Crusaders of Might and Magic: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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October 13, 2022
16 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Crusaders of Might and Magic: Passage
Crusaders of Might and Magic: Game Walkthrough and Guide
That started a new story. It’s time to say goodbye to the old free life when the night in the forest was given to the coolness of the stars and calm down by the fire, when the soft foliage of autumn red waterfalls treated the wounds obtained in heavy battles with evil… Since you stepped on the path of war and evil, get ready for an endless service, a reward for which – death or the beggar of the Great Gods.

With these creatures in general, a separate story. All they have through the back place: at first they want buns of the sultry desert;bring – not suitable, already cold mineral water from the Far North required. Here and run there and back, burn a short life of mortal in endless travel. Rare your bars against small groups of enemies were seen by someone over, unfortunately.

Since then, a fairy tale begun called "Run there, I do not know where". …Enemies passed, slaughtered swords, but the sun sparkled their lots. Dust rose, washing the traces of the last bloody harvest. Satisfied pain celki-creating forgot the worldly free life, – a lot of centuries have passed since the deaths called. They are happy to serve, for this forgiveness and power to be reached into. They walked on the roads, the humming nations, burning the seams and spraying of the breed. Until a new hero was born that the loss of the family in the heart was grown. Taught in the forests, in tranquility of Lona, where freedom for childbirth;But the scar did not heal. The mistake of the label and the symbol of revenge, he broke out in wars with a squad of the enemy, saving and joy to the world of giving. .. The last attack passed not so successfully as all previous. The unfamiliate soldier of the enemy came from the back and got down to the enthusiast. Empty and dead darkness was deaf a deaf out of step, the invisible approached the body and opened the shackles. Opening your eyes, you will find that the last few hours were in a prison chamber under the supervision of two skeletons in armor. If you run from here, then immediately. Do not delay in a long box, take advantage of the negligence of the guards – their own weapons pass the half-jammed neck and go to the exit, the benefit of the dungeon is not confused. Somewhere in the very exit you will see the captain of the Crusaders sharpened here, who will be kneeling for help. It is only possible to raise the cell grille, as the liberated will begin to command: ‘Find Princess Selesty, it needs any help". That’s all the heroes and get into the foul. The path that will have to make can be viewed on the map. It is terribly inconvenient and very approximately composed;Your location on it is marked with a circle size with a good city. Therefore, it will be necessary to carefully memorize or, at worst, sketch all turns and intersections. To get to the Citadel, where the last time you saw the princess selection, you will have to run a few hundred kilometers through desert ravines, hills and empty and Musto not yet captured by skeletons. On the road, the future crusader, on the path behind the name and title.

…The last stronghold of the dying honor, untouched battle of people. He lives in tense, without strength and authorities. The harbingers of death – crows – circling in the hope of the fast and gloomy feast;they are impatient and cry destroys living hope for the eternal world. Swords are walking, lats are harvested, there are enough food, the chambers are closed. Everyone is waiting for no mercy, the slaughterhouses wish, the blood is the same swords and wrap. In the appeal, call, appeal… Here you will be provided with everything necessary for a long and hard journey – you can chat in the tavern with visitors, listen to the latest news from Dorenko and learn about the movement of the enemy. In the workshops without any problems will pick up the challenge of the desired size for an acceptable price. Quality, of course, not a gnome, but at first fit. Starting, do not forget to the maximum fill the sink, shields and liquids. Naturally, you do not need to be forced with cash – after all, in this world (where even a spike-hero can not wear and shove for free) money decreases.
If all weapons and armor are happy to be transferred to you for a modest fee, then the tips of strolling passers-by are completely free, sometimes even forcibly. Use it, because among the peasants there are people who are well-versed in weapons and magic. They will tell me which weapon against which monster is better acting. For example, a sledgehammer – against the golems, the sword is well chopped by skeletons. I personally stopped, after a long search, on a sledgehammer there is a Druid and a long sword of fiery lightning. These two glands rightly served all the journey, having intimidated blood from the handle to the tip of the blade (and do not say that the metal does not absorb – everything I absiled for a cute soul!).
Remember, I repeat again, all turns and follow the signs.

As I missed! The citadel seemed to me in the land of a stone strongrid, which is not at the power to take even a non-ease with the thousands of army. And, imagine anything like this – it turned out to be a design of openwork turrets and light mounted bridges, soaring in heavenly perina. The only way to climb such a topper was a duck flying boat;More precisely, a ferry of small sizes, controlled by a beautiful red-haired girl. First of all, finding the selesties – she surrounded by the Knights-Crusaders gathered the Council who should solve the fate of the country. The throne room is very easy to find: go down the central staircase down, and then climb into the turret, leading directly to the princess, the royal person will adopt you well, asks about health, will offer a wine cup, after which it will be sent to a meat grinder called "The rear of the army eases". You’re alone will have to kill numerically much more than the troops of a bad general and find an artifact called Horn Of Shattering. This trinket is hiding in their gnomes in a deep mine, you will only have to run there and bring weapons capable of recking evil. Oh yes without problems. Go back to the ground and get ready for a long journey. Check with the map: Your path lies through abandoned quarries, and from there through the gloomy forest right in theractions, the country of dwarves.

Old catacombs
…Raw stones stored sadness, and the walls are captive, no one dares to penetrate in darkness, where days are inconspicuous by seconds. There is nothing but night and crying… Torches are groomed killed by moisture. Armor rust and blood cold. There is nothing but angry and crying… Our hero did not notice the secret sign, through the splashing punching with a sword and fell into the trap, as if pathetic Pthaha, which was frightened by a darkness and broken wing… Look for a gallery – the faster you reach the bottom floor, the more chances of salvation. Skeletons of all stripes attack from behind the corner, behind, top and bottom;There is no salvation from them, especially since short clams pass almost in absolute darkness. After some time, after aimless wandering around the tunnels and acquaintance with stone golems, you will go to more or less hugged premises, where, undoubtedly, we have a small key from the northern gate that they are straight in the gloomy forest.

Gloomy forest
Well, what advice can be given here? This is rather capital truths of any traveler: not to turn anywhere from the road, and if she suddenly disappeared in the grass, go straight to the next piece of her. Fight at least slightly from the trail, and you caress extra problems: Monsters there are all sorts, unnecessary clashes and t. D. Item Second: Do not pay attention to unusual wooden buildings. Now it is impossible to go to them – they are here for the beauty of the landscape. Third: follow the signs. The opponent is not a current strong, as numerous. Poultry-people will rise against you – incomprehensible eccentrics in feathers armed with sticks with a screwdriver rope. Watching such creatures from all sides and do not even give seconds to wait the sword, collectively work comrades.
Live in the forest also trolls, angry redhead guys with sucked doubles. They are better not to come across – immediately marked for a cute soul and do not look like you are a crusader on an important order. They are well ax linked to small pieces. So, read the inscriptions and do not lose the cherished trail, leading straight to the cave of gnomes.

The landscape slowly changed, no longer confuses the greenish sky, the crunch of branches does not give the enemy your location. Now in the face blowing hot wind, well-fried by sand and other small fatty, which scores eyes and climbs the collar. Lats in the sun fascinated, and after half an hour you start to swim in them, choking on the aroma of the unwashed body. All the delights of knightly life is obvious, it doesn’t even be scratched. Thank God, the grass-overworn grass retains his legs from sharp stones, too unpleasant sound of a metal scratch about granite. Let’s talk seriously – the nearest kilometer of the enemy is not foreseen, relax and enjoy the measuring feet on the road. Distances here exactly as true, 1: 1. Guardy will miss you uphill;Taking advantage of this, how quickly runs to serving in stores: prices do not bite, and the goods are not lying. Gnomes across the country are famous for beautiful weapons and armor. It was here that I once acquired my favorite sword and a sledgehammer. Given the shield-reflector and heavy armor, I became like a small tank traveling around the magic country. Having a king of the gnomoms, you will know quite unpleasant news: endless cross-visor finally undermined the combat potential of the gnomes and divided them into two camps – stone and railway. Now the inhabitants of the mountains of Kok are never defenseless. Moreover, the leader was recently killed in the battle, and the prince-heir sharpened into the chamber somewhere in the mines. The situation is not the most pleasant, and solve it to you (and who asked to become a hero?).

Run down the corridors, crumbs of bearded shorts – in general, enjoy free life. I hope that claustrophobia you do not suffer. And then somehow it’s not good: the prince is waiting for help, he sits about the hero, clogging into a click, and let droach from fear. Going up at the bottom of the gnome development, find a fiery waterfall guarded by burning head. Conduct this mad creature will not be easy; remember one thing: the prince is not far away, or rather – above the waterfall. Hooray, everyone throws capes into the air and squeezes from joy – the prince returned and sat down at the father’s throne. Idyll is violated only by one small circumstance: to start governing the state, the prince needs a scepter, and then without this golden stick, you see whether it does not have power over the people. So that everyone falls even deeper! Damned jewel hidden by trolls in the gloomy forest – Run there.

…You’re almost a hero, you are worthy of award. Bards ready to sing you songs. For the strength and wisdom, power and courage of the gnomes and people – all of you are pleased. There is not much… Green Perina tightly grabbed the body of a knight who ran into her and he does not let go for a minute. Fresh air pleasantly caraps sand and throat scratched sand. Would go under one of the gigids and fall asleep for five years so that the body and consciousness rested; They were cleared of the bad, sealed from the legs to the head, as if writing blood. I tell how to walk to the scepter. First go right on the road, knocking off from birds and other forest creation, to a dual-pointer tool, turn to the left and deliver to the intersection with the road to the catacombs. Here choose the path from the dungeons. Minutes through four rapid runners right will seem a small hollow with five or six trolls. They are guarded by the cherished artifact. Guard well, in good faith. Steaming with them, go back to the city in Mountain and return the prince lost symbol of power. The horn of destruction is now yours. More precisely, until you voluntarily give it to the hands of Celestia. Back to go easier – the enemy is behind you with your back, so there is more chances for a quick attack and no less fast victory.

Xal is not the end. The princess horn is just so not needed. It turns out that for the final attack on the fortress of Nasos, you need some kind of captain Ursan with a detachment. But no hope – not so long ago the aforementioned warrior was lost in the snow gloryer. Entered the exploration and lost. (So that his trolls are angry ! Also me, an experienced soldier…) Time to the edge: the legions of evil are approaching the citadel and the search for the captain becomes vital. Forward. Let me remind you that the entrance to the Ice Country is located in the old catacombs. Dress warm, there today -42 Celsius.

Bright light for a second blinded unprotected eyes, but then it seems like our hero and began to distinguish the movement on the horizon. So there are – Ice golems and no less cold trolls. Plus frozen corpses of your predecessors here and there are scattered with bright stains. Arrow sledgehammer, now the carving of ice figures from ice running blocks will begin. The whole focus is to carefully overtake the five-ton Machina at high speed and not spoil the main composition. Kidding – to crumble them immediately. Penetrating into the very heart of enemy citadel, more similar to the frozen cave, look for monuments. Need the biggest – the one in the central hall. Somewhere behind him is sitting in the dungeon Raw Captain Ursan and cuts along with trolls in the card.
"Beat" them and release the soldier from the conclusion. The battle is about to start! Come back in the forest.

Forest again, and immediately Glyover
So the same thing came in the game, comparable to a proctological disease, namely – meaningless winding from side aside for some trinkets. In the middle of the trails (already in the forest) you will face a strange bird. The ghost of his head is the ghost, which would remain invisible if it were not for the souvenir of truthful vision, a crazy old woman in the village. That is why it turns out that you are attacked by all who are not lazy – they are managed by servants of Nosuro.
Spell, able to reset the larvae and embody the spirits, well hidden in the glory. Without him anywhere: in the forest to enter, nor find a traitor among the commander of selestics. Back, in the cold and stupu, Purga and caves. Now, armed with a good talisman, you will be able to open a secret entry to the cache of Nasos. It is in the caves, in the hall with a strange lattice, dangerous horn straight above his head. Looks like a wooden chapel. Somewhere in the middle of the dead giant will be a small navel, more resembling green pimple. Apply Talisman I… Blimey! Ras-black haze, my favorite colors mixed here together. Caution, trying not to not bargain, walk along a narrow strip forward, in some places you will have to wave a sword, jump, but the reward will get a cherished spell. Back to the dwarfs, bypassing the gloomy dog and inserting birds, already kindly and cute. CHAIRS OF VLODYE NEZROSE SCOTHONE began to retreat. Truly famous your faith and power, crusader!

And in the Government of the Dwarfs, not everything is clean: the spell helped to detect and expel the next ghost, after which everything you, sprinkling in a single impulse, will be announced by a superman and ask to head the detachment moving to the fortress (this is the first turn to the right on the fork). Yes, sure. Let’s hit the road. Just not with a detachment, as promised, and alone – they say, the real heroes do everything personally, without help from. The task is simple – to open the gate for the crusaders from the inside of the fortress. Somehow will have to jump from the floor to the floor, break a pair of ribs, stretch your hand and damage the skull. The effort is worth. Unforgettable spectacle – elongated faces of surprised knights who excorious under the gate. It is worth such a crowd and waiting for something. and to good to be a hero! After performing the sacred debt, drop away from the gate for a short distance, and meet with a faohry girl, which usually delivered you to the Citadel. Another bad news: the misfortune itself is sent to the hardness of the good.

The final
Interestingly, where this evil unclone pulled out the atomic reactor to run the engines of flying Machina? Not from RedLine Li, painfully similar textures… Is it worth telling what the final battle is? Ordinary crocheilo-mess. Endless Load and offensive death at that moment when the enemy is almost defeated. Your advantage is the relative immortality, and the computer antiger will die in any case, no matter how strong his artillery and protection. This is the main law of the genre. Enjoy the death scream and the title of General of All Crusaders. What do you have to do more – I don’t know. …Hero ballad, you know what is inscribed by fate…

Well that’s all !

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