Ultima 9: Ascension: Cheat Codes and Tips

Home » Gaming Tactics » Ultima 9: Ascension: Cheat Codes and Tips
January 6, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Ultima 9: Ascension: Cheat Codes and Tips

Open the default.kmp file located in the game directory with any
text editor. Paste the following lines there:

[Cheat Commands]
alt + shift + i = toggle_avatar_invulnerable
alt + shift + l = toggle_avatar_fly
alt + shift + o = pass_one_hour
alt + shift + m = pass_one_minute
alt + shift + f = unpass_one_hour
alt + shift + u = unpass_one_minute
alt + shift + s = toggle_sun
alt + shift + v = toggle_wind
alt + shift + k = toggle_storms
alt + shift + j = toggle_avatar_fast

Now, while playing, just press:
[Alt] + [Shift] + [I] – invulnerability
[Alt] + [Shift] + [L] – fly and pass through walls

Ultima 9: Ascension: Cheat Codes and Tips

[Alt] + [Shift] + [O] – 1 hour will pass
[Alt] + [Shift] + [M] – a minute will pass
[Alt] + [Shift] + [F] – hours – 1 hour ago
[Alt] + [Shift] + [U] – hours – a minute ago
[Alt] + [Shift] + [S] – sun on / off.
[Alt] + [Shift] + [V] – wind on / off.
[Alt] + [Shift] + [K] – storms on / off.
[Alt] + [Shift] + [J] – avatar speed on / off.

Note: Buttons can be reassigned to your liking,
by writing the corresponding values ​​in the line after the last character "+".

Crush monsters:
When you have a backpack open, monsters will not attack you. Drag and drop
backpack farther to the edge of the screen – and knead enemies with impunity.

Secret with teleporters:
There is a hanging doll behind the Avatar’s house for training in skill.
Climb onto the gallows and from there jump over the fence. Behind the fence
there is a lever in the bushes, press it and various
teleporters who will either give armor or lead to one of
regions of Britain.

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