TRINE 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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October 25, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

TRINE 2: Passage
TRINE 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Small tips before passing:

Already the level on the first second, you will see that there are some RPGE elements in the game: you can save experience points and distribute them to skills. 50 experience points – one skill. But not everyone notice that glasses can be redistributed during the game. That is, you can safely return one or another number of points that have already invested, let’s say, in the pumping of a bow and throw them into the pumping of the abilities of the magician. Such a system helps in the shortest possible time to pump the warrior as much as possible and at the same time when it is necessary to make an advanced magician.

In the game, as far as I know, it is impossible to finally die. You can always be reborn near the last control point, which are presented in the form of spheres that are quite often falling in the level.

Those thoroughly searching the levels in search of experience. Not scary if you have not collected something, the level can always be replayed by selecting it in the appropriate menu.

one.Story starts

From this level, a wonderful fairy tale begins, the main characters of which are: the wise magician Amadeus, Fearless Guard of Pontius and Sly Tasting Zoya. Now we will learn the basic principles of the game, we will study the management and master the main tricks of our heroes.

Level begins in the Amadeus Country House in which he studies his magic. Amadeus wakes up from bright light that breaks down to it in the window and calling. At this time, the control goes into the player’s hands, that is, to us.

Play for Amadeha.

We run out of the house, running the gazebo and bridge, jump on the mushrooms on the bubble, jump onto the ground, we collect a bottle. These bottles are desirable to collect to dial the maximum number of experience per level. Then we learn to use magic: We bring the cobblestone cursor, which lies on the passage along the way, holding the right mouse button, move the cobblestone from the passage. But do not hurt to leave. See Bottles upstairs? We collect one lottlely, climbing the mushroom, pre-tapping a stone. And the other two with the help of magic, swinging the leaf and swing on which they are. Walk further (we find a bottle in the passage), learn how to create a box. To do this, clamp the left mouse button and draw a square. The bin appeared, put under the mushroom, on the left to get a bottle, then move to the stand on the right to go further (do not forget to pick up a bottle from the upper swings). Picking up on the ledge, take a bottle, draw a square, climb on the box to get a bottle that weighs highly high. Go on, to a turning tree. We become on the left end of the tree, call on the box, climb the fungus, we are splitting, we collect a bottle, go ahead. Return to the bridge. So we learned what was the source of light. Magic artifact Troika! Troika brought Ponti with him who tells us so that we immediately went to the road, and at the same time tells our story of the meeting with the top three.

Play for Pontium.

Pontiya perfectly owns a sword, shield and thunder hammer. Initially, we have a shield and sword in our hands. Run forward, destroying harmful weeds (to beat, press the left mouse button to defend – right), we collect a bottle. We reach the pumpkin, we split up, we collect three bottles, we run on. With the help of pumpkins, we collect another bottle, then push the cart to the water wheel (above the cart 2 bottles), we destroy the weed that keeps the wheel. Jerk on the wheel, fly forward and fall into the pit. We change the weapon (turning the mouse wheel) on the thunder hammer. We divide the wall that prevents. Closing the shield, run forward. Fut from plants in the last location and we meet the top three. The story is transferred to Zoe.

Play for Zoyu.

Run forward shooting from onion (left mouse button) to the rope that keeps the stone block. We climb up, shoot in the shelf on which the bottle lies. Take her, running on. Learning to enjoy the boarding hook. The right mouse button shoot a hook to the platform from above, fly through the abyss, having gathered two bottles. Jump to the market square. Instead of descending along the stairs, jump onto the tray cover with fruits, we collect a bottle, we split up, engage in the hook for the roof from above, fly on the roof of the stairs (thereby collect two bottles at once). We hope to church. Zoya notes a light at the very top of the church. With the help of a hook and platforms we climb up, collecting on the way 4 bottles. Of course this light – Troika!

2.Abandoned wilderness

Now you can play for three heroes immediately! To switch the hero, you just need to press 1.2 or 3 on the keyboard. Switch to Amade, we go to the left, swing the mushroom to get a bottle. We go to the right, rub on a log through a spear. Call the box, jump from it to the sheet, take a bottle, jump on the swinging log on the right, take a bottle. Fall down, pontiya smash the grid in the wall, take a bottle. Then cut the weed to free the log. Go ahead, having gathered 3 bottles, amatem swinging a sheet to take another one. We divide the thunderstorm of a luminous pedestal. Turn to Amadeya. See the shower from above? It is necessary that he watered two sprouts that stick out of the ground. When sprouts grow, you can collect bottles that weigh in the air. Having gathered everything, climbing on the other side, we turn the log so that water on it is water to another sprout, at about this time we must get a level raising. Open Point Distribution Window (TAB). Now we have only one point. You can buy talents worth 1. Personally, I bought “throwing hammer” for Pontiya, it helped me to collect a bottle that locked in a cage to the right on this location. Gathering all the bottles, jumping upstairs, break the gate, jump over the ravines, raise the stone by Amadem. Jump, go ahead.

Goblins are attacked on us! We kill everyone, we see two bottles on platforms. Personally, I collected them, causing boxes so that they fall directly on the bottles and faced them from platforms. Go next. Raise the cube on the platform to raise the second platform. Jump up top. Here carefully. Upstairs there is a huge bottle that will give several experience points at once. In order to get it, you can try to shoot from Luka Zoe into it, and you can press boxes on it. Stepping forward. We see spy plant. With the help of Amade, turn the plant so that it spit on the packers above it. We raise all the bottles, go ahead, kill goblin, with the help of amade and drawers, climb upstairs. Now Attention! See two swing balls? Amadeuham reject the left ball for the maximum amplitude and jump on it. When the ball will turn out to be in the left point, we jump onto the top platform, call the box, jump even higher. Find a chest in which the picture is lying for the collection. Jump right. When the right ball will turn out to be on the right point, jump on it and jump over to the platform. Here you can find a heart that increases health and if you reject the hammer of pontium into the top right corner of the screen, you can hit the bottle. Go to the right. We again encounter a spindered plant, turn it, jump, go to the right. Throw a ball on the wall that he smashes. Jump down. We pass the trap of two flowers with the help of Amadeu, we select a large bottle of experience and turn the lever (click on E, and then on a or d, depending on which way to turn the lever in which way. The platform will go down with which we choose upstairs.

We pass forward, fly off the slide down, run along mushrooms, jump onto the bubble and climb on the protrusion. Open the chest and find a children’s poem. If Ra. We jump onto the platform with the button, look like a login of goblin and a couple of boards. Hammer Pontiya liberate the experience that is locked in the cell on the left below. Then climb back and jump on the hanging logs to the next point of saving.

We are waiting for a riddle with gates and fire. To begin with, get rid of fire. By the power of Amadey, drag the stone stone with Runeu to the fire (only this stone can stop the fire). Then with the help of Zoe wept upstairs, to the huge wheel that opens the gate. Amadem create a drawer. It is now important to have time to turn the wheel to open the gate, and have time to substitute the box for the protruding blades to fix the wheel. Pass is open! Do not forget to choke the terrain for the presence of experience (it is even hidden in the bushes above the wheel).

We pass through the gate. We are waiting for a mystery with winds. We see two holes from which wind streams blow. On the right hole already there is a direct part of the pipe. Need to find two more curves. The first is to the right, behind the fence, which can break the Hammer of Pontium, the second – left, where there is a fire that is just blowing from our pipe. By dragging the pipes to the second hole and make up the amade of them as shown in the screenshot:TRINE 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Then jump on the air stream (if you throw a box to the stream and push off from it at the top point, then you can win a large number of experience). By the way, where the fire is there, too, there is a lot of experience. In order to get it, you just need to put the pipe like this and break the floor with a hammer:TRINE 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
So, we put the pipes as it should and fly into the pass on the right. Let’s get into the cave full of goblines. One particularly cunning representative even rides a stone ball that blocks us the way. But this ball is easily removing Amadeus. Next, we get into the most real iron. At once four flames block our way. But not trouble, nearby we find two stone blocks that can be placed on fire and thus move forward. If you fly to the top, you can find a great experience. We go on.

Oh, these are either we are so small or the world is so great. What a huge frog we met! This frog performs a double role: on the one hand, it interferes with the other – it will help to pass. But before doing something, jump into the water before a frog and collect two experiences. Then I dump and turn into Amade. Attract an apple that grows on the upper bush when the frog will drag the apple with the tongue, jump into the tongue and jump over the frog. We bathe in search of experience and running on. For some time the puzzle will be just banal. Something where you need to put a stone on fire, somewhere to jump onto the platform. In general, we get to the place where the air flow blows bubbles. Rising on the bubble up, run forward. Kill goblins and look at our way blocked wild bees. This is not a problem at all, to be honest, because there is a fire nearby, which will make bees kebab from bees. We are looking for pieces of pipes that are lying nearby and put them so that the flow of fire burned down the hive. Drech for the lever, go to the goal and speak with a flower.

4. Suede Topies

New Trap – Pink Gas Clouds. Extremely poisonous, so it is better to go around the side for a couple of kilometers. Run forward, quickly jump from the platform platform. Passing forward, stop here and find this platform:TRINE 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Jump upstairs and get into place where many spindle flowers and bottles with experience. So that the flowers do not interfere, the drawer (or drawer) and put in front of their nose. On this location you can find a big bottle with experience. Go back, come to the break with pink gas. It is impossible to down, because we are waiting for the right death. The only move is to jump over the break and get into a huge stump. Having gone around it, we turn out to be near the new save point. Killing goblins, climb on platforms upstairs, where we are waiting for a chest with verse. Going further, cross the small river, by the path collecting experience and killing goblins. We reach the place where there is a wind hole and a lever that raises the bridge at the top. Of course the bridge is descended in the blink of an eye, after the lever drops. We will act a cunning. We find parts of pipes, and we build this design:TRINE 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Before leaving the location, to the right of the air, near the wall we create a box and jump right. We get to the secret place where you can find a chest with a picture. In order to jump to the chest, we find a stone block from the bottom, put it on the upper left platform, and jump on the rising bridge. Go to the air construction.

We turn into Amada, jumping on the air flow, and when we will be at the most upper point, we call me a box, repel from it and jump over to Earth. Now our task is to grow a huge strawberry. We have water streams, and there are two chute. With the help of Amadya, let the water in the gutters and grow a bush. On the sheets of the bush, jump on the very top to collect all the experience. Go next.

Jump over alternately through 3 platforms, between which plants spit. Then we fall on the location, full of goblins and swinging logs with spikes. We paint with goblines, turn into Amadeus, because they are easier for them to pass the spikes because it can suspend logs. Suspended – jumped. Thus, go further.

Need to grow a plant again. We put the gutter and tighten the sheet like this:TRINE 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
On the growing leaf jump on the other side. We meet the boss – Kostoloma! This is a huge smelly troll who is malicious yell and waving a club. He can kill us with one blow, but in fact he is a pretty simple boss. You can kill him, throwing in his thunderstand. It is best to throw when the dubbing of the Kostoloma is stuck in the floor. About 10 blows and he is ready! Pull the lever and runs forward.

How to move through this a huge poisonous swamp and for which it costs this strange device in the form of a turret, you ask? Just on this turret we will go. Yes, she has legs. Amadeus can manage them:TRINE 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
So they are redirected to the other side. Watch the video about how Troika invites us to enter the house.

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