The Sims: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 9, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Sims: Passage
The Sims: Game Walkthrough and Guide
The world The Sims. Useful advice

Garden ornaments

Special chic and painting Your area with a house in retro style, a house-lock or a house with a taste of dilapidation will be given a cemetery with moss tombstones and scribes. Tombstones, unfortunately, can not be bought, but you can get if you move urn from home to the garden. Some, I know before installing the house "my" The family, inseculate the plot of unwanted simamas, and then lock them in the room one on three with the included TV, deployed to the rear wall. Others use a fireplace for this purpose. Be that as it may, all this – already inhuman, or rather, "Bessymisma" Auschwitz Perversion. It is quite another thing – to honor the eternal memory of your beloved Sim, equipping it the flowering corner in the garden.


To create a comfort in the house, it is absolutely no need to nourish expensive baubles. Much more important to get rid of cockroaches, old newspapers and the mountains of unwashed dishes. Do not waste the latest money on the fountain in the hope that the SIM will finally get a boost. Better put in the yard flowers. And in the house most importantly – lighting. Many windows will give your home comfort more than paintings in heavy frames. The Council seems simple, but how many difficulties are because they neglect them!


Each sim, like a person, is a bright personality, and two identical sims does not happen. Even if you create two sims with the same appearance, each SIM has items of individuality, a zodiac sign that determines certain character traits, and interests that may change throughout life. Baby sims have no interests, they appear later and depend on the sign of the zodiac and the environment of Sim See.


You do not see how your sim and its neighbors work, but other sims can be found at work. For example, in urban restaurants there are waiters and cooks, and in stores – sellers. In the suburbs, too, there are service personnel, such as maids or gardeners, which can be hired by phone. There are such employees inexpensively, but very saving time. Sim, when it is at work, will not discuss with you personal affairs.
Of course, the repairman does not ask much for his services, but for a great tendency to the technique of repairing a shell or computer will bring no less benefit than theoretical study of mechanics.
If you go to work without leaving the money on your account for your coming maid, you can begin to learn to do without its services. The kids will have to water the flowers, and you – drag dirty dishes in the bathroom so that her kind and smell of missing food did not spoil the mood before leaving.
Home robot copes with the household no worse than the maid, but it is much more expensive. The food cooked by the robot is similar to the cooked simoma, but it is much inferior to the caloric content.


Both working Simima can bring material well-being in the house, but all this is good, only in the case of the reliability of home "Tylov". In fact, the sim, whose houses are clean, comfort and delicious lunch can spend more time to explore the disciplines you need in career. And if the homemade-wife will maintain a good relationship with family friends – Well, the better for family well-being. In addition, the long-awaited (and unexpected) children demand care, especially at the first time. In addition, the sim who received a lot of skills, being at home, will quickly advance through the career ladder in the future. Yes, by the way, I am not at all preaching discrimination by sexual basis: in one of my SIM family, the head of the family nursing a sweetheart, and his spouse makes his brilliant doctor’s career.

Cool items

Many items have truly unusual properties.
Although a feline concert, arranged sim in the initial period of learning a game on musical instruments, not everyone likes, the whole family will run to your Siema with great pleasure after the acquisition of three points of creativity.

Try to sit down two sims of the opposite sex on the sofa, and then affect them on each other. Especially comfortable red angular sofas and metal chairs with green seats located in the city. However, at home you can spend time with no less pleasure, the main thing is to know what to sit on!
The telescope itself is an excellent thing that allows you to learn and have fun at the same time. However, it is not necessary to abuse, otherwise the simpaty-aliens will be taken from you, coming on its plate.
The heart shaped bath will help not only have fun and increase your hygiene rating of your Sima, but also to establish relationships with your second half.
Besides the fact that the vibration bed is really very soft and comfortable. It allows a pair of sims to chat and praise. And if you regularly use it as a means of entertainment, being in a good mood, then in your house, your sims will soon be hearding children’s crying and baking.

Education simyste

Children born after the series "passionate kisses", As a rule, very similar to parents. Less similar to parents siblings of a heart bed for honeymoon. Fixed children adopted after a call from the shelter can be even another skin color, making up a striking contrast with parents. This is a fact that does not have theoretical basis, but repeatedly proven experimentally.
If your handsome Sim Baby loves to read, play cars and dolls and generally independent – consider you lucky. Because some kids love to wear around the house, scattering food, scare parents and cuddling faces guests, whose location for promotion is extremely important. The best way to handle such children is to make a brother or sister for them. Although there is a risk. If the kids fall around with characters and do not switch to each other, then, instead of neutralized, their energy intimidation will be doubled!
If the work for your sims is currently extremely important, but it is a pity to give a second child to the shelter, then the firstborn can successfully sit with him a couple of days. However, be careful not to reduce his school assessments, more often teach Simmenka these days. By the way, this state of affairs has its own positive way: children get along with each other literally from the most diapers. In one of my families, brother and sister became friends so that, supporting good relations with their parents, they didn’t need them completely in them, and everywhere went by a couple, except in turns in turn.
Children’s interior is very important. Many toys, flowers, baubles, comfortable beds, mirrors and wardrobes – an important element of the life of a little Sim See. If you neglect the comfort, the overall rate of his mood, and then school assessments will deteriorate, and the baby can pick up in a military school.
Although they are doing everything on their own, they cannot prepare a full-fledged dinner, so be sure to leave them food on the kitchen table.
Invite a small Sima to the city can not, and give him a gift – too, but he can be a full-fledged family (and full of fun).
The best and fairly cheap way to entertain children is to fit the plot, putting more colors, a few trees, installing a couple of objects for comfort in the garden. In such a plot, children can run for each other, having fun, communicating and enjoying the beauty of the kindergarten at the same time. Another alternative is a puppet lodge or a chest with toys, which are inexpensive, and look cute.
Railway – also an excellent opportunity to entertain simxate, both your and neighboring. The slide in the garden is expensive, and not every child like it, but it can be installed on the balcony of the children’s.
Standard "family" Methods of entertainment – this is a TV and computer. It only remains to hope that the children of the Sims will not cut into the sims, as we do;)

The world The Sims. Part 2. Trouble

From using many items break, deteriorate and bring a lot of trouble. For Sim, there is no worse spectacle than the type of broken shell or flew computer. To repair items, you can call an employee from the repair service, or the sim can roll the sleeves and take up the repair itself. If the time is pressed, but the Sima has full financial freedom, just sell the subject and buy a new one – and all!

Do not place items on the cells closest to the fireplace, if you do not want, of course, get rid of them, and at the same time and half of the house. Furnaces and stoves are also often the cause of fire. Fire damages furniture and can lead to the death of Sima. To avoid this, make a rule to install fire alarm in all rooms with flammable items.

Aliens can pick up your sim for about a day, during which you do not have the opportunity to manage them. All indicators of Sima, except for points of interest, remain after return unchanged. Sims, talked with humanoids, become indifferent and indifferent to a number of concepts. You can avoid UFOs, if you do not buy a telescope, but is it necessary?

You think the car will wait until you go away and free the road? Well, not quite. A hundred times will be, but on a hundred first let. So come from work – and there is nothing to stand on the road. What a tendency to suicide?

How often do you mourge the graves on your site? If you have a spacious cemetery, ghosts will not make long wait. They themselves are harmless, but they scare sims and do not give them to sleep. But what kind of exoticism! And if the sim lives in the castle, without ghosts just do not do.

Without doubt, a chemical laboratory – a very useful thing. But the potions can have both positive and negative impacts.

As is known from the school chemistry course, the color of the solution can report its properties much.

So, from the blue sim "feels completely updated" – and this "just wonderful". In fact, only three parameters are improved to a maximum, and which – it is randomly generated.
Brick-red – a sure sign that someone fell in love with Sima. Sometimes even pleasant things may turn out to be unpleasant. If, we put in your Sim, the sim with your street, but belonging to the family that is not yet populated in "neighborhood", then such an uninvited guest is able to bring out any Sima (and not only Simima!) Probably, he will settle with you, but will sleep on the floor, poisoning your life with shouts about how it is uncomfortable. You can get rid of this in two ways: to settle his family in the neighborhood (or removed at all) or wait for its natural death.
But do not confuse the red color with orange – the sim will be invisible for some time (all indicators are saved, the actions with the Sym are possible).
From green "Feel just awful", T.E. All indicators, except coziness, slide down. Sharply fallen values of Sima – the thing is unpleasant, but the corrected. Try only not to drink a potion before leaving.
As an option, a clone may appear from green potion, and it is not yet known what is better. If the Sima appears a twin, it will start to twist everything and everything, or wore the whole house with dirty dishes, or will be quietly watching TV – in short, its actions are unpredictable. In any case, if you are lonely, then you can chat with clone.
What about turning into an evil monster and revenge with a hated neighbor? Let sim drink a purple tincture and… "Oh, terrible Frankenstein!" True, it is not possible to confuse someone, but to scare – quite. Monster Symstrom is lost for several hours. SIM who turned into a monster will run around the house and the garden, and any item for which he will undertake will fail, be it a sink or computer. Isolate, Isolate Immediately!!!
And finally, to radically change the identity of Sima, use yellow potion.

In general, it is better to continue before drinking the potion. And if you do not like the result, you can always sell a boning chemical station and buy a new.

Death came? Fully agree with you, death is not the best visitor. But if you have come, be hospitable. Politely ask her a healthy sim not to take a family member, chat with death – suddenly the old woman missed? You can decide on more rapping actions, in the end, there is no comrade taste and color. Do not give up a family friend, even if he is with oblique and hooded.

Cockroaches are not the most terrible trouble, what can happen, but very nasty. They strongly spoil the mood to Sim and look in the photos disgusting: (Regularly go to the fight with the cockroaches with the whole family and do not leave the dirty dishes for a long time.

Wild animals, bears, for example, walking around the site, do not cause big inconveniences. You can even take a picture with them.

With clown, too, you can, but if a clown came to you, then get ready for a funny life (I do not mean personnel invited to your party). He, apparently, purposeful, decided that if it was boring, then you need to merge before. It will be at night to wake and entertain. Of the best motives. You can get rid of you, just selling the house.

Your sim did not choose a criminal career? Be that as it may, thieves on sim-line and there is plentyless. They are often visited at home to Simam, while those sleep or work in facial sweat. The best way to combat them is alarm system for each entrance. Sometimes, however, the price returned by the police is the cost of stolen, even together in the premium for the capture of the criminal, does not cover the cost. Just in case, do not place expensive items at the entrance and in the yard. Start the rule to put such devices like a telescope on the balcony.

If the kid comes an employee of social protection service, then nothing can be done. It is possible, however, to remove the door to the room in advance, where the cradle is standing… But the only useful advice that can be given in this situation is to follow the future for Simssen.

Much worse when Kidnepper comes after Simmen. There is no means to do anything at all, except to pay, but it does not always help. If the police caught the kidnapper, then you will pay solid compensation, and if not… In short, put the cradle as far as possible from the input and set the alarm.

Everyone is simcked, which are badly learning, take into military school. At the same time, the simssenok leaves, and you completely lose control over it. The situation is irreparable, and a prevention measure is to follow its marks.

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