Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions Of WWII: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 26, 2022
9 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions Of WWII: Passage
Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions Of WWII: Game Walkthrough and Guide
The first part of Blazing Angels flew to personal computers in 2006, proudly converted on hard disks of enthusiasts and forever stubborn on dust shelves. At the same time, the game was not bad – she had many advantages. But even just to find now on the forums a full-fledged topic dedicated to this game, not such a simple task.

What is the reason? As for me, in the general unpopularity of the genre of aviation arcade on personal computers. On game consoles, this genre feels excellently – remember at least a game series Ace Combat. The PC market is the opposite situation. “Serious” aircraftmulators, of course, less than militants or strategies, but also have something to choose: starting with the already classic “IL-2” and ending with the latest Microsoft Flight Simulator. These games, despite the difficulties of their development, there are small but loyal communities of players who tirelessly create modifications and additions.

However, we moved down somewhat somewhat. Let us leave until the best times of reasoning about the “elitism” of genres and the difference in target audiences for personal computers and game consoles and try to figure out what the Blazing Angels 2 differs from the first part whether there is a cardinal improvement and, finally, is it worth the game in general of your attention.

Plywood over Paris

Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII, as the first part, is devoted to the aviation battles of the Second World War, but the emphasis is on the secret operations and secret weapons. Remember the numerous rumors about the super-4.

You are delighted with this topic? Then congratulations – in Blazing Angels you will find all the above in the triple volume. It is clear that the historical accuracy cannot go and speech, but romance and adventures are filed with a slide. You will have to roll around the globe. Today in Africa we chase the remnants of Luftwaffe forces and admire the majestic Egyptian pyramids. Tomorrow we participate in the parade in Moscow and beat off the attack of the land forces that are trying to destroy the Red Square. The day after tomorrow I grow in search of a secret base in Tibet, struggling with lousy control and hurricane wind.

Completely incomprehensible how heroes have time to move to huge distances. But when new landscapes constantly flashes before his eyes, I don’t want to think about it. Of course, here and does not smell the story, and the sour taste of “cranberries” does not disappear throughout the game, but it is interesting and extraordinary. Right, better fiction developers than let even real action places restored by archival photographs, whose contemplation brings longing after half an hour of play.

In Blazing Angels there is something to see. Graphic engine draws an excellent picture. Juicy paints and excellently selected color schemes together with decent special effects and models of equipment will help to fully enjoy battles. Take at least a level in China. Piloting a small single-engine aircraft at a low height, you have to maneuver in a narrow gorge, flying under the bridges and destroying the ships and armored vehicles of the enemy. Languages of fire lick the case, the plane makes a sharp jerk down, hurts the bottom of the river surface and, raising a bunch of splashes, rapidly gaining height.

Damn graphics are good from the technical and aesthetic side. Moreover, small flaws are surprised – twitching rollers and screensaver in the main menu. The picture quality has grown noticeably compared to the first part. Probably, in part, it is necessary to thank that from target platforms, Xbox and Wii. True, you can evaluate all the beauty only in high permissions, but the game is not demanding to resources and surprisingly well optimized.

Knights sky

But not only graphics and exciting landscapes can boast Blazing Angels. Excellent thoughtful missions – this is what constantly maintains interest in further passage. The developers did not limit themselves with a standard set of instructions and sometimes raise nontrivial tasks. Bright example – level in the Arctic. First you will be entrusted to experience a new weapon – bright spotlights that blind opponents carelessly attached from behind and saw a light target in you.

Tests will be successful, but suddenly we will tell us that somewhere in the ice was crashes the submarine allies. We do not know exact coordinates, so the submarine signal has to catch a radar. But he shifts only if you fly at the water itself! Timer treacherously burns precious seconds, we are desperately maneuvering between huge icebergs, trying not to crash into the rock and catch a sinking signal. But this level does not end!

We get a task to protect a submarine from German aviation. And everything would be nothing, but we are on the training aircraft on which weapons are not installed! You have to get out and use spotlights. Desperately maneuvering at a low height and rushing at maximum speed to the iceberg, convulsively wait for the moment when the enemy can be cleaned enough to blind him with a bright light and sharply dial height, condemning the unlucky German pilot to the right death.

Or here is the mission in Paris. You have been successfully lost between enemy pilots on the German plane. But the command is asking unnoticed knock down twenty Luftwaffe aircraft. The task is complicated by the fact that the air defense complex is located on Earth, which will destroy you, it is only careless to open fire. It is necessary, maneuvering between zones of radar actions, wait for a convenient point to send an opponent to the heaven.

Then they are asked to make almost impossible – cover the partner, which on the car surprises from the Germans. Time in the edge;It is only worth noting, and the comrades are already shot from machine guns. It is necessary, maneuvering between the houses, one eye to look at the map of the area, so as not to get into the zone of action of radar, and the second to look for checkpoints and armored vehicles of the Nazis, which may prevent the movement of the partner.

Unfortunately, the developers could not withstand such a pace throughout the game. In one mission, the original tasks can be perfectly to get along with the same type of orders. Destroy so many aircraft, bomb the pair of tens of tanks, type a certain number of points for the allotted time. You start to miss and get tired if for half an hour you have to be tirelessly bombing with armored vehicles.

However, this is not found too often, besides, the developers know how to smooth out unpleasant feelings. When after a long and tedious defense of the Red Square you will be given to be attended by the regiment of famous “Katyusha”, fatigue and anger are taking place instantly.

Hero of the Second World War

“Secret” weapon in Blazing Angels is mainly represented by reactive aircraft. Part of them really participated in the battles, but the role of equipment, which did not even get into mass production, is strongly overestimated. Closer to the end of the game, German pilots massively clarify on jet planes, which is not at all true.

Rockets appear almost from the very beginning of the game. What is interesting, they know how to adjust the flight to more accurate the opponent aircraft. The property is comfortable, no dispute, and noticeably facilitates life, but strange, do not find? However, this is a little trivia compared to what awaits us on.

Self-leading rockets that are pursuing the target, bombarding the sound of the engine. Controlled air-earth rocket, with which you can hit the target at a distance of up to four kilometers. And of course, it did not cost without a tesla-installation, the discharge of which all the electrical appliances in airplanes.

However, we will have to fly not only on fighters. In the game there are many diverse models of Russian, German, Japanese and American aircraft: starting with yurt scouts and ending with huge four-dimensional bombers. True, bombing is made extremely unsuccessful. You have to get closed on a huge height, then, after tilting the nose, reset the deadly cargo. But the launch of the torpedo is made extremely elegantly and entertaining.

Some levels can boast the presence of peculiar bosses. They are made in classic for arcade style. Consider an example Egyptian level. Covering with squadron bombers, we get an order to bring down the German airship. Unfortunate aircraft after a stubborn modification turned into a flying fortress. Anti-aircraft tanks from all sides, fighters fly out of the belly of the steel monster. Enchanting and fascinating picture.

Not without the system of improvements, greatly facilitating passage. For each traveled level, you get a certain number of points that can be spent on the improvement of “aluminum comrade”. New armor, protection systems, speed or armor-piercing cartridges? From the proposed selection of eyes scatter. If you want, development glasses can be investigated in training comrades.

However, the last clearly superfluous. Partners although they do not shine intelligence, but then completely invulnerable. You can not worry about their fate and constantly send to the attack. To knock down the comrade can only when it requires the plot. From the complete destruction of the enemy only the passivity and the inhibition of your colleagues saves. By the way, in Blazing Angels there is something remotely similar to the plot. Heroes are constantly communicating among themselves, organizes bold raids and rescue expeditions. There are enough dialogs, but, in general, it is only a cover for logical binding levels.

Blazing Angels The only serious problem is control points of saving. Not only are they activated only after performing primary tasks, it is also disgusting far away from each other. Gathered valuable tokens that give extra development points, warehouse bombed and accidentally crashed into water? Hour of the game isted wasted, you can start first. It is especially annoying when the tasks are really complex. Defense of Red Square can delay for a long time due to the fact that the developers have forgotten to add a point of preservation between opponent’s attacks.

The control is performed on the firm “four”, but the console roots are still felt. No matter how comfortable mouse during aiming, the joystick is still easier to play. When you pass a single campaign, you can try the forces in network mode. Collect the plane at your discretion and challenge alive rivals. The heat during battles is sometimes serious – especially in the “Kamikadze” mode, when you, together with comrades, you have to protect the database from suicide attacks.

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