Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 22, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Passage
Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
“Bad company” this time decided to save the world and with PC. Therefore, we clean the rifles, put on camouflage, we memorize the American anthem and go to pass through 13 missions.

Mission 1. Operation “Aurora”

Suddenly we find ourselves in Japan the Second World War. The developers inform us that the atomic bomb will be exploded and put an end to the war (the capture of Berlin, apparently, was a secondary event and, of course, did not affect the outcome of the war…). Well, we just shoot a little. This mission is practically educational.

The first ten minutes, while we float on the boat, do absolutely nothing. We can twist your head, listen to comrades, think about something… Act let’s start when the knife will be in hand. We need to be slaughtered the enemy watch. Touch it to it (“Ctrl”), and then cut (the central mouse button – it activates the knife always; no matter what weapon you are kept). Next will need to shoot enemies in the trenches. Nothing complicated – run forward and fell. The machine gun on the rifle is better not to change, the cartridges will be in sufficient, and the rapidity here still decides.

The first small difficulties will begin after dawn. First we will have to fill the convoy (as practice shows, in two cases of three AI-Dolls hang, and it is possible to destroy them with impunity), and then give a battle for the camp. Hide behind fences and barrels. These shelters restrain the bullets for a few minutes, and we can look out, shoot and hide again. Works trouble-free.

And as soon as it is settled to run on his two, sitting behind the machine gun of armored vehicles and already from it carrying American kindness to Japanese hearts. Shorter, fell like missum.

Well, the last stage in the first mission – the skirmish in the docks. It is better not to climb on the rags. We will move slowly, passing forward comrades. Around a bunch of iron shelters, it is worth hiding behind them and shoot first to those enemies that stand on the upper floors. They greatly interfere with promotion.

Climbed into the submarine – consider that the mission is passed.Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

In the first mission you need to “solve” the comradescript. How do they behave what are waiting. This will help in further passing.

Mission 2. Cold War

And here is the native Russia. The second world has long been over, we, together with other American special forces, should find a good guy and save it from bad.

To begin with, we test the weapon and just destroy the Russian patrol. He does not see us, so the task is fleeing. Further will be hot. On the tiny territory we will meet immediately the crowd of enemies. Particularly dangerous guys in training. They go with shotguns and shoot no cigarettes, but in us. Therefore, it is very desirable to hide in homes and wet all the enemies from the windows. Just before entering the building, destroy the door from the machine. A knife, of course, easier, but if there will be an enemy inside of us, then he does not premindlement to release in the ugly American.

If the enemy hides in the house, then do not skimp on the shots from the grenade launcher. Acts very efficient. If you do not kill, just just distribute the walls, and then the comrades will finish the enemy.

Next will be even hotter in this cold place – tank will come. And since we can hardly destroy it from the machine, we will be prompted to use binoculars. No, you should not throw it in the armored person. It is better to get to the target with it and wait until the allies will be thrown off on him explosives. There is only one thing: T-90 very well kills everyone who hides in buildings. So hitch behind houses.

Well, as soon as we achieve surprised Russians, we will ride us again on the typewriter. True, again not free. We’ll have to shoot. First fixed quad bikes (or how these guys call?), and then you have to deal with the drivers of armored cars. Them from a conventional machine gun or automaton not to nail. Need to use the Bolt and shoot under the wheels. After two or three target salts, putting the shells will be much simpler. And as soon as life seems to the raspberry, arrive a helicopter. It turns out to be signed by one exact shot. True, for some time he will turn over us, but everything is fine, it’s a script.

Attention: Sometimes the helicopter does not explode. Flies in the tunnel and undermines the car. Many complain about it. There are two options for what happens. First: you never got on it. Make a check shot from the bait, if necessary – let them be two or three. Second Option: This is a bug. Level should be replayed.

After the helicopter breaks down, the screensaver will begin. The second mission is completed.Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

There are many houses. If you do not hide in them, it is very easy to die.

Mission 3. heart of Darkness

Winter landscapes are replaced by tropical. We are in South America. The first ten minutes is a light walk. We go, admiring nature… We look at the corpses in the village. And when you get impressions, let’s start shooting enemies. It’s not worth going out of the building. Palm from the window, throw grenades. Soon, however, the boats sail, and then you will have to walk around the yard. You can destroy them in two ways. Sophisticated: find a rocket and with its help to blow up non-deployment. Simple: go to the shore and shoot drill.

Well, when we will increase the number of corpses in the village of times in four, we can get into the boat and sail. This is a relaxal task. Do not have to kill anyone, just swim, enjoy (you can twist your head, landscapes really very good).

Alas, we will not be able to relax for a long time. Soon you have to run again on your two. And it is only worth starting to walk on solid land, how enemies will be climbed from all the cracks. Well, touched by our team will decide to demand a new weapon. We rise to a slide and get acquainted with the contents of the container. There all the weapons that were us collected in this and previous missions. Therefore, it is very useful to select new guns. Never know where a two-charged shotgun or machine gun will be needed.

We continue to fuse forward and find a boat. It is necessary to swim again. And again, no one touch. And only at the end of the way, when we will have an enemy village, you can trouble. Ahead of the enemies, and they all sit in hibars. So let’s destroy them from a powerful gun. The main thing is to take higher, so that all the shells are flown.

When we overcome all from afar, we go to the sawmill in the water. Here a bunch of shelters, but they use not only we. Enemies run between logs and sometimes very boldly shoot because of them. Therefore, carefully look at the radar, otherwise we can accidentally run out on Mr. with a shotgun. However, it is also not very pleasant for the knife. This is at least starting the mission again from the last checkpoint.

It is only worth dealing with everyone on the sawmill, as we immediately enters in a small village where heaps of a bunch of enemies. And they all apparently wish our death. Straight fucking her want. So running forward with mats and machine-gun queues. We will sit down for shelters. Well, and as soon as the capacitive evils will not remain, and we will go through a few more meters, the third mission will be completed.Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

It seems to no one for the logs. In any case, enemies are not visible. But do not believe our eyes. Believe Radar.

Mission 4. The upper river

It all starts like insert. That is, as in 1944, where our first task was to set the watch. Here we again need to sneak to the enemy and we can stick the knife in the back. Now we have his rifle and we can disgrace.

That’s just comrades ask not to noise much. And therefore we shoot only at the second, when thunder thunder. Classic chip. In many films it was seen. So easy to repeat. The main thing is sometimes the eye from the sight to be able to get out and find where the enemies are worth. And yes, the problem may occur only with the last two opponents. They must be finished almost simultaneously, for they see each other, and they still move towards.

After we go down to the rest of the fighters and go on. And as soon as I’ll see the roller about stretching, go start much more careful. Three traps are waiting for us on the path. So carefully look at my feet. Noticing a disguised fishing line, squatted near her and press “E” (action button).

However, if we nevertheless reversed stretching, no one will break into pieces. Since the grenade is tied light. Therefore, the detachment will only blind off for a second, but bullets fly away from everywhere. And the enemies will be almost from our nose. Forest spirits were hidden before…

After the game in the sapper we will have to shoot a little. Nothing complicated, the next battle in the jungle. But it will be more difficult. On our way two tower. Attack in the forehead is prohibited, and therefore we need to get around them. Quickly jump into the canal and immediately hurt for the first stone. The enemies here are a lot and if just rushing forward, then exactly lose. Need to be careful, one after another shoot. Yes, and you should not be surprised if they suddenly be in our back. Such teleports for local terrorists are quite ordinary.Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

This is what the local stretch looks like.

It remains only to go out from the canal to the other coast and finish all the enemies there. They are a bit, and they are not hiding. It’s easy.

Attention: There is another option. If you want to shoot from sniper, you can not jump into the canal, but to kill everyone from the rifle. Here who likes how. The first way is more dynamic, the second is neat.

After that little victory, we look at the screensaver and find yourself at the box with a weapon. It is best to take a machine gun and a machine gun with a grenade launcher. Life makes us extremely extremely.

As soon as we changed the weapons – we run forward and stop before the bridge. There are enemies heads there. You can throw a grenade, and you can give a machine gun. But it is worth killing them like enemies will gather… Even when we kill reinforcements, it will not be easier. We need to move on, and there – a machine gun. In the frontal beaten, it is useless, immediately will pay back to the last checkpoint.

So act more elegant. Run past the machine gun and immediately go to the house. They kill one opponent and throw a grenade into the street. This distracts ill-wishers. Then jump into the building on the contrary and go around the machine gun from the rear. Well, it will finish this breakthrough an old good queue from the machine. Or a couple of good pooes from a shotgun.

But this is not the end of the mission. Further, we will again have to shoot in Cowboys and Gopniks (for those who have not played, is not a metaphor, there are really such enemies…), and then meet with armored vehicles. It can be explored both grenade and from RPG, which is lying nearby.

After that, another small portion of the shootout, and then – sudden (!!!) Appearance of BTR. So take the rocket in advance and get ready to meet a thick enemy with honor. By the way, if you were hard and without it, then it’s better to drop back and heal wounds. Well, then go back to the battlefield with a grin and phrase “Hasta La Vista, Baby!”. This spell and exactly the bats kill any technique.

Once you are aptive shooting forehead with a non-a bad drive, which drags a good guy, the mission will end.Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

When you recharge, better quiet and move back.

Mission 5. Into the sky

There are two news. As usual, good and causing sadness. First: cheers, damn it, we are in the turntable, pysch dust! Second: We, Damn Satisfy, again wearily stalls on sad snow landscapes.

But there is no time for conversations. We sit behind the machine gun and you need to kill rocket meters. How to find them quickly? Yes very simple. Since now in weapons stores, the action “Buy a rockettsev and get as a bonus of a terrorist mask”, all potential perpetrators of the death of steel bird can be easily distinguished by this elegant head-facial.

When the pilot will finally find a place to land, we will run in our two to the hill, and there we will have a hellish machine-gun point, which sends evil so fast, which can be done from the first time by and not pass. From the second, however, too. Especially if you try to attack alright or wait for comrades. Therefore, we immediately run to the left, we kill the funny enemies there (they ride a slide on distillation, apparently) and climb the top position – there is a sniper rifle. Now you can take revenge on all those Russians who did not want to us happiness. True, it will not work for a long time. Soon, the Gada will remember about the rockets and quickly our shelter will be separated.

Now it remains only to reunite with the comrades and clean the settlement. As soon as we do before the right point, you can get popcorn – show a long screensaver.

After the roller we must break through a bunch of enemies. Unfigiful racket meters will especially be disturbed. There are tens. And they are all in masks. It is worth hiding in the houses, so they did not kill from the first hit. But the walls are not iron here, but because it will not be able to sit for a long time. We must quickly move forward and here it is best to capture a stationary machine gun with it. It will, as they say, “Epic Win”.

Well, after we buried everyone in the settlement, jump into the wheelbarrow and we are working. Now we no longer need to just sit behind the machine gun, you need to steer. But also shoot, however, too. True, the biggest danger is not enemies, but the road itself. Because of the snow dust, neither the feature is not visible and best to carry out cars according to the instruments. That is, we look at the card and steering. Sometimes we blow up opponents with rockets. And as we find out in place – rejoice. The mission is over.Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Rpgshniki sometimes hide in homes. Therefore, the buildings are best to hand.


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