Go out through the open door.
We go to the devilish mansion.

twenty. 12. 34 – Thursday.

We go to the living room.
We look into the window.
We go to the greenhouse.

Left with a wheelbarrow.

In the basement we collect: diving suit, diving helmet and diving boots.
All this we put in a wheelbarrow.
Come to the pump and click on it.
Return to Orangery.

We enter the greenhouse and ask for help MR. Morra.

At the bottom.
We are looking for a big gate and pick up a broken bottle along the way.
Clean the gate from algae bottle.
Keep the game!!
Faster running on the surface.
Someone stunned MR. Morra.
We go to the mansion, more precisely in the office.

I wonder who here brought order.
We pass forward.
After Lady Mac Farley leaves, go in her room.
From the drawer we take a gun.
We go to the alcohol factory.

On the alcohol plant.
We go to the water. Melnice.
Take a bag with sawdust.
We enter the plant through the main entrance and immediately go out.

Waking up in the basement of the plant, take the belt from the wall.
Come to the lattice and tie to it one end of the belt,
And the other end is tied to a spit and twist. The path is clear.
Get out and save the game!!!
Under your feet take a bag.
Quickly get the gun and shoot a bag, above the girl.
Come to a contused maiden and search her bag.
Take from her notepad magician graph.

21. 12. 34 – Friday.

We go to the cave.
At the intersection we go to the bird tunnel.
Let’s look at the stone wheels.
We install: an external circle on N, and the internal cool until the passage opens.

We enter the passage and look at all the portholes.
After you listen to the speech of the magician of the Grab, quickly hiding in the pass.
Go to the open room and come to the table.
Take the cooler table, and from the box the key and tongs.
Deploy and activate the panel.
We leave out of the room.
On the central post there is a small panel.
Activate it, now we have access to all rooms.

We enter the room with Mac Farley.
Website the apparatus on the table.
To free the Mac Farley, you need to switch the central switch,
and then the remaining two.
We take a bottle and offer poppy.

Keep the game!!!!
Quickly go to the room with a hatch in the floor.
Access code 421.
Go down and enter the door.
We approach the pile of rubbish and take some tin from the bucket (key).
Come to the panel opposite the cell.
We insert the rogulin in the panel and lower the lever.
Come to the cage and snack the chain.
Monra saved.

Now we go to the remaining not visited premises.
We approach the mounted cabinet and take from it: pipette, glycerin, nitric acid and sulfuric acid.
Come to the table with a dosimeter.
Pour into dosimeter: 120 ml of sulfuric acid, 120 ml of sulfuric acid and 5 ml of glycerin.
The resulting transfusions into distilled water.
Mounted nitroglycerin assemble in a pipette.
In a bottle, smear sawdust and add nitroglycerin.
Take a bottle and return to the submarine.
Insert a nitroglycerin bottle in the torpedo.

We go to the third level.
Access code 532.
We enter and pass to a glass vacuum.
Open the window key.
Put on the edge of the chest and tongs put the triskel with crystals in it.
We go to the observatory.

We look out the window and destroy the holographic monster.
Go to the cross and put the chest on the stove with a triskey and-

That ended the confusing history of Alan Parker Cameron, about the secret of Lake Loch Ness.

Solushen prepared Skulanov Vladislav (March Cat) – Made in Lyubertsy, Mos. Oblast.

P.FROM. I will be very surprised if you took all the solubular,
Who independently passed at least one of these games:
Dracula: Resurrection – Dracula Resurrection,
Dracula: The Last Sanctuary – Dracula 2: Last Holiness,
Louvre: The Final Curse – Louvre: Last Curse,
Necronomicon – necronomicon.

Gratitude to send on marchcat0 @ yandex.RU

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