Gangland: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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May 26, 2022
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Gangland: passage
Gangland: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Before moving to the descriptions of missions, a couple of tips on how best to conduct our business. The main thing: to provide a permanent influx of capital, for which it is necessary to seize all production (restaurants, garages, casino, weapon shops, hotels, t.P.) to which you can reach. It is better to first take the neutral hands, and only then select from other groups. Then hire the brothers in your restaurant and arms them with more powerful weapons (advanced bits and guns, Thompson machines…) in the appropriate shop. Site one of my children in the office, so that someone could always listen to the petitioners and answer the phone calls, in order not to miss a favorable offer, as well as pay with the regular police chief. With sudden siege, close the doors of the office, then the competitors will not be able to move the remaining on the farm, as if in a dash, and you will have time to tighten the basic forces. For long distances, it is better to ride the car. Do not forget to change three types of cartridges depending on the situation, switch between two types of attack at the main character (for example, automatic / dynamite checker). Secondary missions, referred to as Shallenge, do not necessarily pass at all, of course, if you do not have a special desire to open 16 supreme super.

Conquest 1. Meeting Vincenzo.

Need to see uncle Vincenzo. Go to the building next to the signboard with a neon girl and talk to the gray-haired mafiosa, which proudly sends at the table. First you need to talk with his guard, and then with the uncle himself. He will give his lolon and ask for a worn with a seller. His shop is hiding behind the sign “Guns” and is located on the opposite side of the street. Talk to the gunsmith and extort (Extort) he has a discount on weapon. The harmless old man will immediately agree. Return and report on a successfully conducted boss operation. Now he will ask to deal with the next restaurant, because he wants to do this business. Run in the “Bistro” and “persuade” the owner to become your partner literally for ten thousand. If someone starts to shoot – calm and come back to the owner.
The following task is to remove the girlish novice to act on the nerves of a competitor. Its location noted by a green dot on the mini-card, in another unopened part of the city. On this uncle, do not calm down, asking you to remove you and the Jimmy “T-Gun”. In addition, highlight Big Mamma fighter (fat old woman in bathrobe, glasses and… with shotgun). It goes, however, it hurts slowly. Load the gang Jimmy, trying not to attract the attention of cops, for example, extra explosions, and the mission will end.

Conquest 2. StreetGirls Missing.

First, take the uncle to the office, which he returned from repair, and then listen to another task. It is necessary to shoot those bandyukov from the competing gangs, who convey the police all nonsense about your crystal honest “family”. It is better to move around the city and faster on the typewriter, your victims are displayed by green dots on the mini card. After that, Vincenzo wants to find a couple of his girls, rumors have been rumored that they were invited by the people of Vagni. Go to the southwestern part of the city and put the leader. Now you can become the owner of your Safehouse, sitting on the place of destroyed Don. From the note on his desk, you will learn that his guys, together with a gang of Sabatini, kidnapped girls and tried to withdraw from them about the location of Safehouse’a of your uncle. Girlfriends were silent, so now they were silent forever. Revenge! Catch up to the West and pour there a new boss. After return to Vincenzo, which will be very pleased with the “work” of his nephew.

Challenge 1. Sniper.

In this mini-scenario (which can not be held, if desired), you just need to hold out the number of minutes. No one does not need to kill anyone and nothing to buy and capture also not necessarily. As assistants, four sniper stands out, only consider that the cartridges are not infinite, so you need to fill with the mind. It is even better to barricade in some house, and shoot all who brazenly break into the door, waiting for the end of the time counter.

Conquest 3. O’Hara.

It all starts at a good tradition from a conversation with uncle. He will ask to convey an important package to the warehouse in the southern part of the city, it is not difficult. Then tell that someone threatened three politicians and dumped the blame on your clan – you have to revenge. To do this, it is necessary to climb the police station, to sew four guys there, change clothes into their uniform, and in this form to get to two bosses from the enemy family. How to cross the cops overlooking the site (they have appropriate icons above their heads, in order not to miss), – Return back to Vincenzo. He will change the four guys and give you a police car so that you can move faster in the city. Just do not get into the housing of the southern bosses too close – calculate in two accounts. Concederate the mafia from the Sabatini clan, go in his desk: read the note and get nine pieces of green. Trifle, but nice. Confecting the second boss, venitual, you, firstly, clean the good name of your uncle and, secondly, attack the trail of one of his escaped brothers. It seems that it was about Angelo. Return to the uncle to the office and click on his sitting figure to complete the mission.

Challenge 2. Big Mamma.

You need to save “big moms”, which are held hostage, and, as usual, for limited time. Therefore, do not waste it, but quickly carry off the offices and free old. Then they will pay you the same coin when they start helping you, shooting all sorts of slugs that fuss under the legs.

Conquest 4. Kidnapping!

Vincenzo will finally increase you. Allocate a stylish “jacket with pockets” from your own wardrobe and promises 25% of the entire family revenue to put in your pocket. Service for the service: It is required to eliminate all three bosses in small Italy. Just in case, he will also welcome two cars: a sedan and a truck. Prior to yourself the team in the restaurant, arms them in the store and go to wet Donov. The most cool will be the boss of Russian mafia, well, what should be expected. After reprisals above the three mafiosi, you must pick up a package of “Bistro” and send it to your family nest to Vincenzo. Unfortunately, it will not be there – only the corpses of his bodyguards. Empty Horns from AK-47 will bring you to the idea that there were clearly latinomas living in the Harbor area. But this, as they say, is already a different story…

Challenge 3. Thief.

Here you will be asked to pull a rare sports machine and deliver at the specified address. The main thing is that the shootout with the guards does not hurt the precious car, otherwise it will fly into the air in a second. You can only overestline the car, then ride with the breeze through the streets, overcoming several congestion from cars, freight and even army machines.

Conquest 5. The Docks.

Upon arrival in the area of docks, Igor Ivanov (no coincidences, a clear case), and asked to remove the leader of Colombians Carlos. He also permitted to use his car. Go to visit to Carlos, his Berlog is in the south-east. Concederate the scoundrel, capture his office. Now you have our own base, so it’s time to think about finding a suitable lady to the role of my wife and… HM… offspring. By the way, I didn’t prevent you from getting anything to get a similar office, only see whether it was not necessary. Now sit in the chair and start answering calls (your boss must be sitting at the table so that you can answer the tramping call in the lower right corner). Suggestions will be frightened both from the horns of an abundance: to remove competitors, buy first aid kits or car, deliver the package and t.P. Sometimes shelters come even personally, and not only use the phone. But it’s all the little things – the main thing to start creating your own family. In all senses. That is, first find a woman and gets himself with her.
The game has three types of women: – intellectual in blue dress and glasses, sophisticated special in black dress and sportswoman in jeans with a t-shirt. Usually they stroll through the streets and often visit bars. Note that different children will be obtained from different wives! Accordingly: a good businessman, a seducer, able to lear the enemy gangsters under your ward for just like that, and inborn Hitman, a firearms amateur. In short, after acquaintance and presenting the chosen object of passion of the present, lead the lady to the church (marked by green arrows, and then click on the Holy Father to begin the rite), and after – in your office. Where immediately start “making children”, literally. This process is long, so for a few minutes until our doves disappeared in the rear room, you can relax. They will come from there the three of them, with a small worm or a girl. I need to protect my wife now as the most importance (competitors are going to remove it). If it is thrown, and this is quite likely because it will not be able to stand for herself, the mission will be considered failed. By beating the first attempt, you will find that threads lead to the Columbia boss. Its territory of brown, in the east of the area, over the bridge. Go there at the head of a powerful and well-armed detachment and showcase Consuelo Kowas. The faster you will go, the better, because with each time the raids on your wife will beat everything more difficult. With the death of Kowas mission ends.

Conquest 6. A New Friend.

Igor asked for another Columbia boss, Fernandez, living in the East. Purchase a business, wholled a gang, and go to the leader to the east, the lair of which is marked by a brown chapoint. After you figure it out with him, learn the most presets. Someone removed Igor, your only connection with the Russian mafia. It turns out, it is worth expecting Russian revenge? By the way, with this mission with you will travel your offspring (the one you’ined you in the previous scenario – I had a maiden), which, for example, can be attached to the place of the boss in someone else’s office. Do not forget that on this your marital duties do not end, and you can tighten yourself more assistants.

Challenge 4. Infiltrator.

At the beginning of the mission, you will be given three new fighters of the invisible front, spies named Infiltrators, with whom you should run through the entire card and less than ten minutes to divide with another boss. Enemies will be more than enough, so get ready in advance to start again. Will not be so hurt.

Conquest 7. Kill’em All!

In the place of the leader of the Russian mafia, he came to his “changering” – Mikhail, he wishes to be brought to your head. Preferably separately from the body. Nothing else remains how to call and dunk everyone. All bosses at the level. Such here are three: Mikhail Zdenka, Boris Spiridonov and Devian Akuino. One controls the green area in the north, the other is blue in the south and, finally, brown in the east. The slaughterhouse will be powerful, with each opponent. Forget to protect and your wife, with her death the mission will be considered failed. You can put down the guards to her, but it is better to simply wait until she wanders in the office, and just close the door to the key. Let him sit down a little under the lock.

Challenge 5. Assassin.

In this scenario, the company will be killers, assassins, which themselves are quite harvested, but they can sneak to the enemy unnoticed, they are still masters for poisoning. If you kill the Boss of the Jewish Mafia (as usual, running through the whole city in ten minutes), then these deadly creatures will be available.

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