TALE OF A HERO: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 5, 2022
16 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

TALE OF A HERO: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Our character, Olaf, descends in some hole. Top 2 people remain, peasants from a ruined village. Rope burst, and we fall. Olaf will permanently for a couple of extra kilograms. Peasants cowardly run away, fearing some kind of monster.

We choose from the floor the rope and calf skin. On the right way out of the cave, but tightly closed with boulder. Push it off. Pay attention to the loose land under it.

We go to the cave. In the corner, on some kind of bed, a monster sleeps – Doltsimian. And until you wake it up. Our task is now – to push the boulder in case of unforeseen situations.

We approach the cage near the entrance, there are a pair of chickens and piglets, the peasants also lick about the amount of damage. We go to the statue. Take the pumpkin and the midst. All items are displayed at the top, you just need to hover the cursor. Combine pumpkin and dagger, we get a bowl of pumpkin. Near the lantern, take a stone.

Now we go to 2 empty cells. We look at the small and notice the strong stick, accumulated by the Beep. We use the dagger, where our attachments and stick. Let’s turn to 2 jug. One is empty and the other is closed by a cork. Again, I will help out the dagger. Inside, we find wine. Scratch it with a half and in the inventory transfers into a bowl.

Do not forget to approach the table. From him we take the plug. Stone bowl can not move, the monster is better not to disturb.

Now we go to the boulder. On a loose-mounted earth pour wine, but the wine is required more. Olaf himself comes down for the following portions, and the boulder will move away under the action of the village. It remains to tie his rope and finally release the output.

We can not leave, because they promised to kill the monster. So let’s return to his lair.

We go to the statue. Olaf will cause black clouds with eyes named Dryen. From the conversation with him I will bring out what to kill the monster leg, you need sunlight. Above the entrance to the lair there is chimney, tightened skin.

Near the leg, we notice the stairs, but it is not possible to take it;very sensitive dream at monster. We look at the burning crystal above the sleeping head.

Return to Smoky. To feet tightly fell asleep, you need to muffle the light of the crystal. On the lamp next to the statue we throw a piece of skin, the second lamp is near the table. We do with it also. The lamp remained in the hand of the statue, divide it with a stone. Moth flew to crystal and muffled his light.

Now let’s notify the smug and boldly take the stairs. Above the entrance to the lair at the top notice the stretched skin. Click in inventory on the stairs, and then on the skin, and Olaf will bring her. Close up. To the left of a piece of leather in the stone we notice the crack. Pick it up with a fork and plug. Insert the plug into the stretched skin and tie the rope to it. Everything is ready for trap.

We look like Olaf lures leg.

The next scene occurs at the House of Olaf. He speaks his beloved Alia. We understand that the legs now run by a mason in the village. Olaf gets interest from each transaction. All satisfied.

At night, the hero will be a knock on the door. This is his old acquaintance asked (well, well), asks for help. King’s daughter kidnapped by Giant Krieghell. Contributable to meet in the morning.

Olaf enters the house, come to bed. We listen to the thoughts of the hero on the prospects of victory and defeat. Freshness.

In the morning the first thing we find that the door is open. Weird. Come up to the stove, from there I will take the corner. In the corner of the room there is a chest. Come to it, we take the key under the old jug with a blue flower and open the lock. We take with me oil and donel. In the corner there is a fishing rod, take just in case. In the center of the room, the cellar, but it is closed on the castle, and the key in Aliya.

Let’s leave home. Under the window bench, and there is a basket with pies from our courtesy with the accompanying note about the fair. Will have to upset it, there are works and more. Near Chleva We notice the wheel from cart. In the well, just in case are gaining water in a bucket. Behind the house where the boat lies, we note the presence of an empty bucket and a pole. These items will still be very useful.

Now approach the basket on the bench, eat the pies, take the empty basket and go out for the fence.

Personal lives on the swamps, here and go. On the stone notice the sign, on the side of a tree with a hollow, and above the head is poisonous ivy. It is only impossible to go further – a terrible smell.

We return and go straight to the tavern, to the mask, Father Aliya. We give it an empty basket, throw a pair of words. He goes to a swamp in a mask, impregnated with special composition. Mask fell into his well, the composition ran out, the recipe is incomprehensible. Take a recipe, maybe you will understand? The future toast asks us to make a sickle to him, reluctantly agree.

On one of the columns we take the rope, and on the table next to the stairs – sickle. Share his downtow and tie the rope to the poles. Let’s go to the courtyard. In the well we see a mask, just not to get it. Crane Bezooman Well. Next to the entrance to the tavern there is another door, but it is locked.

Let’s go home. It is necessary to find the hidden Aliah key from the cellar. Near the door stands chair, on it network, Olaf will shift it on the chest, dirty plates – on a barrel, let’s see the books, in one of them we will find where to look for the ingredients for the potion in the recipe. On the chair in the middle of the room take dirty clothes, here it is the key! Clothes Olaf will put on the bed. Alia never reached its goal: make your beloved to get into the room.

Apply the key to the castle of the cellar and go down. There we are already waiting for the smoke, asks him to find a lesson or a new dwelling. Unbearably him, you see that legs are calm and happy. We promise to him.

In the cellar we take a jug of Mishop (one of the ingredients), old bag. Bag immediately chromine dagger, only strap is suitable.

It is necessary to walk in the yard and go back to the house, then Olaf will take a jug from the table. In the courtyard, we have already gained water from the well, a little, according to the recipe, pour out a bucket in a jug, add Mishop juice and coal. It remains to find tripty nuts.

The book says that they grow on swamps. We go to the swamp, to the tree. For sure, on its branches – Triptych bush. Just do not get it up. Here come in handy sickle on tin. Olaf goes home and cut a bush. We need only nuts.

In the tavern, near the rack we use a mortar for the impression. Add nuts in a jug, drug is ready.

Now we have to come up with how to get a mask from the well. Come to it, with the help of fishing rods. But she smells terribly, it is necessary to attribute her mask, let him put.

In the tavern stretch the mask the owner, but for some time you need it to be cleared. In the meantime, the masks want us to bring a basket with food to themselves, it should pick it up from there. So do. We put a basket on the bench.

Go back to the tavern, on the threshold of which the furious Aliya is already waiting for us. After listening to reproes, we take a mask at the Masca and soak it with the drug.

On the Swamp Olaf will put on the mask. Let’s go along the path. Remove in a round pad with clay and spiral roots 2 plants. Return back to the fork.

Again we come to the fork. First turn to the east. There are thumbs up, the remnants of some ancients do not pass through them.

In the west come to the hut. Inside us is waiting for a huge stone room and asked in the center. She gives us the following information: Krugellal lives in an ice cave in the north to kill him, you need to resurrect the oracle in the clay area in the south of the marshes with live water. Take from the table a statuette for finding live water. About Chan with potions We select a tin mug.

We leave out of the hut and go home (good, the witch spell we are freed from the smell of swamps and can go without a mask). Near the house we are waiting for a note from red and chasing, the truth is broken. Tearing it with a leather strap.

Now we return to the swamp. We go to the ruins, east. Flying with a chain, we cleaned the road through the thickets of the thorns. Climb the steps. Before us round platform with a stone face and pedestal. There and go. Already standing a figurine as ours, insert our hole in another hole, but do not turn. But we have oil. His drip in the hole and insert the statuette. Turning them. Zipper, and lit up the plate on the right. Come in there. Forming a slab and get crystal.

Do not forget to cut off the root of the plant hanging from the wall (let him give it a dagger) and raise a stone from the floor from the wall.

Crystal insert in the middle and turn statuettes again. The passage of downwards will open, where we see an empty pool with 3 ridges and a seated goddess of life on the throne. On the wall of the table – you need to bring the goddess to the victim. Something incomprehensible yet. Just in case, put an empty bucket to the pool (so as not to spill in vain a living water).

Come to the goddess, or rather to her outstretched hand. Insert a stone and hear the sound. From the side of the statue we see the panel, click on it, it is put forward, but the gap is very small to insert the dagger in her. But inside is clear something hits. Raise the statue of the statue a shag hand.

What to do? Let’s go, catch, maybe we will come up with…. on the fork, the roots of the tree are resin. Scrapping it. In the inventory we put it in a tin mug. We go to the house to the pan, to heat it on a hot stone in the middle of the hall.

Now back to the dungeon. Omit in the resin a broken hand and attach it to the panel. The lid is removed. Sweep the proceeded trumpet. Lower the root in the resin and close the hole.

We use the outstretched hand, and the water from Gorguli poured into a bucket. But, the problem: the bucket bloomed, and we did not score the water.

Put a stone in the outstretched hand, weight is too small. Next Step – True Wheel. At the very point. The pool was filled with live water, which we type in a jar.

We go to the grave of Mikorus, Provons. Come to a round clay area and pour live water. Sviditz arises from under the ground. True, he turned out to be a mushroom with a bad character. Requires payment for the board, and then generally asks to leave him alone. Yes, he also speaks about some slugs.

We go to the fork. We look at slugs on Earth. Let’s go, let’s tell the Vounty! The mushroom was frightened and asks us about the guard instead of the prediction. We bring him from the house of the rooster. True, he sleeps. But we have access to living water. Quickly come to the dungeon and fill the jar of water. Pour it in the presence of mycorus on the rooster, there is no effect. Will have to find another way.

We go to the cellar of your house, to the smoke. He agrees to accommodate in the rooster and guard the Providence.

Come on the swamp and become witnessed by the scene of the smelting of the slugs. Mushroom satisfied and tells us about the breath of God. This weapon against Krieghella. But it is hidden on the sunken ship in the ocean.

We come to the rating, she promises to help find the place of flooding. But we need to get the gills at the fish of Belorybitsy. The sorceress tells about the book where the fish is written. And this book should be at the father of the hero, he lent her from the pan, but never returned.

Come to the house, on the shelf with books we find the right and read. It turns out, the fish must voluntarily give the scaly. We have already seen some kind of fish over the door at the Masca. We go there and consider it. White Tweed on the tail says that this is Belorybitsa. Ask her to the owner, but he decorated. Says above the entrance to the kitchen always something should hang. And we will offer a stone hand, still original. Masks agree, and fish.

But we must ask for it from it, and not just take! Fortunately, live water is splashing in our jug. We go to the swamps and revive the fish, which immediately flooded, leaving the magic scales sticking to his hand. Hooray!!!

In the hut, we receive the last instructions before teleportation into the underwater temple: in no case will not lose the scaly, not to return without the breath of God.

We carry in the temple. There you can even talk. I swim to the glowing stone, but to pull it either with your hands nor a dagger. Upstairs notice something. This is a cone altar and a statue of fish with 2 tails. On the back of the fish there is a niche, scroll pictures on the signs of the wheel at the bottom. There is no fourth plate, but, by scrolling forward, we get the key.

We swim to the goal, they are closed. But on the right there is a panel, insert the key, turn, and the gate will open, leaving the scratch on the stone slab.

I get away from the temple (for the question, below, in the middle of the screen). We pay attention to a strange creature with false stones on a single stone. Right – we are waiting for a rock with algae. Cut off one dagger, it will be instead of rope. But there is some kind of passage. We drag the way the dagger and cut into the cave. We would go further on her, but too dark. We must first get the light.

Return to the columns and the creature on the stone. On the left – we swallow to the depression and box. But here ghosts appear and do not let us go further.

Among the natural columns there is a pass to the right. There are stumbled on the chest. Next take a stone and try to split the chest. It does not work, only the hand was parse and the stone was broken.

Return to the gate of the temple. On the scratches at the entrance put the chest. We swim to the panel and turn the key. Gate stripped chest. Let’s see what. And there – old clothes, a cup (taking) and the symbol of the marine god (take).

Let’s try using the symbol to bust the ghosts. Swim to the depression and apply a symbol on the ghost. Does not exceed. Let’s try on a skeleton lying nearby. It turned out: Ghosts disappeared. On the left, look at the bronze boiler. On the right we swim to the iron and look after. We take the residue of the peeling pipe, glove from armor.

Can now swim to the ship. There see another unworthy soul. It would be nice to talk to her. This is the captain of the ship. His ship Skilled the sea dragon living in the depression;He took the breath of God into his treasury. The captain can not be stubborn while the king threatens the enemy from the north, Krugogel. Well, this is also our main goal. It remains only to select his trophy from the dragon.

Swim in the depression. In the cave we look through the hole: see the sleeping dragon. Wake him not worth it. At the entrance to the cave – some sort of grass, and in it something from the ship. We are trying to take, but burns greatly. And the glove to what? Get a glove box, open and see the tools of the hell. Take the forceps.

Aside from the cave, then the mirror stands on. But how to raise it? We do not know yet ..

Climb upstairs to the temple (click place on the map). We swim to the luminous stone and smear it with forceps. Now there is light, you can fuse and in the cave in the rock. But the passage in it is fallen a glass web. We find in it LAZ below, on the left. Swim to stone with a sponge. Cut part of it. Through the window I pop up on the plateau.

Our way next is down. And at the bottom we see whale. He can help relieve the dragon, but you need someone to stay with his ward. We offer to overcome the fry with the mirror. Keith agrees and talks about the sea titanium with a red pearl, who has broken once with a dragon.

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