Games That Help Us Travel Time

Home » iGaming » Games That Help Us Travel Time
September 10, 2021
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The thing about video games is that they transport us to a virtual world where our problems have no chance of disturbing us. That’s why lots of gamers enjoy video games. Another interesting thing about them is the fact that they can transport us in time.

Games That Help Us Travel Time

They can travel to the past or the future depending on your preference. In that regard, here are some games that help us travel time:

Red Dead Redemption 2

The Wild West is the setting for Red Dead Redemption 2 in which the character you control can do all sorts of things they did back in the day. You’ll get to meet all kinds of characters and complete various kinds of missions. You’ll also be able to visit hotels and saloons to enjoy a drink or a poker game. Hell, you can even cheat at them and if you’re good you can win. If you’re not, then get ready for an old-fashioned brawl.

Poker is one of the most popular games of today when it comes to casino games. Casino fans can find many variants of it online as there are lots of sites that offer it. But choosing the right casino is a long process and any online casino guide can be helpful in this process. The main thing to remember about visiting these sites is to enjoy them responsibly.

The Assassin’s Creed Franchise

This franchise can easily have an article on its own as its titles take players to different periods in history. If we start chronologically then Origins would be first, and it’s set in Ancient Egypt. You’ll play as Bayek of Siwa and you’ll start the Assassin Brotherhood. Odyssey would be next, where you can play as either a male or a female character and it’s set in Ancient Greece. You can explore all the glories that these periods can offer.

But the first one that came out was Assassin’s Creed. It takes place during the Third Crusade and you play as Altair. It may not be as great as the others, but if it weren’t for this game, no other Assassin’s Creed title would exist. However, the one title in this franchise that’s praised is Assassin’s Creed II which is set during the Renaissance in various Italian cities. You can see and climb any building you like and enjoy Italia in all its splendor. Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood continues the story whereas Revelations takes you to Istanbul. It’s a great franchise for any history lover.


This is a game that focuses on the future and shows us just what kind of impact technology can have on humanity. We may even be able to transfer our consciousness to computers which is shown in Observer. Dan, the main character, is a detective that can jack in any person, living or dead, and find out their secrets which goes to show you just how much privacy when can sacrifice for an advanced society. An eerie, but realistic prediction.

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