Firefly Studios’ Stronghold 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 8, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Firefly Studios’ Stronghold 2: Passage
Firefly Studios’ Stronghold 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
My lord! Something those guys with stairs were too close to our wall. Do not you order a log on them? Yes, Milord! You are absolutely right! It is better to wait for the Almost approached the squad of spears. Of course, today we will again be at the height. Although… It would be necessary to execute a couple of these thieves-peasants, and then completely blocked. And release young falcon, otherwise the rats will eat all our grain stocks. Damn, this fortress will ever drive me crazy – you don’t remember everything!

As if joing

At one time, Stronghold became a revelation. Well, how it turns out, in the Middle Ages, the knights not only fought with each other a crowd against the crowd in the middle of a clean field. They also stormed the locks! Yeah, each self-respecting feudal had a wonderful fortress, to capture which had to worry seriously. True, there were enough flashes in the game, and the Chest of Infantry People, deftly working with swords, could have disappeared to the foundation it would seem an impregnable wall. Nevertheless, the game opened eyes not only to players, but also to developers. And very soon attempts to create their fortress. However, something constantly hurt, and the next decent fortress was clearly the fortress from Stronghold 2.

However, the most awesome was the fact that setTlers came to us. Not those that Heritage of Kings, calling this proud name. And those that should rightly get a number in the shame of settlers. Only very harsh and preferring to sit behind the fortress walls. In the world of Stronghold there is no place for the carefree fun of the world settlers. Humor here your own, special, usually black. Want to get more siege guns – please. Only in the appendage will go to the need to crawl (it is impossible to choose another word) Peasants, whose manure must be constantly removed to avoid an epidemic. More walls and towers? Please! And at the same time accept crime with the ability to make criminals as much as 10 ways. By the way, the highest crime rate is just in the guild of the assesenizers. Something very deep is in this idea…

As a result, the assault and defense of fortresses just do not look like the most interesting processes in the game. The most interesting thing is to create your own castle, make it better than everyone. And we turn on this leisurely action, looking at our people who run on non-existent paths. Because they lead from the warehouse and back, for nothing that no one has read. These are settlers. Or still Stronghold? Well, yes, the pipe is calling on the wall. And who just dragged these catapults?


What is Stronghold former? This is a strategy in the style of Age of Empires with some bias towards the creation, defense and attack castles. The current game is not at all similar to its predecessor. She first became a simulator of the life of a medieval castle. There are many resources (some of which are quite passing), but now it is necessary to produce them. However, still on the principles of the game.

The first phenomenon is Honor. This is a strange resource that is used to purchase particularly advanced warriors. They see if there are few armor and sword – they still have a high honor of Mr. Then why it is spent? Mr. from hiring a military becomes dishonest? This is especially interesting due to the fact that the easiest way to increase the stock of honor is to feed better peasants. Much better honor is mined at peaks, which is somewhat more clear. It is better not to suffer at all with this mysterious resource and to dwell on the fact that the honor is needed by any feudal.

Mood the peasantry is much more common, but nevertheless still occurring rarely. Much more interesting his interpretation. With 100 mood units, peasants are not issued a multiple production rate, like Stakhanov. They just work. But it is only worth starting to fall – and you will not see new peasants. And then start to go away and old. From which the mood will fall even more, as they leave first of all from the work raising the mood. Here is a vicious circle.

Concept Estates (Estates) somehow before anywhere and did not meet. At least in the form in which it occurs in the game. There is a central estate in which the Lord ruler lives in the tower. In it and only in it you can build defensive structures, troops, regulate taxes and follow the mood. In all other, you can only two things – to build something at the expense of the central treasury and select something from stocks. Taxes are not regulated there – the estate stably pays some amount even when the Taxes are installed in the minus. Mood for local residents stable. Moreover, these estates are up to a certain extent autonomous. And by clicking on the flag in the neutral estate and paying 100 of honor for its accession to your possessions, you will find it in some time that the people independently planted a couple of apple orchards and remove from hunger is not going. Of course, the activity of local residents should be regulated by creating the necessary mining enterprises. But nonetheless…

And finally, crime. Not that it was a terrible problem. All problems are solved. But as soon as it arises – will have to create a powerful judicial apparatus, which will be engaged in catch and punish criminals. Not that the criminals are strongly harmed with their own illegal actions (they are usually unnoticed against the background of the built-in production), but they do not work on the work allocated by him (for example, it stands for a manual pit, which is poured into additional losses) and their causing idlenesswith misunderstanding look at the fact that some are allowed to do nothing and take everything that wanted. We will have to eradicate.


The economy is based on the principles listed above. And mainly it depends on mood and estates. Mood is especially important, because with its low value, the collapse may occur in a few minutes. Therefore, from time to time, look at the book in the lower right corner of the screen and make sure that the mood of the population does not go into minus.

The second principle of economics – specialization. The fact is that there are extremely few space in estates in order to create a complete set of necessary. Of course, such buildings such as hunter houses and apple gardens should be in every estate – so that the enemy does not find the surprise your farm. But, for example, it is possible to engage in the production of bread in a single estate, and from there to deliver it to the rest.

Finally, the last rule of economy is the correct location of buildings. Do not be lazy to group them so that the peasants quickly get to the place they need. Otherwise there will be no slightest meaning that you have a bunch of desired buildings. After all, while the peasant drags its products to the warehouse and returns back – production stands. And the warehouses are only four – the kitchen, the barn, arsenal and, actually, the warehouse itself. Carefully read the chapter about the building to understand what and where it should be located to reduce the routes of our Nonsuna. And feel free to demolish interfering buildings in order to correctly arrange what you need.

It is important: From the warehouses do not destroy only directly warehouse. But it is not important. It is important that when destroying, any of these buildings is lost that which was stored in it. The opponent in the arsenal can lie on 200 swords and armor. But one tidy shot from the demand will forever leave potential warriors without weapons.

Honor without glory

Honor – a kind of governor’s well-being. And this is a currency for which good troops are bought (by itself – besides the already paid gold) and the estates are purchased. And so that you do not suffer, how to get this valuable resource – here’s a list of all “reception places”. So, the main supplier of honor is a kitchen. Availability on it “advanced food” guarantees pions. The bedroom of the lady itself brings the honor, and in the presence of fabric, the effect of dancing after the feather increases significantly. This can also include the guild of musicians (strengthen the effect of the feast). Good feeding of peasants (not less than two types of products) will also contribute to the “Common Boiler”. Very useful in terms of honor Knight’s tournaments and statues. Of the less common – church, monastery, court and wandering artists. Also, honor can go from your title, but it is rather a non-implemented idea of developers.

Since we started talking about honor, why at the same time do not remember about the mood? Let’s start with what it only lowers – and these are rats, manure, crime. Of course, with all this I need to fight, I do not regret the resources, – the displeased peasants will cost you more. It is possible to enhance the mood with the help of a church, hotels, a knightly tournament and wandering artists. If the last two buildings can simply be, then candles and beer are needed for the church and hotels. Without these resources, you wasting to spend the place under the building. Finally, they can improve the mood and worsen its nutrition of peasants and taxes.


The peculiarity of this game is that buildings occur instantly. Need a new tower – please! Only life resources. That is, a new line of defense can be created for some completely tiny period of time. And no builder is needed for this. Payback is very simple – buildings are not sold, but are demolished. It is completely without the slightest attempts to return resources.

And one more – the buildings themselves do not work. Each building is attached by an employee who can leave to watch the view of the arrival theater or become a criminal. No worker – you wonder you spent money on the building.

This is interesting: buildings here Lineberry of life does not rely. Therefore, they usually die quickly and irrevocably, which almost excludes the possibility of their repair. The only thing that the processes of destruction are noticeable – these are walls.

Walls and towers

The decent castle begins with the walls. And only behind the walls is what you will defend. And here without a well rebuilt castle can not handle. Building?

Pay attention – all the walls, towers and other facilities related to defense can only be built on the lands of your castle. Even in the most vulnerable to the invasion of the enemy, you can only keep troops that will fight without supporting any towers.

Wooden Wall (Wooden Wall). 1d. Simple wooden wall. Often it is easily frosted by swords without the help of any siege machines. However, there is something that allows you to still use a wooden wall – it is impossible to get it on the stairs, it can only be broken. Therefore, we put the wooden walls in front of the stone, and let the enemy infantry trying to do something against our archers.

Platform (Wooden Platform). 10d. A simple staircase that allows the infantry to boil onto the wall and be ready to reflect the attack.

Wooden gate (Wooden Gatehouse). 20d. There must be some kind of entrance, even if your castle is entirely criminal wooden? That’s it he is.

Single Stone Wall (Single Thickness Wall). 1 TO. Unit stone wall. There is still a double block (Double Wall) and triple block (Triple Wall), that respectively cost 2 and 3 stones. However, they are not in width, but in length, so just use the single block and do not clog the head like nonsense.

Stairwell). 10K. Cheap way to lift on the walls of fighters. Especially if you are not going to build towers. Used as the tower cannot in mind the absence of a normal platform at the top. In addition, only an ordinary towers cannot be built at the beginning of the campaign. Later stairs turn into meaningless luxury.

Overview Tower (Lookout Tower). 15k. The smallest tower. It can accommodate only 4 arrow. However, at first she can become the only way to confront the enemy catapults – not only cheap, but nothing will give anything more.

Bastion (Bastion). 10K. This is the lowest of round towers. Against the background of the general trend “The higher the better” (arrows fly further, and getting into shooters harder) looks like strange. Nevertheless, there is an application for bastion. For siege guns, the principle of height is just “the lower – the better”. From the height of the ballists scary smear. Therefore, it is precisely on such towers and it is worth putting balleys.

Square Tower (Square Tower). 24k. It would seem why you need a tower on which you can not install a ballist? The thing is that the archers are not inclined to comply with safety. And very often the situation happens when, when shelling the balleans, the archer flies after the arrow. So – or Ballist, or Archers. Meanwhile, the square tower is much better suitable for archers by the fact that it is equally close to any side of the tower, in connection with which the archers will always shoot and will not be “vacationers”, like on a round tower. However, you can install on it and ballots with catapults. Yes, and that is nice, there is a little space for such a tower. But also destroy it faster.

Round Tower (Round Tower). 30K. Another tower for baller. Higher than square, and a powerful – a stone goes more. Well, it costs more.

Great Tower (Great Tower). 50k. Huge tower, there is nothing above it. And again, you can install a ballast or catapult. Do not even dug up. Afraid that he collapses? But the places for it are needed.

Square Tower with Hoarding (Square Tower With Hoarding). 20d, 20k. Like the next tower in our review, designed to better protect the archers. They hide in fences and brazenly laugh at enemy arrows, being invulnerable to them. However, there is nothing good in this tower – the fences are trying to instantly smoke. And the mechanics refuse them. So why pay more?

Round Tower with Fencing (Round Tower With Hoarding). 20d, 30k. All similar to the previous “monster”.

Small Gate (Small Gatehouse). 15k. If there is no stone at all, it will come down. But from a simple wall, such a gate differ only in that through this fragment of the wall can be passed. That’s all.

Gate (Main Gate). 30K. Excellent gates equipped with the top platform on which the shooters can be put on, and those will shoot the enemy, which decided to shut down on our good inside the castle.

Large Gatehouse). 50k. From the previous gate, there are even greater values and the presence of a lowered bridge. Only here, such a halter often put at all nowhere – the territory in the game is often tiny, and chant somewhere not only a piece of the fortress wall, but also the gate does not often do. Although in the picture admire.

SALLY PORT. 20k. Surprise for the opponent. Outside you will not see it. If you activate – the wall breaks and across the passage you can attack the enemy with your army.

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