Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 – The Sith Lords: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 17, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 – The Sith Lords: Passage
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 – The Sith Lords: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Note: Start from the very beginning to pump the skill of belief. This skill will help you find a common language with the inhabitants of the planets, which will lead to easier life in this game.

one. Prologue.

The introductory part is designed primarily on people who are not familiar with the first series of this game. In it, they will get the necessary skills and learn the local interface. Nothing you do in prologue will not affect the main storyline. Yes, and the prologue can be skipped at any time.

In the Prologue, you control the T3-M4 droid, and your character you created at the beginning of the game lies in the medical center.

Security room:.

Get to the safety room (forward and left from the cab). Open a container from which you get a spike (spike). Use the Communication Console to open the door to the main hold.

Master TRY:.

Try to open the box on the right. Then, when nothing happens, break it and get a spike and broken product. In the hold on the floor lie two broken droids, each of which can be found parts, and, searching the body, you will find a key card. Use the Security Console in the center, with which you can open and close the external and inner garage door and watch images from cameras.


Through two doors, focusing on the map, get to the medical center, where your character will lie on the couch. MEDPAKET (MedPack) from the medical container and apply it to the character, talking to it (100 XP). Leave the medplex and along the corridor, go to the right to the door leading to the engine room. Try to open it, but everything is in vain, you need a mine. Unfold and go left to the cargo hold.

Cargo hold:.

Here you will find a 3C-FD droid that needs to be repaired. Repair it (210 xp) and he join you. Open the cabinet near the entrance using the key card and get out of it spare parts and armor you can wear on your droid. Also here are 2 containers in the long part of the hold, in one of which lies Security Tunnelers, which serves to open containers and doors with a complex security system. Only with the help of it, by the way, you can open a second container with spare parts and other things. In the trim, opening the container in the center, from which you can take a gun, you can practice battle with flying droids.

Outside Ebon Hawk:.

Complete to the lift opposite the medical club and climb on it. We are located outside the ship, first of all, in order to find a mine and spare parts. On the right side of the ship, detect all parts that are mostly located in the hatches, and also, fighting in the wires, open the bedroom door. On the left board you will see two installed mines that will find a droid, which will be evidence of “bubbles”. You can take mines or neutralize them, but it is better to choose the first option, because in this case you will get 100 xp. In the proton rocket near you will find a mine and spare parts, and one more parts can be found in Tour.


To get into the garage it is necessary to switch to a single mode. Choose a T3-M4 DROIDE and send it to the place between the inner and the outside door of the garage (it is to the left of the entrance to the engine compartment). Switch to the 3C-FD DROID. Go to the security console in the main hold and with her first close the outdoor door of the garage, and then internal. Switch back to T3-M4. Hitting the garage (50 xp), look at the workplace, where you can create new items from all you have. Create a repair kit (100 XP) and use it immediately on the bottom. Go to the bedroom on the right side of the ship and from the boxes get the flamethrower of the DROIDE and spare parts. Now you can get out of the garage with a clean conscience, how you got here.

Engine room:.

The last thing left to do on the ship is to repair the hyperdunger. Bring the door leading to the engine room by setting Ma. Come to the hyperdunger and repair it with spare parts (500 XP). Return to the cabin and on the map of the galaxy, click on Peregus.

2. Peregus.

Medical office:.

Having liked, go through the door ahead, then through the door to the left in the room with a computer. From the container, remove the Medpaket and, using the computer, renew the doors of the Morga and warehouse, and also check the last implemented request (210 xP). Pay attention to the laboratory table with which you can create new items. Go to the storage room behind the computer and from the containers to get a medical bag and chemicals (with the help of them new items are created). Now go to the morgue. Native a corpse that lies in the far part of the morgue and detect a plasma torch. Talk to Kreia. To get good glasses you need to choose the option at the end of the dialogue: “I will come back soon to make sure that you are fine”. To get evil glasses you need to choose at the end of the dialogue: “Do not stand on my way, or you will finish like these corpses”. After the conversation, equip the plasma torch, leave the morgue and go through the broken door to the right to learn it at all (100 xp).

Administrative level:.

Native a corpse to find a vibroblade, and equip it. With it you will kill droids who flooded the administrative level. Name of broken droid to find some useful items. Do it always when there is such an opportunity. Go to the door to the left and get to the safety room. On the way you will notice the emergency hatch. This is the place through which we will need to pass in the future. In the security room, break the locker, from which take all items, and then use the computer on the table. View all Logs. Go through the next door, and Kreia will warn you about droids in the next room. You will also get strength – foresight (110 xp). By destroying all droids in the room, you will have enough experience points to go to the 2nd level. Kreia will tell you about strength and you get power glasses. Check boxes for objects and go to the administration center.

Administration Center:.

There are 6 droids here that you can just kill (which is not very good, get little xp) or do the following with them. Run to the control panel and use it, then the droids will simply turn off (400 xp). Using the remote, turn off the power field with the door behind you. Go through the door to the room where you will find Atton in a cage. Talk to him. If you want to get good glasses, then tell him in the dialogue: “I trust you. And if we work together, we can get out of this disorder “. On the contrary to get evil glasses, tell me: “I’ll turn off the cage, but if you try to escape, I will kill you without reflection”. After ATTON fights on the computer, use the control panel. Review Logs, and then contact the droid T 3. It does not matter that you will talk, all the same control will go to it.


Tool T3 objects that you found earlier, and a well-known drawers and broken droid. Go through the door opposite the broken droid and go down to the slopes down to the entrance to the combustible warehouse. Go through the door where destroy all droids, and, searching corpse and droid, find DataPad, as well as other items. Return back to the skates. DROID with energy shields will appear. Destroy them with a grenade and climb on the skates back to the room with three doors. Upstairs, install a mine on the locked door. Nature containers and drawers to find things, in particular spikes, and go through the third door to the room with the control panel. Climb over the skate up to the console and use it. Blide in the computer menu and be sure to open the door leading to the fuel walla (210 XP). Go through the open door. Kill all droids with a grenade in the corridor and go to the fuel warehouse. Along the corridor go straight and left to the fuel station control. Open the emergency hatch, and on this mission T3 will be completed while.

Mining tunnels:.

Tell atton to go down and you get evil glasses. If you tell me to stay here, then get good glasses (and in that and in another case 250 xp). Go to the emergency hatch, which opened T3 for us, and go to the mining tunnels. Go ahead until atton contact you. Do it he will be constantly and you at any time can order him to silence. Passing through the door, in the barrel you will find a uniform and equipment that immediately put on yourself. Go to the fork with the pump. Raise mines and examine two deadlocks, then go to the cave. Before entering, you can repair a droid that will help you in the fight. To do this, you will need the appropriate skill and spare parts (120 xp). Droid destroying in various ways, get to another pump. Before urban gas, use the shield and go through the rapidly dangerous zone. Take the installed mines again, and keep the path to the place where 4 pumps are located. Take advantage of the control panel in the center and with the help of it cut off the protective fields. You can also turn off all droids (900 XP) and they will not attack you (but this is if you have two spikes) or raise the temperature and droids will ignore you. Check out everything that is located near the pumps, and then go along the corridor, which starts from one of the pumps. ATTON’s voice will indicate the correctness of your route. Next, get to the fuel warehouse.

Fuel warehouse:.

Talk to Droid HK 50. There are two answers to get good glasses: “Those miners could be injured or in danger – we must make sure that they are in order” and “then I have to get there to save them”. And two answers for getting the evil glasses: “I only need codes that have miners, and when I get codes, I will get rid of them and leave the cliff” and “then forget them. I have to go to the hangar and get out of this cliff “. You will also get 200 XP by learning what happened to you. Go to the room on the contrary, where from the container, take the Sonic Imprint Sensor (Sound Sensor, 50 XP). If you want, get rid of the desktop and upgrade your equipment or create new items. Return back to HK 50 and in conversation Select a sound sensor dialog (50 xP). Go through the door between the rooms in the corridor with droids and go to the right. When the MKII droids come out of the door, destroy them, and then go straight (even further a locked door that we will spit) and right to the turbolyft. On it you will get to the administrative level. Go to the security room where you use the computer. Select an option with a sound sensor to record the second message (50 XP). Go to the medical department to a computer and find out from it who ordered drug administration (150 xp). Return to the turbolift and, rising on it upstairs, go to the room to the right. Use the Service Station. Select an option with a sound sensor to record the last message and unlock the door, which was mentioned above (750 XP). Also find out that the introduction of drugs was ordered from here (100 XP). Now go through the inner door, which we opened, in the tambour and from the locker, take the spacesuit and other subjects. Go out into open space through the external Tambura door.

Open space:.

Stroll along the platform while you will not contact you atton. Tell your plan, and then watch the arrival of Harbinger. After passing through the tambour door, kill two droids and go through the next door.


Open the security door and a highlight 4 locker. Modernize your Shakhtar Uniform, increasing the resistance to the cold attack, as you further come across freezing turret. Go to the room with turons, destroy them and go to the corridor, for which go to the right to the console opposite the door. You can select the first menu item (60 XP) and then close the ventilation bedrooms (210 xp), thereby turning off the gas, or destroy the remote control (210 xp) and go to the medical room (right side of the card) for the respiratory mask to safely walkIn the bedrooms filled with gas. Opening the door to the bedrooms, go first to the right office where we are aimed at all rooms and pick up all possible items, including Log dispatcher. Now go to the left compartment, where you also have a modist all rooms and from the corpse near the terminal Take DataPad. Use the terminal and watch the Holovids of the administrator, then select the transmission check option. Decipher the cipher, you should get the following combination: 3, 17, 13, 5, 7. This code for opening the turbolift.

Out of bedrooms:.

Get out of bedrooms and go to the left by the corridor. Then go to the door on the left. In the hall, if you go left, you will be taken to the medical room, and if you go right, then to the turbolift. Also in the center of the hall find the corpse with DataPad. Go to the right to the turbolyft. Use the console and try to enter the received code. Then look Log, where you will say that the code needs to be brought on the contrary, t.E. 7, 5, 13, 17, 3. Enter it automatically (if you have a sufficiently high intelligence) or manually (250 xP) and sit in the turbochaft.

Administrative level:.

Go forward to Kreia. Talk to her and she join you. If you tell me that “I will not allow the old chaland to detain me. I travel one “, then get evil glasses. In this dialogue, there is no good glasses. Go to the center of the administration, where talk to atton as you want. He also join your company. After a conversation in the hall will HK 50 will appear. Talk to him and make it confess to imitation of the voice of the officer (500 xp). If you do not do it, then get 100 xp. In any case, you will need to fight with HK 50. The battle is satisfied simple. First destroy flying droids, and then destroy HK 50. If you put the blows slowly, it will restore my energy. Collect all items with HK 50 and go on the board of the Harbinger ship (Entry on the map on the map).

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