Thief: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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October 11, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Thief: passage
Thief: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Prologue: Fall

On the eve of the summer festival, the professional thief of Garrett receives from its informant Basso to large prey. The task is complicated by the fact that it is not necessary to work alone. A couple of Garrett, accustomed to act quickly and without excess noise, will be a bold and uncompromising young girl named Erin. Before the main thing, Garrett did not miss the opportunity to look at the citizen and clean his humble dwelling. We collect everything that lies in sight and everything is hidden from the eyes on the shelves behind the doors of cabinets and inside drawers. Having finished, we are chosen out through the open window and go through the beam to the building opposite. Open the window quickly and often pressing one button, and penetrate the attic. Singing or slow step in position standing by cells with birds. Pernava, especially sharply react to jerks, so their use instantly causes suspicion of nearby enemies. We interact with the picture and slowly spend your hand under the frame on each side until you find a secret switch, which will notify the painted icon. Activate the switch and proceed to hacking the safe. Rotating the launder, we find the right position for it and by pressing the corresponding button lock the pin pin. The complexity of the lock is determined by the number of pins (maximum 5). And, consequently, the more pins, the smaller fixation radius for each of them. Having completed hacking, taking a brilliant necklace from the safe and hear how someone sweels on the roof. Thief: Game Walkthrough and GuideErin.
We go out, turn right and pass the corner. Get a cable boiler from the box. We look up, open the equipment menu and choose the only arrogant type. We stretch the tent and shoot in the beam, wrapped with a rope. Grab the rope and go upstairs. Erin’s restraint of birds. She offers to check who runs faster. Accelerated behind the partner, overcoming uncomplicated obstacles. Honored victory gets a lady.

The stone of light located in the lower left corner shows whether the shadow hides us or not. Light circle – it is easy to see us, dark – we are practically invisible. Continuing to follow Erin, press the corner of the building and, without fearing to be detected, we look safely because of it by pressing the corresponding button. Advanced by the guards, Erin will use its own development – claws, allowing to cling to the bars and easily climb on the walls. We will have to act in the old manner. We use instant jerk to slip through the illuminated area. Then we turn left and climb the stairs. After a conversation, cropped under the pipe. We move to the checkpoint, break the winch and climb the stairs. Penetrating inside through the window, we wake the door lock, go into the room and we take the document “Diary viewing” (1/1). Go through the window and go to the next building. Slow steps we pass to the stairs, so as not to scare the bird, and climb the next floor.

Stone Primali is in the solemn room of Mansion of Baron North Crest. Having enjoyed the enemy territory, follow the Erin and use a jerk for instant overcoming the illuminated trail. Climb a little higher, come to the guard from the back and tear it. We jump over the fence, sitting very slowly pass on the water and make a jerk through the illuminated area. Take out a water boiler from the box and amazing the torch. We pass on the water, climb the stairs and watch how Erin kills the young and inexperienced guard. Stun the second guard and after a conversation with the partner, we wake the door lock.

We select a bottle, hiding around the corner before the illuminated area on the right side and throw a bottle into the place where we came from. The guard will distract, and we can easily get to the drawers to the right of the gate. We climb upstairs, we move to the building forests and climb the rope. Below, behind the back of the stationary guard, there are a locker, which is not only an excellent shelter, but also serves a point of auto storage, and a casket with a water arrow. Also on the other side we will find a chest with valuable objects. Erin kills the next guard and Garrett decides to temper her dust by staring the claw. Baron, Aldus and Cornelius spend a ritual with the use of a stone pricious for pricious. Garrett proposes to leave this place, and Erin insists on the continuation of the task. As a result, Erin, trying to return his claw, breaks down and turns right in the center of the ritual. Trying to save her, Garrett also rushes down.

We start passing the game thief.

Chapter 1: Blockade

Passed exactly a year since the last events. The city covered the disease called “darkness”, which has already destroyed a lot of people. Baron’s power enhances every day. The guards began to resemble chain dogs, ready to break any for criticism of power and minor misconduct. I miraculously avoid meeting with them, hide in the alley. Thief: Game Walkthrough and GuideValuable Trophy “Ring with Amethystami”.
Each chapter has unique tasks, the execution of which is promoting a monetary award. Style “Phantom” implies a complete or partial exception of other styles. Stunning and murders of enemies belong to the style of “Predator”, and the extinguishing of candles or torches, suspicion and detection – to the “Opportist” style. The chapter is considered to be completed in the style for which the most of all actions was committed.

The concentration allows you to slow down the time and highlight all active points. The concentration supply is limited by the scale, but it is possible to highlight active points without it. We go through the end forward, we turn left and pick up the newspaper “On the Commandant hour” (1/19), lying near the door. Expanding, run forward, jump over the fence and with the help of claws. We select a bag with food, restoring health, and climb even higher.

A clock tower is seen in the distance – garretta refuge. Jump down and sit down in the shade. One of the guards there is a document “Rules of Blockade” (1/2) – we are trying to. If you did not have time to do this right away, we wait for the guard returning to the gate already alone. We move into the workers on the other side and, turning left, pass to the end. Jump over the wall and turn out again on the street. Jerks get to the lamppost after the guards disappear. Quickly select the trophy “Ring with Amethystami” (1/4), lying near the barrel on the left side and go back to the worker. Cling to claws for the grille, climb on the wall and jump down from the other side.

We wake the door lock, squeeze between the boxes and choose the Stunmarket Canties. Jump on the right and pass to the backyard. There you will find a staircase – go down to the basement. We get to a small room, we select a newspaper from the pallet “The clock on the tower got up again!”(2/19) and make your way through the tunnel for shelves.

Penetrate the bench can three ways. The basement works a wizard that is constantly moving from one table to another. On the left table lies the document “Letter Laigruva” (2/2) – Take it. In it, before the beginning of each paragraph, figures 7, 3, 9 are the code for the safe. Safe itself is hidden behind the picture in the corner near the rack. The site is lit, so we act quickly, but do not addly. On subtitles it is easy to understand when the master goes to another table. Split switch under the frame, activate it, set the necessary numbers in the code lock and take the valuable trophy “mask with Laigruv’s jewels” (2/4).

We rise to the first floor and go into a small room with a sleeping guide. Slowly pass to the Wine Safe, we wake a rather complicated castle and take the valuable trophy “blackened bracelet” (3/4). Errors should not be, otherwise the guard will wake up. Before this is best saved in the closet or through the main menu. It is not necessary to persist if the safe door is open, since after loading this conservation, the guard widespread and detects hacking (abandoned by open hacked doors, safes and chests are fascinated by enemies). Go to the exhibition room, wait for the guard and follow him to the left. When the guard starts to leave back, we wake a showcase in the middle and take the valuable trophy “Mask with Jewels” (4/4). We rise to the second floor, we go to the bedroom on the right side and select a newspaper from bed “Who follows the watchdogs?”(3/19). Slowly and without jerks get to the open window at the other end of the corridor and choose outward. Thief: Game Walkthrough and GuideGarrett.
We select the newspaper “Blockade!”(4/19) lying on the bench on the right side. We open the window, penetrate the building and go out through the door on the other end of the room. Use jerk to slip past the guards. Moving forward, soon stumble on another couple of guards. We follow them to the angle, and then cling to claws for the grille on the pipe on the left side and, rush up, get to the control point.

Clock tower

On the left on the table lies the newspaper “The Necklace” Star of Oldale “(5/19) – Take it. In the chest can store unnecessary supplies. Climbing the stairs and get a message from Basso, delivered by Troron Jeniver.


Let’s leave the tower and go to the tavern “Chrome Burrick”, avoiding clashes with the guards. Basso affairs are bad, but it always has work for us. Recently died Cornelius Graves constantly wore a ring on his finger. This ring is interested not only by Basso, but also the people of Baron, who took control of the old plant, where the corpses deliver.

Returning back to the Basso’s shop, taking off the newspaper “Treason!”(6/19). Opposite the entrance of the tavern is a merchant. First of all, I get a wrench. Not unnecessary cable arrows. You can earn money on the sale of unnecessary supplies, looking for useful items in the city or fulfillment of Basso orders and other characters. We go to the tavern and pick up the newspaper “Northkrest Mind” (7/19).

Get to the cemetery and meet with the queen. A representative of the lowest state of the population of the population of hints makes it clear that in the city there is a dangerous power. Having received a concentration point, get an improvement in the “intuition” skill. For each donation in favor of the queen, we get one point concentration. Each subsequent advice will be more expensive than the previous 150 coins. We take the newspaper “Old Gods in a new city?”(8/19), lying on the table near the old woman.

Chapter 2: Dust to Pusto

The main goal of the foundry plant is stiguously protected. Go down the rope and jump even lower. If you go to the end right, then you will find a short way. We need a wrench for removing bolts with grilles. Long path – on the territory in front of the gate. Climbing the stairs to the left of the bridge and jerks between the shadows get to the door to the right of the gate. One of the guards will plunge into sleep, and the other will walk in a circle.

Jump over the wall and run to the building of the plant. For a second before the eyes, an image of Erin appears. We climb on the design located on the left side, and jump from it to the roof of the building. We pass to the end right, go down the stairs and get a valuable trophy from the drawer “in memory of mercy” (1/5). From the table we take the document “Coal mine” (1/9). We are selected from the construction and grab the pipe adjacent to the plant building. Climb upstairs, shift to the left of the ledge and penetrate the ventilation system.Thief: Game Walkthrough and GuideRoof path.
We pass on the ventilation and jump on the staircase when the guard goes. Go down to the end down, open the door and move to the illuminated door on the other side. Guardians will soon disperse. One of them will remain on the illuminated area, so we take the document “Transportation of Kadavrov” (2/9) from the wall to the right of the door only when the guards will be on the left side. Right – Short way to hook through ventilation. In the absence of a wrench, we climb on the box in front of the door and climb on the top floor, when the guard will be on the right side. We pass to the end right and take the document “Broken Glass” (3/9) from the wall. Jumping down, get up at the edge and cling to the hook.

Having moved into the production workshop, jump down to the way we will be in the field of the Guardian. We go to the end forward, we select the document “freezing place” (4/9) and we wake the door on the left side. Slowly pass on the glass between the cabinets, we take the document “Notification of Repair” (5/9) from the table and go out into the corridor. Following the guard, go down the stairs and immediately look up. Shot in the beam with a cable arrow, we climb on the closet and, grabbing for the rope, go upstairs. We supply until the last bridge and select a valuable trophy “Brooch: Daisy” (2/5). We continue to move along the corridor until you get to a small room, from where we go on by the guard (s) and climb the stairs. Jump over the railings and on the ventilation system are made through the workshop. On the book stack a little further from the door is a document “Mysterious letter” (6/9) – we select it. To the left of the shelving is a wall safe. I exhibit a combination 314 and take the valuable trophy “soul of a mechanical man” (3/5). Let’s leave the workshop through the ventilation mine on the right side.

Return to the stairs and choose in the corridor. Avoiding collisions with the guard, we get to the locked door and take the document “Forbidden zone” (7/9). In front of the sleeping guard is a chest, from all sides covered with broken glass. Slowly pass through a noisy area or just jump over the railing. We wake the chest, get the key from it from the machine compartment and do not forget to close the lid. We go to the next room, we climb along the wall with the help of claw and wait in the dark section of a successful moment to pick up the path of the Patoloanatom “List of Trupov” (8/9). Returning to the locked door, open it with the key and, rush up, grab the hook.

Once in the next part of the plant, jump down and follow forward. We observe how the general “Thief Catcher” removes the ring from the body of Cornelavus. We go further and choose upstairs. We take the “Search Instructions” (9/9) from the wall column. We go to the room behind the back, where the valuable trophy “ring with diamonds” lies under the grill over the ribbon conveyor (4/5) – we take it. Returning back, jerks from the countertop to the tabletop go on the other side. Making a jerk at that moment when the furnace door closes. Next, we get along the wall on the right side and through the ventilation we get to the Cabinet Master of the Workshop. We wake a wall safe, exhibiting elements according to the image. We take the valuable trophy “Ring Cornelus” (5/5). Neutralize the unexpected general and block the door.Thief: Game Walkthrough and GuideSolved puzzle.
Wear the door and come out out. When the guards are contractual and disperse in their places, we move on the right side of the Dark Station between them. Continuing to move on the right side, carefully approach the goal and climb on them with the help of claws. We rise through the pipe, shift to the right and choose out. We go to the right, jump into the roof of the construction and fall down. I hurt for the rack and wait until the guard does not check what happened here. Then proceed to it and quickly climb on the design on the right side when the guards go. Jump from the surface to the surface, from the beam to the beam and thus get to the building. Penetrate inside through the window and crosses pass to the next room.


The merchant has new tools – razor and plugs – get them. We meet with Basso in black alley. He will present us to the Customer of the Orion Ring, which opposes the Regime of Baron. Agree to get a unique book for him in the brothel “House of Flowers”. The house of flowers is a fairly secret place and they are not allowed there. Erin once worked in the brothel and naturally knew how to get there.

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