Borderlands 2: Cheat Engine Table (Rarity Drops)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Borderlands 2: Cheat Engine Table (Rarity Drops)
March 25, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Borderlands 2: Cheat Engine Table (Rarity Drops)

====== INSTRUCTIONS ======

Borderlands 2: Cheat Engine Table (Rarity Drops) Free Download

1.Download Cheat Engine 6.2 (MANDATORY)

2.Download the script

3.Let’s throw it in a place convenient for you

4.Launch Borderlands 2 and go to the location

5.Run the script

6. We see 2 lines: Status: Waiting for Borderlands2 process … and Item Rarity / Chances – Enable

7.We activate the 2nd line and see the menu has opened

8.We activate the Presets line and see that another menu has opened

9.In the Presets menu, select (if we want more legendaries) the line Preset 1 (Legendary Only) and activate

10.Find the Weight 6 Legendary line and activate it too


====== NOTE ======

1.You will not replace the entire drop with only legendaries, you will simply increase the chance of their drop by several times

2.The script is disabled when you exit the game

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