Borderlands The Pre-Sequel: Cheat Engine Spreadsheet (100+ Full Game Access Features!) [UPD: 28.12.2018] {AlKeY}

Home » Video Game Cheats » Borderlands The Pre-Sequel: Cheat Engine Spreadsheet (100+ Full Game Access Features!) [UPD: 28.12.2018] {AlKeY}
December 7, 2020
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Borderlands The Pre-Sequel: Cheat Engine Spreadsheet (100+ Full Game Access Features!) [UPD: 28.12.2018] {AlKeY}

This table was leaked from an English-speaking hacker forum.

Borderlands The Pre-Sequel: Cheat Engine Spreadsheet (100+ Full Game Access Features!) [UPD: 28.12.2018] {AlKeY} Free Download

This table is for the game Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (Steam versions, and pirated versions) This table was checked on 12/27/2018 everything works fine. On the latest version of the game!
The author of this table, AlKeY, the script is activated and works only on the Cheat Engine version 6.8.1 (I personally checked everything is fine) I do not guarantee performance on other versions.

Let’s go through the functions, in this table there are about 100+ of them much more. 

There is a Fix Slot machine fix for slot machines from them you will only get a win. There is also a fix for dropping weapons. 
Tobish, you can put up a drop of weapons of any rarity and you can knock them out by opening only Lockers (there are such in the game) Only outside the game location in the form (shelter, base, etc.)

There are functions without oxygen, hp, cartridges, damage from 1 bullet, without skills, teleports, etc. You will figure it out yourself!

How to insert a script:

Start the game go only to the menu.
Launching Cheat Engine. 

Selecting the Borda process in the end of EXE format. 
As the process has opened, press the Fail-load button and select our script

If everything is done correctly, the asset process will go on and a window will pop up (sometimes like) there will be button 1 (and a line from the text) and button 2. 
We select only button 2. Next, we will open the table menu. 
Then we go into the game itself after entering the table menu, press Enable if the game freezes and the additional table functions are opened, everything is done correctly. If Enable is not activated, re-enter the game and do the same thing, just select button 1. And so it races over and over again until the injection passes. As soon as you activate the Enable line, you have all the functions, then the script is involved. And you can choose the functions you want. 

I will repeat the script was merged; work on the script is still underway if I post updates. 

Some functions may not work, but this is not a fact. I used the drop of legendary weapons, oxygen, hp, cartridges, damage, everything worked.

If suddenly something does not work for you or your fault is thrown away. So you injected the script incorrectly. 
Good game everyone! 

Startup process:
1. Start Cheat Engine, “Load” and select a table
2. “Select a process to open”, select the desired process.
3. Select the option you want, put a cross.

You can download Cheat Engine from our server here.

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