Dead Space 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 30, 2022
16 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Dead Space 2: Passage
Dead Space 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide


After a small roller, our friend Franco finds us at the same early. Long to stay with him will not work, It immediately infects necromorph, as a result of which our former friend is no longer capable of brain activity and throws on us with the rest infected. By clicking the acceleration button (SHIFT), rushing along the corridor, rubbing necromorphs. Near the door we will be infected. Quickly press (E) to push out in the door where it will break into parts.

Chapter 1

Here we give a small respite, we can survive and continue to break through the corridors. Two soldiers can not be frightened, they, as soon as they see us, immediately fall into dinner to “necra”. We go on the corridors until we meet a man engaged in a carving glass. Do not be afraid, he will be shared by a first-aid kit and a flashlight. Say thank you, look, how he kills himself, go on. Here, Diana is associated with us and is going to help us. We call the elevator and follow where she will say we. The path can be seen by clicking (B) (switching up-down arrows, you can set any direction). In the premises dark – we use a flashlight. Open the hatch and check in ventilation, a little later fall out in the operating room. We tear off the shield from the device and get out of there “kinesiscript”. With it, we pick up the “spear” near the corpse and divide the glass. In two interested infected by launch the same “spears”, after we go to the elevator. Floor Above us again necromorphs will again. We divide the stand for objects and stick from it from it. A little further we will be taught to press the legs of the boxes and corpses, and beside the breaking just and that. Practice and move on. Cover in the stroller demolish the head, This is told in training. In the ward you can find a chained man, it is not necessary to beat it, and it is advisable to free. But we still do not have time, I will kill him from nowhere “Dismemberment”. But we have our first weapons. Cartridges are not enough, so it is better to start a couple of charges in the forehead. Also we do with the other “necrom” chained to the bed (by the way, by pressing the gap during aiming, you can change the target grid of this weapon). We also do not forget to open boxes on the walls – they have loans, cartridges and other useful things. We persist and go to the waiting room. Aquarium does not break, do not try. We look at the direction and go along the corridor where you shoot new creatures. In the room you can hear the negotiations of the soldiers, where we understand that it is better to shoot the enemies by limbs than in the brain. Go on and we meet the patient we could see a little earlier on TV. This is a stroke. We run behind him and understand that you fell into a trap. The door closed right in front of our nose, and also these necromorphs climb on all sides. Click to the wall and fight off. Later, already finally dead enemies can be supplemented, there will always be something useful in their pockets. We go to the administrator. Around the corner, at the place of control, by the way, our first power knot was dug. They are needed to open secret rooms, upgrade costume, weapons and t.D.

In the sorting room we need to hack “Stasis”. We do it, as stated in the tip, after which immediately slow down the stump of the necromorp. When he slows down – dismember him. Come up to emergency management of the stem, open the door and immediately “freeze” by the Stasis, to quickly slip until it closes. Next to us on the way will be “acids”. They are so called, because they are spitting with acid. Not thinking without thinking, killing necromorphs and sit down in the elevator, where we pass, Nicole.

The floor above the room explodes something, and a large hole is formed in the wall where everything sues. We shoot in a red triangle slightly higher to clean everything. In the next room, the corpse is lying around, shoot on it first, suddenly he is alive. Immediately you can talk, by purchasing yourself, finally, a normal suit instead of splashing a strait shirt. Passing outdoor space, we fall into the apartment waiting room. We approach the broken ship and notice a surprise in the form of “Bruta”. Freeze it with a station and shoot in yellow organic flesh on his hands, while they do not fall off. After listening to Diana, heading for ventilation, the shield of which is removing the kinesis.Dead Space 2: Game Walkthrough and GuideIt is in such conditions that will have to spend 90% of playing time.

Chapter 2

I hide in the store and improving your suit (or weapons, there is already at your discretion), we get into the apartment where you sit down in the elevator. On the other side of the building meets the old familiar stross. Do not talk with him as it should be running on. When the light feed disappears, we get back to the door and shoot it, sometimes using the Stasis. Go to the elevator. From the conversation with Diana, we understand that the new infection has gone from a new obelisk who created some Taidmann. With him we will need to deal.

Following further, among the silence it will be possible to hear the nasty cry. Meet this “demolition”. He needs to shoot in a yellow cocoon on his hand while he did not get too close to you, otherwise you can hurt an explosion. A new attack caused by the old obelisk. Moving a little ahead, we again pass hello, Nicole and understand that we have pronounced in the subway. In the car you can see the “infoators”, which revives dead bodies. Do not give him it to do with the rest of the corpses, otherwise it’s simply not enough for all the cartridges.

Go to the car, we get to the end and wake the panel. The train begins, and we go back forward, killing necromorphs. Noticing that we need to another car, jump and fly to it, maneuvering from flying trash. But you should not rejoice, the train will go to Sunny and we, surgery on the ass three cars, we depart from the train, like a plug of a bottle, and hang upside down. It is in this position that will have to fight. “Armorum”, a little late, shoot in the hands, so that he did not reach us.

Chapter 3

We go up stairs, where we meet the necromorphs of schoolchildren. Their tactics: to attack the crowd and blossom, so be alert and to meet with them, reserve the cartridges.

We follow the direction – I decide on the elevator. Raised on it to the next floor, where the emergency door will open during the shooting. Shoot in a red triangle above the door until we sucked there. Further on ventilation prolazis is not clear where. There on the table near the corpse you can see a video day of this very corpse. He explains to us that it is not necessary to spend the cartridges when you can throw blades using a kinosis and pick them back. So do it.

We go to the dispatching where we can continue and improve something on the workbench. We also turn off the press and go to the “trash”. In complete weightlessness, jump off from the ground (alt) and flight a pit. Activate the fan that will arrive a new batch of garbage (by the way, the chucks may be among the garbage). Fly there using acceleration. Near the fan itself we turn right and go inside. Stone in the dark, we find a battery scorched from the cell. With the help of a kinosis insert it back and climb in an elevator.

Go to the room from which the melody comes. Hi, Nicole. Going further to the elevator that will bring us to the Obelisk Room. Now there is a small brawl. “Infectors” better how to kill the very first while he did not have to infect other corpses. Places for maneuvers a lot, so do not stand still, but actively exercise in running. After go to the painted doors, listen to the exhibits, throw it that is boring and go further, where Taidmann’s soldiers notice. Until the oxygen ran out, we run into the Church of Junitology, where we will need to meet with Diana.Dead Space 2: Game Walkthrough and GuidePlaces the game very looks at Bioshock.

Chapter 4

Before going further on the task, you can visit the souvenir shop that is on the left. There you can find cartridges, a couple of knots, shop and workbench. When everything is done, we go to the right door. When you get to the cargo elevator, get ready for another battle with “inflectors” and simple necromorphs.

We rise to the gym. I don’t touch the glass with hands. We need to get on the door to which no food. We go to the next room, let out the battery from the device, which is located at the chair with the corpse, and insert it into the power shield, pre-tightening the door with the help of a cruise. On the door that has received power supply, just do not slip so much, you need to apply the Stasis. Zalazim in ventilation, at the exit of which are struggling with a dangerous syringe by means of frequent pushing on (E).

We go to the room with statues, sit down in the cargo lift and go down. When we approach the exit – someone breaks the door on the other hand. While Diana is looking for another path for us, we stand and fought off the “runners”. They are fast and also cowardly, constantly try to go back and just run away right away. It is better to just wait when they go to the frontal attack and finish off the blades, using the kinesis.

Following the new way, we get to the place of memory of the dead. We understand with vandals necromorpses and go down to “frosty freshness”.

Chapter 5

We got into incomprehensible freezers. Follow the corridors and as a result of the new attack of Aizek, we understand that it is a morgue. We pass one room after another, sometimes frightening from the chambers of necromorphs. Next, we need to go upstairs, but turn off the gravitational field will not work. Therefore, on a cargo elevator go down and we wake control for a mechanical ball. The top will be devastated by two magnetic holders, with the help of which it is necessary to delay the upper ring of the design on both sides. First, with the help of a station, slow down the design and with the help of a kinesis, we lower two magnetic holders from the sides. Recharge Stasis can be right here, near the Special Terminal. After two of the same rings we do the same. When the mechanism is completely disabled – the gravity will turn off. Tedtered into the air and fly under the ceiling, neatly fluttering the blade, pre-slowing them. Up to the opening hole by fly using acceleration. Turn on gravity and go further. On the way it is advisable to look into the store, there is a new arrival of armor and weapons. Opposite the workbench with the help of a crucible make the boxes to go on and preserve.

Middle of the ventilation and, breaking the bottom with its body, fall down with a crash. Come to yourself in some warehouses where it is very dark. Range, highlighting the road lantern. Enemies will be little, so do not slow down.

At the exit, there is a surprise in the form of a huge “bruta”. Aim and shoot him in a vulnerable yellow flesh. After him, other “necra” will come to replace. We go for a given direction. On the elevator with a surprise climb to the top of the church, where Diana will be waiting for us near the shuttle.

Once on the spot, we understand that Diana from the Unitology betrayed us. But her happiness will not be long – after a couple of moments, the soldiers of Teidmann in a blue helicopter will arrive and everyone will show movies for free. So as not to fly into space from joy, click (e) and jump in the hole. There for us completed another surprise in the form of a huge necromorp. Shoot him in the hand in the yellow flesh until the hand falls off. When that hesitates us, do not stand still, but unfolding and, opening the door to the kinesis, quickly run out of the room. After a small boat, we will be in the open space, where you need to shoot on the ballons with gas, to finish the huge “necra”.

Chapter 6

We are moving around residential premises. In the room it is advisable to look, There may be lost by someone loans. We rise to the already familiar area to us, where we will meet “fat man”. The most important thing is not to shoot him in the stomach, From there they will climb small creatures that are constantly cling to the back. Also, a little further, you can see nasty jets that are constantly on the same place and sprinkle bombs. It is better to shoot them at a distance or “freeze” by the Stasis.

In the following room you need to pay off the flame by turning off the oxygen supply. To do this, you need to pull three batteries. Two of them are located in the bottom, opposite each other. For the third one will have to take off under the ceiling. When the flame goes out, go ahead, capturing a battery with it to activate the elevator. Rising, knocking off the panel and go to warehouses where we will meet old familiar “Runners”, which, before you attack, will disagree around you a whole marathon distance. We destroy them, we wake the panel and go upstairs. There we will get acquainted with a pretty girl named Ellie, who does not want to be friends with us and, without leaving the number of your phone, will quickly leave the elevator.

We go to the children’s sector, where we see, right, necromorphs of children. With close contact, they have a habit of explode, so we shoot them from afar. For the sake of saving ammunition, you can wait until they gather in one pile and shove in one of them.

We go to the assembly hall, we wake the panel and fight with the defenders of the hall. A little further, we see a hallucination with Nicole, after which we are going to the elevator, where you see that our new familiar Ellie has found a stroke, which we have already imagined to look. At the outlet of the elevator just meet this couple. In the same moment, Taidmann himself will contact us and says that he does not want to let us go out alive. Here, as it was called, necromorphs will be raised on our friends, and we will slip “armorship” in general, to shoot who should be in yellow places at the shoulders and the rear legs. When everything calms down, we divide and go to the cargo elevator.Dead Space 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide“Get away, leave me!”

Chapter 7

The elevator needs a docking capsule, we need to fix it. We go into weightlessness and go down. Finding a capsule (if difficulties with searching, then do not forget to press (b)), we shoot in the red valves under it, so that it rose up. Elevator reinforced, return to it. Guests who will climb – shoot. Upon arrival, we need to go to the door that uses face recognition. Us, of course, just do not let. We go to the next room, with the help of a kinesis, pick up the corpse and bring to the door. Voila, the passage is open. Yellow laser rays We tear the barrels with the help of all the same kinesisis.

Going into the hall, we try not to be close to the window, otherwise, during the explosion, we will not have time to close it. We are hacking the cargo elevator and sit down in it. Trash, sculpting the path, remove with the help of kinesis. In the hall we turn on the oxygen supply, hacking the next panel. Now you need to break 5 generators who closed the circular door. To open it, you need to crawl into the left and right rooms. With the help of the regulator, choose a room and on ventilation I get into it. Give four batteries and insert them into a special panel, which these batteries are just missing. You need to insert so that they light up green. After the panel will appear where you turn off the passage. Climb back, redirect the ventilation path to another room and repeat the operation. We go into the opening room, break 5 generators and are preparing to enter outdoor space. There we need to send 3 solar panels to another same battery. One is already rotated as it should, we use it as an example to turn other. If there is not enough oxygen, go down and replenish the stock at the terminal. When the third battery turn comes, we will have to buy flying subversive “Necra”. I lower the camera just below and destroy the source of the contagion, after which I do not rush to turn the last battery. When everything is established, we fly back, sit down in the wheelchair of the catapulting and, lining the wreckage of buildings, go back down, to the city. While the gate opens – shoot from “infected”.

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