The Movies: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 1, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Movies: Passage
The Movies: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Professions a lot, but
More beautifully – movies.
Who got into this world,
Forever happy became.
M / f “Film, film, film

Cinema – the Magic World, the magic of which can transfer a person in the past and to the future, on the mysterious islands or to a fabulous country. Cinema makes us laugh and cry, gloat and empathize. Who of us seeing the frames that hit the heart, did not want to be there, on the set, to see how this secret rite is committed? Who did not want to know how people turn fantasy into a celluloid reality? To feel the “Creation” of the cinema, now it is not necessary to rummage in the vintage, search in the television program transmission about Hollywood or break there personally. IN The Movies There is everything. Capital. Studio. Workers. Scenarios. Actors and directors. Shooting. Genres. PR and Advertising. Press. “Oscars”. Dizzying career of former cleaners and drink too much Star, published in circulation for a long time. When going all the long way from the naive twenty to future movies, the player goes to a shelf where accurate history are captured in many years, films.

I will not tell you about how of what is, to make a cinematic masterpiece, one of those that are measured by ratings on movies / charts / movies. It is a matter of creativity, skill and inventiveness. Rate movies at the top of the ratings, roll up your sleeves and take action. If your goal – a masterpiece of cinematography, you – in the game “sandbox» (sandbox), in which the studio management plays only a subordinate role. The “sandbox”, you can immediately get a hundred million, the rebuilt studio resilient actors, instant photography and scenery, rebuild in a split second. All players to service – all in order so that he could create imperishable works! But your opportunities will be severely limited – to not play in 1920, and later, to get good vans, trendy decor and high-quality scripts, you need to go through the campaign mode, to “live” the twentieth century and to win nine of quality certificates. This article – about how to do this easily and efficiently. Play and win at The Movies is not easy if you do not know the local rules and subtleties. But do not panic! When you read this manual, all the statues and diplomas will be yours, because here I will talk about:

  • how to equip a studio;
  • how to manage your “estate”;
  • how to select personnel, so they do not spoil a staff;
  • how to make great movies for the prestige and benefits;
  • how to save the actor or director from the stress, overeating, alcoholism and bad mood;
  • how to benefit from each “Oscar”;
  • how (and why) to win at games of skill certificates.

You are ready? Camera! Motor! Double First.

Dream Factory

– Tommy that this? – Van. Such a van and what – do not like? – No, Tommy, all type-top. I’m just not sure about choosing a color. H / f “Big Kush”

In your pockets you have a solid capital of $ 150,000. In the yard – 1920. Time of youth and naivety of cinema. Before you – medium size plot in Hollywood. So far, it is empty – the passage has only a small house, in front of which it was lined up… No, not actors – so far only potential workers – builders and cleaners. It is important: You can take a job only those workers and actors who came to hire himself. The number of workers is limited – this means that they will be very often missing, and you will sometimes have to transfer workers from cleaning for construction or in a “Sweet” a capricious star. What is required of you? Build a platform. You need to place on the ground:

  • administrative buildings;
  • Scenery;
  • Decorations and tracks.

And then the first subtleties begin. First, places on the site knowingly less than you need in order to build all the scenery. Free square need to save from the very beginning. Secondly, it is not at all anyway, where the scenery is located, where – an office for the selection of actors, and where – a restaurant or a house for scripts. Why? Because the shooting of the film is literally shooting the film: a group, actors and director run from scenery to scenery and remove episodes. If you build a platform unsuccessfully, movies will be filmed longer – and the time here goes continuously, as in classic magnate games. The classical task of the commissioner is solved – how to make the path of the film crew as short as possible. Important buildings should be close and not far from the scenery. Offices that are not visited by actors and directors regularly need to shove away – preferably all together in one corner. This is interesting: Why does the gate of the studio hang an old advertisement (and then – not such ancient) “Chryslers”? Why cars you can set up a studio – also this company? Because “Chrysler” paid advertising in the game. This is this advertisement Product Placement. Quickly throw away all those who want to work on the “Hire Builder” field, assign two or three cleaners – and let’s see what and where to build. Advice: hire the entire service personnel at once, which hits the heels in the queues. They will not break you – on the contrary, after a couple of dozen years you will have to deal with the lack of workers hands.

Street cafes and toilets How to eat and where to leave the eaten? Let it go and landed – but without cafes and restrooms can not do. Five to six toilets and two or three cafes on wheels will fully provide the needs of workers and actors.

Stage School (Stage School) This is the place where those who want to become a great actor, a successful director or, in extreme cases, promising statistics come. Those who want to line and wait for the decision over. About how to choose the best of the best, I will tell below. Each actor, director and statist comes here only once for all his careers (the second time – only if you decide to “increase” the statists and translate it to the actors). So there will be nothing wrong with the scenic school in the corner of your site. For your information: build buildings you will be taught in the learning mode, and show how to destroy, “will forget. Grab the builder and bring to the building to eliminate or transfer. Remember – after construction work will remain a lot of garbage. It may damage the image, so do not do “permutations” before the award ceremonies.

Building for the film crew (Crew Facility) The film crew is the people who drag cinema chambers to themselves, keep the microphones over the scene on long “cranes”, work with rain or “foggy” machines – in a word, this is the service personnel, which in essence does not differ in any way from the same builders andCleaners. And those and others do not have individuality, no age (they are not aging and do not retire). Everyone has only one characteristic – skill in their field. For your information: If you take an experienced cleaner and throw it on repair of scenery, it will begin to develop the second skill, construction. The first is not going anywhere. Delete workers from the front to the front will often have. Sometimes you need many janitors to remove garbage after scenery, sometimes – many builders to repair buildings. The skill of the cleaner or the builder does not affect the game – the film will not deteriorate, if you repair the scene of the usual. The film crew is all otherwise – the quality of the film directly depends on the experience of those who are behind the movie chamber. So the film crew is a sacred cow. To do from the operators of builders or a suite – criminal. As you probably guessed, it makes no sense to put this building in the center of the composition. Let it also stand in the corner, attaching a clutter and not silent.

Production Division (PRODUCTION OFFICE)

First, here the finished films are sent “to the light”. At first – just like that, kick in cinemas, then – with the ability to choose the size of the advertising budget. Film output on screens – excavating moment for the whole team. Of course, you can arrange a press show to collect feedback in advance. But only the release shows whose bumps in the forest, because the picky viewer does not deceive. This is interesting: Your films are evaluated by several fiction magazines for movies. But there is among them and real – The Hollywood Reporter. As you guessed, it is also Product Placement. In the same office, you can appreciate the press of the press about your studio as a whole, remove old films in the game archive and appoint a salary to actors and directors. Advice: Cleared the actors can be offended and upset. Therefore, the salary should be approximately equal to everyone, except for one or two key stars that you grow specifically under the “Oscars”. Where to put the production department? In the very corner is not necessary – you have to often carry actors and films in it, and wearing them in the whole area are inconvenient. Let stand somewhere near the entrance to the studio. For your information: To drag the actor from one building to another, it is not necessary to look for it throughout the studio. You can “grab” behind the image of the actor on the game interface – and it will be in your hands, if only is not busy on the set.

Makeover Department (Makeover Department The meaning of this department is simple – clothes and style for actors are selected here. Image is an important component of the acting success, and approximately half it depends on how fashionable the actor is dressed (the rest is from his appearance as a whole). You have two options – either throw an actor on the “automatic selection of clothes”, or find a suitable suit yourself. In authoreme, the actor loses about two months, so it’s easier to take and put on it a suit in the last fashion. If you like to joke, you can dress the actor in a vampire costume or military uniform, and actress dress up a teddy bunny – eared suit suitable for comedy and for Silent Hill 3. It is only necessary to remember that such things usually face them. Fashion, what to take with them. This is interesting: Statists are not very like to change clothes after filming. Therefore, do not be surprised if you see zombie or mummia in line for pies. Clothes stitches approximately every ten years. Therefore, do not hesitate to throw the image of the image in the angle from the eye.

Sales Department (Star & Script SELLING FACILITY) Your star is tired? Actress Capriznitsy, drinks in black and requires a salary increase? Maybe your young and inept authors wrote a script in which there is little star potential? You are not sure that the filmed film will be rated, and afraid that he will lay down the stain to the studio reputation? The solution is! Sell an actor or script for a small amount of money. And it is easier for you, and ten thousand dollars are not extra. It is important: Before selling a star, get rid of her all the suite. You lose money, but save workers! And this building is also worth shouting away, saving place in the center of the plot.

Casting Office (Casting Office) Here! Finally, we got to an inconspicuous house, which should be in the middle of your site – as close as possible to the shooting sites. All because before each shooting of the film, actors, director, alignment and film crew come here to cite with script. And hence everything is a friendly Gorn go to shoot. It works this building is simple: you throw a ready script on it and choose for the film actors and director for our own understanding. Statists and film crews are recruited automatically. But sometimes it is worth intervening in the process to put an experienced statistical on the role of the second plan, putting a newcomer instead in the overall “Mass”. When all the actors and director in their places begins the rehearsal, which lasts a few months. Only after that you can proceed to the shooting themselves. Note that if you suddenly think of replacing the actor or director, then the rehearsal will need to be renovated. This is a bug: Sometimes, when you change places of the statists, the game does not see that all the actors are in place – and the rehearsal does not begin. The hitch is eliminated easily – it is only necessary to manually “pick up” actors with roles and throw back.

Script Office (Script Office)

From the very beginning of the game you can not compose scripts. Instead, their feather workers write for you. Edit the easiest scenario department, hire three or four literary “blacks” and throw them on the desired genre. After a few months, the script will be ready. If you want work to go at the same time over two scenarios, – Build a second office. But there is no sense in this special – the more people work on the text together, the faster it will be written. Hire more than four scenarios too expensive – workers’ hands and so lack. Scripts, like all the service, are not aging and possess only one skill – the ability to write. He is one for all genres, so you don’t have to spit them on comedies, and then hastily move to the thrillers. Like the shooting group, the scripts do not need to pull on the trifles and throw it on the harvest or construction front – at least until you decide that you can write scripts without any problems personally. Conventionality – in the fact that the quality of the script directly depends on the “level” of the office. At first your maximum is one star out of five. Even the most high-quality film cannot “break away” from the script level more than one star. Then, when you start winning certificates and open new, advanced, scenario departments, the plank will rise. Advice: Let the scripts work continuously – so they will raise the experience faster and will be able to issue optimal quality scenarios. Extra scenarios sell. Put the scripting department too far inexpedient. Let the house standing somewhere at the entrance to the studio. And do not forget, opening new scripty departments, eliminate old rooms.

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