BORDERLANDS 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 17, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

BORDERLANDS 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Character: Exton Special Forces.

Once people on the planet Pandora found storage and tried to take his storm, hoping to take possession of the Treasures. But they did not find treasures, but they encountered mandes. Over time, the repository gave itself to know, spraying alien jewels throughout Pandora! Since then, the hunt for these jewels was not on life, but to death. An even greater repository was found, and hunters for them began to call repositories.

My first gun.

After the rollers, we can choose a character and pick it up. Waking up in the middle of snow madness, get acquainted with the piece. Follow him and will arrive at his house, which seems to be safe. However, a monster breaks here and tears the eye of a piece of iron. We will look at and collect useful items. From the specified box take the gun.

Chapter 1. Blinded.

We go beyond the iron, in the next room we will find more supplies in boxes. You can also notice a teleportator that allows you to instantly move by points on the map. We choose out, the robot stupns on the ice, and the supplies fall out from there. A little further, we can find one more and break her shit. We meet Mordoplov and destroy them. We go further, jump down. We are separated with enemies and help the piece of iron get out of a snowdrift. Finally, we get to the loud, the abductor of the eye, and proceed to the fight. We shoot on it, we try to get away from the attack to the side. We collect ammunition from ice floes and replenish health. We pick up the eye, continue to follow the robot. He will try to open the door, but will not succeed and then familiar from the video call. We enter inside, taking a shotgun and ammunition to it. We will examine all the boxes and talk with the piece of iron.

Chapter 2. Stripping Iceberg.

We go to Sir Hammerok, who can patch the eye of the robot. We fall into the south shelf, where everything fled. Handsome Jack appoints a reward for our head in the amount of a million dollars, and Flint is accepted for work. We enter the city, we destroy the marauders, and then arrived Mordoplyuyev. Going to the gate, when Hammerlock appears, give him an eye and wait for the repair. Follow your friends and follow the flow of current. We communicate with Hammerlock, we take a reward and at the same time we take a new task.

This city is too small (extra).

This task is optional and does not require compulsory implementation. But we will take it, because the plot mission requires a higher level than we have at the moment. First of all, we visit the cemetery. In the open territory, the enemies act more unclosed: they are throwing snowballs and jump directly from the air. Do not allow you to surround yourself. Go down to the pond, here Mordoplyuy appear from mink: first small, then large.

Protected Luck (Additional).

This task will give Hammerlock. According to his advice, we will go on the former Brewer Shields of Screws, where we can purchase a powerful shield. The gate opens through the booth upstairs, on the wires to calculate quite just. Get to the harbor, destroy the enemies and try to activate the elevator. Let’s go right where we can activate the place of revival. We go to the database, we drag the territory. To turn off the current by shooting the power source. You can find it by wire. We take the fuse, and immediately appear mordeos. We can watch the fight and intervene at the last moment, or to kill everyone immediately, or escape. The main thing is delivering a fuse to the right place and omit the elevator. Enter the lift, pull the lever. We collect all the useful supplies, buying the best shield.

Nikudny day (extra).

Hammerlock Requires Mordoplyuve Fur for New Hats. We get to any of the points on the map and shoot enemies until they have minimal health. And then we finish them in hand-to-hand, if you just kill from weapons, then the fur will not. Now we have a choice – to attribute furs with a piece of iron or initial customer. The award will depend on who we will bring prey.

Symbiosis (optional).

In the bay of the southern shelf, a certain brother joined the symbiosis with a mordeum. Let’s go to the Blackbird Cave, passing the Mordoplyuyev. We are looking for a way up and approach the doors, where the carpools come from. The enemy is very strong, so attacking from the middle distance. From that place where the carpool came from, you can buy ammunition and first aid kits. I will not be superfluous to kill the main mass of enemies.

This is a handsome Jack! (optional).

We collect audio recordings Helen Pierce and thereby learn about her fate. First we find in the container behind the fence. The second on the roof of the building (we destroy the ice floe). Third in container next to the building.

Chapter 3. The best servant in the world.

Speak with the piece of iron and follow him. Open the gate through the control panel at the top (you can trace the wires). We protect the iron from the marauders on the checkpoint. Audio recording will fall from one of them, pick it up, so that you can perform an additional quest (exclamation mark on the radar). Go further, we clean the following checkpoint. When the glare will lower the bridge, quickly destroying psychos suicides until they approached us. Meet boom and bam. The boom is immediately arranged for a long-range gun, and BEM is trying to attack us near. Keep the Bama and with the help of a sniper rifle shooting boom. He will jump down and problems with his achievement will not arise. We collect all useful items, come to the goal. They are closed, so using a tool, shoot them. From the talkative glandies and the mark sheet. Do not rush to leave the gun, shoot the approaching marauders. Get to the ship, Flint is already actively tortured. Freely pass inside, we destroy the marauders. We help the piece of iron, killing the enemies of beating him. Problem: Our little friend can not climb the stairs, so it remains to wait down. And we are moving on the time by entering the ship. We choose to the top level and call the lift. Together get to Flint. Let’s make him jump down down, shooting on it from sniper rifles. Then he will rapidly begin to approach us, burning everything on his way. The most important thing is not to get under the fire, we finish Flint from the shotgun. We select an enemy weapon, which is capable of sewing a live flesh. Get to the vein ship and climb on board.

Chapter 4. Road to refuge.

On the wetgers get to the touchscoma. We will not be able to use it, since some brilliant mechanic scooter has blocked the terminal from the gangsters. In a nearby posture, we will find a hyperionic adapter, with which an angel hacking a touchscool. We overcome all enemies, take the adapter and insert it from the side of the terminal. We use a touchscap, outundand buggie to your liking. At the speed, jump into the abyss, I will get to the caves through the cave system. Without leaving the transport, deal with enemies. In the intercom, contact Lieutenant Davis, he will connect to us Roland, who used to be a seeker. At his request, we will go on the search for Rice Capral. He disappeared when he went to look for a power unit for a shield generator.

We arrive at the checkpoint, we destroy Mordoplyuvev and take the audio recording from the road. Listening to her, we understand that Rice is in a predicule. We will go left, we can’t drive through the bones, so let’s go. We destroy Mordoplyuyev, then help Rice beat off from marauders. Before death, he has time to report that the power unit has kidnapped the circulatory. We will reach the camp nearby, if we want to perform an additional task, you will kill twenty or more marauders. We will take the power unit and return to the shelter. We use intercom, enter inside. We run to Davis and install a new power unit instead of the old.

Guess the name (optional).

We will meet Hammerok in the bar and agree to fulfill his order. We go to the habitat of Mordoplyuyev, where we destroy fifteen enemies and inspect five zakachek. Increases – these are ice floes, from where the supplies are powered when shooting. But they need not to shoot on them, but to approach and inspect. Having finished, Hammerlock will come up with the name of Primatvari. Kill one of them grenade. Then we search for Mordoplyuv-thrusts, which Hammerlock called diphosters, and shoot the shells flying in us. Primatvari becomes cockpit, kill five more. As a result, Mordoplyuy turns out not so bad name, we return to Hammerok.

Kill Assassins (extra).

We are committed to divided with four assassins that are hidden in the Valley of Three Horns. Go there and enter “Par and Electricity of Legsh”. Here we will find the first assassin and finish it with a pistol. We select audio recording. I have no rush to go for the second, first we clear the territory of the marauders. As soon as we come to the goal, the assassin with a shotgun and a lot of psychos suicides will take place from there. For assassin murder use sniper rifles. We take audio recording. Go down lower, we are divided with the Third Assassin, who likes to enter the near grasp. So and kill it. Rising to the fourth arena. We are clearing the territory and only then the last assassin will appear. He is very strong in the near battle and has a high vitality. We try to lure him to the purple barrels and, undermining them next to him, quickly shoot the enemy.

Stone, scissors, kayuk: fire! (optional). 

We go to the neighboring room, on the shooting range to experience the latest spontaneous weapon. In the inventory, choose a weapon marked with an asterisk, and shoot at the emerging vandals.

Stone Scissors, Kayuk: Shock! (optional). 

We continue to test “toys”. This time we get an electric spontaneous weapon. It is very efficient against the shields.

Stone, Scissors, Kayuk: Corrosion! (optional). 

We test the corrosive spontaneous weapon, which is faster than only breaks the armor. For example, robots.

Stone, Scissors, Kayuk: Slag! (optional). 

Slag of natural weapon practically does not cause damage, but it covers the enemies with purple liquid. Now we take any other firearms and much faster we destroy the enemy than if they were shooting without slag.

Chapter 5. Plan b.  

After talking with Dave, approach Jesup near the gate. We go to the city, get to the mechanic of the scooter. He will inform us about the plan B, that is, about the plan for which we must act if Roland suddenly disappears. Take eridium and take a couple of batteries from the workshop. Install them in the city, then buy something from Earla to get a third battery as a gift. Eridium allows you to increase the amount of portable ammunition for each weapon, place in the backpack / bank. Install the battery and watch the attempt to take off the city. The attempt fell, so we go to the Roland House. Scarlet raid report that Roland left a message for us. I’ll take the key and enter the headquarters.

Chapter 6. Fire Hack.

Listening to the message Echo lying on the table, climb upstairs and inspect the safe. Here we can keep temporarily unnecessary things. We take the audio recording from which it turns out that the fiery hawk grabbed Roland. Get to the gorge and moving in the footsteps of the circulation, that is, by control points. In the end, we are waiting for a test in a cave, where the pipes are arranged by the flames. Avoiding unnecessary damage get to the headquarters of the fiery hawk. Here we have to help Lilith arrives. We help her climb, taking Eridium from the safe and give her. Withstand the attack of enemies, Lilith will bother us. Then take another Eridium from another safe and give weakened Lilith.

Tilery Tile (Additional).

Well, for all of the above that we should have done, not one dozen hours would. Fortunately, the silent glare is in a pair of meters from us. Here we, as in the safe, can store temporarily unnecessary things.

Do not harm (optional).

Let’s help the doctor of the Corde to perform a surgical operation. Everything is pretty simple: one blow – one fragment of Eridi. Take it to Tannis and take a deserved award.

Mysterious Diseases (Additional).

Bullet injuries – without bullets, burns of burns – without burns. Let’s go to Dr. Mercy, his lair is in the Valley of Three Horn, inside the cave. Promote ahead, destroying marauders. Get to the mercy and shooting it. We inspect his body and remove the latest technology.

Mysterious Diseases: UFOs (Additional).

We will test E-technology on bandits. We go ahead, destroy enemies. If they are not enough here, then you will get out of the cave and visit the nearest camp.

Chapter 7. Cool rescue operation.

Lilith was to teleport us directly to the fortress of bloodshots, but the miracle did not happen and we moved only to a dozen meters. We choose out and go to the Valley of Three Horn. Sign up to the gate, Bifstex will not allow them to open them, quickly disperse us. Drove away and destroy enemies. We go to the sands where we will meet with Ellie. She will gather for us a truck, but for this we need to get parts. Turn around the territory by destroying enemy buggies. Thus, we produce themselves. Tuning a truck and choose it in a touchscom. Drive up to the gate, signal. We destroy the boss, it is preferably first killing small creatures on a shield. We enter the fortress, we will have to go a lot of enough until we get to the bastion. Finally, we help Roland to deal with the bloodsmaslers and with the help of rapid movement we return to the shelter.

Steam pump (optional).

This task can be found at the “Satven Pig” Hotel, which is in the Valley of Three Horn. We try to activate the steam pump. Then we go for finding parts. Reducer will have to take away from Mordoplu. Steam valve we will find at the top of the pump. Shoot the stairs, climb upstairs. As soon as we borrow it, the robbers will immediately appear. We destroy them, go after the condenser. Open the door and do not detect it in place. We are separated with Skagami until we find a condenser. Take it and deliver all the elements to the pump. Install them, climbing higher and higher.

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