UFO: AfterLight: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 11, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

UFO: AfterLight: Passage
UFO: AfterLight: Game Walkthrough and Guide
A long time ago, fifty years ago, when there were still green grass and blue water on Earth, alien invaders, reticuline, decided to turn the planet either in the incubator, or in a giant biological computer. Not from evil, but based on his, perfect practical necessity. Space ships came out in orbit and drove the clouds dispute. For several days, they downtired on the ground and caused a squall mutation of all living organisms. Earth civilization has ceased to exist, and few survivors began active struggle for existence.

… And a few years before that, the first colony on Mars was founded…

After half a century, illuminated. Some of them realized that it was on a certain orbital platform above the ground and it is necessary to take something for survival, and then their dwelling has every chance to meet with the surface. And at this time on the planet they were waiting for those who are among the elected, who took place on a safe flying island did not get – ordinary people, psionics.

At about the same time, Martian colonists woke up, setting the goal to turn the fourth planet from the sun in a blooming apple orchard. In this case, there is no connection with the Earth, most of the people are sleeping hard and not going to wake up, but near the base, in ciononia, traces of ancient civilization were found. Decisions guard unfriendly robots. Fifty years colonia existed not without the help of the reticulin faction that do not approve the policy of destroying (those most, that helped us in Aftermath). People gave a base with housing, mining equipment, pipe for the delivery of water from the polar ice cap… And flying dish in addition.

At this very moment, the colony and goes under our command. The game traditionally goes in two modes. In strategic – in front of us Mars, and in tactical we fight on small areas of the surface, capturing or losing living space.

Secrets of red planet

The interface of the strategic regime is made in a classic style – the ball of the planet Mars, which can be arbitrarily rotated, turning the right side. It is divided into sector-provinces, in each of which there may be a resource deposit, and in some – zones of archaeological excavations. For control over them and most fights occur in the game.

Resources only five: fuel, metal, chemicals, crystals and rare metals. The last two are available only after a number of studies. Most often in the sector, only one field is located, extremely rarely – two, they can be ordinary and rich: with dual developing. To obtain a resource from the territory not enough control over it, you need to carry out geological surveys and to build a mining structure. Further, resources in different proportions go to research and production – for example, three units of rare metals will need to rocket installation. Lacks? Then you have to look for, who would take the sector.

Initially, we have a base and control over the three provinces around. In our refuge, the minimum of buildings – around the perimeter are located a residential quarter, where they are not occupied by anything employees, a laboratory, workshop, garages of scientific and technical expeditions, solar power plant, staff training and one treatment capsule. And in the center – a cryogenic monument, where most of the colonists are checked.

However, this is not so little – we can build a second such base yet very soon: for some buildings there are not enough resources, but for most knowledge.

Well, now we will examine our possessions and decide how to survive us here.

Expansion in all directions

Expand our possessions just. In the theory, of course, the case does not concern the military shylks – but it is already a completely different conversation, and we will come back to him. You can capture only land next to your territory. Why do we need it? Of course, for the sake of resources. Here you need for a very powerful rapid gun (and still she spins!) six metal units, we will collect it with all the forces in the surrounding lands, and fight for the sake of it. With fuel even easier: if there are few sources, we simply do not fly to the other side of the planet. And so it happens if its consumption has increased (which, unfortunately, is not displayed anywhere). Result – the inevitable loss of territory.

View the overall profitability of our lands, as well as information on buildings in our sectors, is possible using the Overview tab (Overview). But this data seems to be not full, and sometimes arithmetic refuses to explain some wonders with spending resources…

In any case, everything starts with a military clash – you need to fulfill the mission (and it is in almost every border province, with the exception of allies), which will be the opponent in which the Race will have at the moment owning this land. If the sector is neutral, no battle is still not to do – the robots will fight against us.

The next stage is to send scientists to carry out geological exploration;Only after its execution, the Earth turns into our color. They can also equip the zone of archaeological excavations. If there is a field, you can send technicians to build a mining structure. Scientists working in a scientific expedition must build a terravertation station on each of our blocks. It is behind this, the flight to Mars and stood, and the results will not make himself wait: the red-brown color of the planet surfaces will gradually change to green.

But the neighbors also do not sit back: they invade us, and also fight for the territory with each other. If you with criminal carelessness to appear the anxiety flag – Losing the Earth with all the buildings. The same techniques can build a radar, and after it to improve – it will give a greater supply of the time between the beginning of the invasion and its successful – for the enemy – the end. While the mission is active, scientists and techniques are thrown and run from the region.

As for the construction of the base, there is an important nuance here. Builders perform tasks in order of receipt, even if at the same time they have to completely illogical to dangle throughout the planet. To avoid such an irrational approach, you need to find a typewriter and manually set the order of movement. But here you lie down difficulties – the sorting goes by name, and those who have not yet thoroughly examined Mars card, will have difficult. More radical option – Clear List and set it anew, on the map. Either so that absolutely downtime was not, follow the movements of the brigade.

Our new home

There are buildings, without which the base exist or develop simply cannot, and almost all of them are available from the very beginning. The rest are required to conduct any research and production of products. We can only find out the resources required for a particular construction of resources if something is missing for it.

  • Cryogenic monument. Otherwise it is called the mausoleum;The place where the most colonists are in Anabiosa are waiting for the moment when our pioneers will unlighten the planet. Occupies five large cells in the center of the base.
  • Aqueduct. On the basis there is its endpoint. The pipe itself will occasionally attack at least until the surrounding areas belong to us. If you do not pay attention to the reports of attacks, water supply will stop and the base will die. Over time, in its place, it will be possible to build a reservoir that solves this problem. Takes one big extreme cage.
  • Dome. Auxiliary building, where people are supported for habitat. Inside it are smaller buildings. Initially, we have three half-built dome, and then we will learn to build additional.
  • Warehouse materials. There are three versions for each of the simple resources – metal, fuel and chemicals. Retains surplus and allows you to more economically spend the funds, and therefore the yield increases per unit. Appear after a number of studies and occupy a large cage.
  • Residential sector. Everyone is checked here who at the moment there is nothing to do. By the way, it makes sense to fight with a sluggishness: if a satellite or technician is idle, he should find a job, and a celebrating soldier – send to training. The sector is fully occupied by the dome.
  • Garage of the scientific expedition. Before grabbed the territory, you need to conduct exploration – these are engaged in these structures. Naturally, enemies at the destination point should not be. Over time, the same four employees will deal with the terraforming of Mars..
  • Garage of technical expedition. There are techniques that build mines and radars on the sectors weathered. There are four places for staff. Both garages require a large cell to accommodate.

On a note: In both garages, it is one car, and to add, remove or change a person in the expedition, you need it to be at the moment on the basis.

  • Power station. Do not deceive expectations, it produces energy – another resource required for research and production. At first, on the basis of solar panels installed, but over time they will not be enough, but our scientists will learn to use Martian fuel. Occupies a large cell.
  • Building yard. In order for the building to appear on our base from a heap of materials, you need to send a technique here. So that he did not bother, at the end of construction, do not forget to send it to work.
  • University and technical school. Training buildings, where our scientists and technicians are studying new specialties. The body accommodates four students and ranks a quarter of the dome. After several research projects will be available for construction Tactical simulator For the training of soldiers.
  • Capsule treatment. The wounded do not make dressings and do not write out the tablets: in their capsule, and let it regenerate. Without others, they naturally do not work. Takes one cell in the dome, one sixteenth part.
  • Operational. Increases the rate of healing wounded in capsules of treatment. It is a pity that it appears late.
  • Station Communication. One of our first independent buildings to communicate with the Earth;Subsequently, quickly enough, we will need to improve it for receiving and transferring scientific information. In touch with its help, both mutants and people with an orbital base.

In addition, it will be necessary to build a series of “single-celled” buildings necessary for the development of science and production, but they are not used directly by the player.

Population census

Our staff is the most valuable resource. The gifts of nature can be taken by force or, as a last resort, – ask for friends, but finding new employees is very difficult. And although the population grows, this process depends on us.

All settlers have a set of initial characteristics, some prehistory and own professions. Yes, it is in the multiple number – both fighters, and scientists, and technicians. Someone may have one lesson, and someone knows how to combine two. Such employees grow at the levels of the profession. And considering that compatibility in such harsh conditions is only welcome, they will not stand idle.

This is interesting: In each new game, we will have the same people. A little unusual compared to previous games series and X-COM itself. But such a solution has an important advantage – each character is unique and even supplied with its own voice, and many of them occupy various positions on the basis and take part in plot and significant dialogues.

So, your subordinates:

  • Fighters. Everything is clear with them. Their lives are departures to tasks and endless battles, and after injuries – Camping in hospital medical capsules.
  • Scientists. Work in the laboratory, create new technologies, and sometimes – go on fresh air to take a geological sample or build a terravertation station.
  • Techniques. They are waiting for work in the workshop and the production of what scientists invented, as well as heavy labor outside the base – the construction of new buildings and construction of mines and radars in the regions.
  • Soldiers scientists. The most valuable combination for our little colony – only science figures know medicine, and it is required to use the aidhechki on the battlefield. And it’s not only in the treatment of your soldiers: without such doctors a mission to seize prisoners will be impartial. We have such a specialist – Tadeush Yashimoto, you just need to translate it to the laboratory from the scientific expedition.
  • Soldiers-machinery. And these professionals are needed to repair Spaceliers in the field. In the leak arm, you do not pass for a long time: life is uncompromisingly melts from lack of oxygen. Will have to train someone from our staff, and after – send to the service.
  • Scientists-machinery. This combination is less useful than the first two, but there is an application and for him. And such characters we have initially – Wilhelm Shruten and Neil Barker. Take any. From the technique we advise you to take driving skills and send it to engage in scientific research outside the base. It will increase the speed of his work slightly.

It is important: Scientists and techniques in battles receive not only the experience of the battle, but also the experience of “profile” – for the use of special means.

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