OBServer: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 23, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

OBServer: passage
OBServer: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Case number 405. Find Adam

View Apartment Adam

The beginning of the game makes the main character inside the car. Turn the camera to see the central dashboard area, the location where the radio is usually located, and click on the red button to activate the call. During the conversation, choose any options for the dialogue – it does not affect anything, the story will remain the same.

You will be asked to perform synchronization. Open the screen with the status of the character of the character and click on the “Pill” image. Every time you do it, all distortions on the screen disappear, but at the same time one injection of syncrozine is consumed. Fortunately, this medicine you can find during the game. After the injection of Sygorrosin, listen to some more dialogs and wait for the main character in slums where his son Adam lives.OBServer: Game Walkthrough and GuideLocation Apartment 007.
Move forward on the street and take a look at the window on the right side, where the concierge is located. Chat with him and choose any of the possible causes of visit. Ask concierge to provide information about the location of the apartment of Rubinski. You will learn that it is about Apartment No. 007.

Go along the chief corridor that will lead you to a spacious courtyard. Passing by, you can look at the cards hanging on the walls, but they will be useful in the game a little later). Go through the door on the right side and climb the stairs to one floor up. There are doors leading to apartments 001-007. Go through the door ahead, follow the corridor to the right, and then roll up to the left side. So you can get to the apartment 007.

Explore the crime scene in the apartment 007

After you enter the apartment, get on Ctrl to move forward. Go to the shelf, hold the interaction key and move the mouse (analog stick) to the right side to place an object in a vertical position. In the main room of the apartment you will find a dead body that needs to be studied. First turn on the electromagnetic sensor and scan two small objects. It will be an implant “Compass” and the heated ID. The missing head further complicates the identification of the deceased. Scan the lying bed.

Now turn on the biometric scanner and use it to scan the entire body (so you set the approximate time of death). Inspect blood spots near the dead body and in other parts of the apartment.

Next you can continue the search of the apartment. Surveying the place, you can help yourself, continuing to use alternative visual modes (scanners). It is possible to open various cabinets and boxes, inside which sometimes have interactive items. Objects that can be scanned using an electromagnetic scanner – processor, motherboard, a large cloud server, a frame from a hologram, a holographic library, a security panel, a computer, chiron card, lying on the floor, as well as the storage unit, hiddenIn the bust on the shelf in the far corner of the kitchen.

Biological scanner can be applied to scan a bottle with substance 45f, which is inside the refrigerator. In addition, the apartment you can find three syngrozine syringe – on the table in the main room and two in the bathroom.OBServer: Game Walkthrough and GuideCode panel.
When you try to leave the apartment 007, it turns out that the door is already locked. Return to the main room and look at the panel located in the passage to the kitchen (from the kitchen). Interact with it to open the input keyboard where you need to drive a four-digit combination. This is a simple puzzle, because on one of the shelves in the opposite part of the kitchen there is a book titled “1984”. This is the code – enter it on the panel.

Go to the computer that appears in the central part of the apartment. When you interact with it, you can read two emails and try to intercept documents (this will, however, will result in error). Most importantly – open a tab with programs and choose the door opening command.

Poll neighbors and identify the caller

The interrogation of neighbors is an optional task, but you should not miss the moment to learn more about the history. The fact is that all this is done along the way to the desired terminal at Concierge (you saw it earlier) necessary to search for a woman who calmed the victim.

To accomplish this task, you need to interact with intercoms on the doors of neighboring apartments. Not with all residents at home you can talk. You will be answered in apartments 008, 006, 005, 003, 002, 009 and 016. During some interrogations, you may encounter multiple variants of the dialogue, but they do not have any impact on the final result of the conversation.

To fulfill the main goals of the mission, you must return to the room where the concierge was at your first meeting. However, it is impossible to go through the main door leading to the stairs, since it is locked. Instead, follow the large hole in the wall near the apartment 008. Your goal is to get to a closed door and open it using the code panel near. Interact with it and use the ability to hack for the selection of code – in our case it was 0446.OBServer: Game Walkthrough and GuideList of tenants at home.
Go forward and follow the narrow corridor to the place where the building began to explore (you can call the apartment 017, but it is optional). When you go to the office of the concierge, then look around and try to find syringes with a sync. Check the computer Concierge. You can explore all tabs, but the most important documents are. Open the document that provides a list of residents of the first floor, and detect two women with initials H. N.

When trying to leave the room, you will come across concierge. We’ll have to talk to him again before you can go to the right apartment.

Note. Behind one of the monitors in the Concierge office, you can find a hidden photo. This is one of 69 secret items that you can find in the game.

Two apartments are located on the first floor of the building – take advantage of the staircase to get there. One staircase is located at the end of the corridor from the office of concierge, but in this case it is better to use another. To do this, go through a large courtyard and follow the same passage through which you followed the apartment 007.

Going to the stairs, move to the first floor. The apartment is 106 closed, but you do not need to go inside, because the goal of the mission will be updated when you get to room 104. Open the door leading to the corridor with apartments 101-104. Go ahead and enter the apartment 104.

Explore the apartment Novak and hack the mind of Amir

This goal of the mission will be available immediately after entering the apartment 104, which turns out to be a place for another crime. Automatically the other purpose of the mission associated with apartment 106 will be canceled because the hero will understand that Elena called the apartment of the previous victim.

After entering the apartment, you can start from scanning blood stains and another Chiron ID card. Move the curtain and go to the main apartment of the apartment to find the dying Amir Novak. This will be the first opportunity to use the device hacking. Scan the implant in the middle of the Amir and click on the appropriate button to hack it.OBServer: Game Walkthrough and GuideWe look at the monitor and looking for a similar passage.
So you will go first through a series of scenes related to the memories of another person, or rather, their nightmares in a rather chaotic order. In this case, the interaction with the mind of Amir does not represent a serious threat to the main character. However, in some sequences of this kind that will be available in the game later, your adventure can suddenly interrupt the screen with the inscription Game Over.

Traveling Amir Mind is completely linear – every time you reach a certain point or listen to the conversation, then automatically move to another scene. A bit more problematic is a segment in which there are several passages, but when choosing incorrect you automatically return to the starting position. The fact is that here you need to look at the monitor and move in that passage, which is depicted on it. Everything is very simple here – on the third or fourth time you will need to turn around in the opposite direction. Later you will get into the room with a shower. Come to him to push. Fortunately, if you fall, the game will not end – you will simply be returned to the path.

After returning to the real world, it is necessary to perform synchronization, since the interaction with the Amira consciousness had its negative consequences. Before you follow the next main goal, it would be nice to complete another optional task related to the study of the apartment of Helena Novak.

As in the previous situation, use all alternative modes of vision (scanners) to facilitate the search for evidence and scan them. Here are the objects that you can scan: Spots of blood (in several places), speech synthesizer, heart valve (part of the body of amir), medical inhaler, hair, two holograms, credit card and computer (you can view emails and summary). The apartment also has syncrozine and collectible photography.

Find Helen Novak

When you look for Helen Novak, we must be guided by what I saw in the memories of Amir Novak, and therefore – to go to the Tattoo Salon. One such salon is located in the courtyard of this house. Need to go down the stairs and leave the house. Go to the tattoo salon is quite simple and not problematic.OBServer: Game Walkthrough and GuideCorpse Helena Novak.
After entering the living room, you must first check the main room. There is a computer (several emails, pictures with tattoos), voice recorder, hologram, cash register and hair – use the biological scanner on the latter. After that, move the red chart to the side to get to the next room, where you will find a dead Helen Novak.

Explore the crime scene and hack the mind of Helena Novak

Having found Helen, you must start with a thorough study of the crime scene. Use biological and electromagnetic scanners to facilitate the search and scan of evidence. Here are things that you can scan: Tattoo machine, compass implant and tattoo on the body of Helena, Corpse Helena, Blood stains (in several places), scratches on the floor, power supply, holographic injector, voice recorder and wireless panel. Nevertheless, you can find syringes with a sync and a code panel, hidden on the back of the chair, but the combination will get to know a little later.

Finally, scan the implant in Helena’s head. After that you can hack the mind of a dead girl as they did before.

Since you are hacking the mind of a dead person, this time the memory will be more prolonged and complex. There are a couple of moments in which the main character will have to defend a sudden death.

In the first memories you use a computer. Answer all questions affirmatively to continue testing. In addition, you will need to click on some keys that will be specified in testing. The following two scenes suggest long-term linear passage. For example, you will need to go through a small labyrinth in the office and get to the luminous console on the wall. Also during the visit to the hospital, take a piece of paper with a table with a rack, and a little later – download confidential data from the computer.

The troubles will begin after you find yourself in the memoil with the office and mutating the opponent. It is necessary to avoid meeting with a monster, because if he finds the main character, then there will be no place to hide – Daniel Lazari will die. In addition, death will prevent you from getting the achievement “invulnerable”.

In this scene, it will be necessary to move imperceptibly, following the furtively, so click on Ctrl and slowly head between the tables, which will allow you to hide from the Monster’s eye (it is best to move along the left side of the office). Ultimately, you have to get to the corridor, where did the mutant come from.

In the next part of the location there will be a second monster, meetings with which you also need to avoid. In this office, you need to interact with several computers to which luminous cables are connected.

After reaching each computer, make sure that there is no monster nearby, and then interact with it by running data. You will need to download data from three computers. Do not rush, following one to another – make every effort to not get on the eyes of a mutant.OBServer: Game Walkthrough and GuideTable with a cable TV and insert into such sockets.
Completion of this memories Run a new one, where it will also be necessary to get to a certain place or interact with an interactive object. First, the path will be linear, but everything becomes more difficult when you reach a point with a flying TV. Take the hanging TV cable (plug), hold the key (or LKM) and move the TV with you. You must connect the plug to the jack (outlet) that will open the passage further.

Raise again for the plug and drag the TV for the opened passage. You can find other outlets. One of the outlets unlocks a large white door. In addition, you can upload data from a computer. Having reached the last outlet and connecting the plug to it, you move to the new sequence.

In this memories you will move through the field. Go to the vertical beam of light. You are not so easy to get to it, because the area is patrolled by unmanned aircraft. It is necessary to avoid detection, because if those notice you, you will be forced to return to the original position, repeating the entire sequence.

When moving towards the beam of light, use bushes as shelter. However, they will not hide you completely. When noting the approaching drone (which is also flashed with a characteristic sound), then dried and do not move. You need to be patient until the aircraft will complete the scanning of the area and will not fly away. Having reached the destination, you will find the computer to which you need to connect. Now it remains to pass the last memory, move through several corridors filled with TVs, and finally get a code combination – 3615.

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