Red Dead Redemption 2: Cheat (Lenny’s Simple Trainer) [0.7]

Home » Video Game Trainers » Red Dead Redemption 2: Cheat (Lenny’s Simple Trainer) [0.7]
December 28, 2021
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Red Dead Redemption 2: Cheat (Lenny’s Simple Trainer) [0.7]

When upgrading Lennys Simple Trainer from a previous version, always use the new lst.ini file.

Red Dead Redemption 2: Cheat (Lenny’s Simple Trainer) [0.7]

Lenny’s Simple Trainer Features:

Play with any character model and easily switch between favorites.

Red Dead Redemption 2: Cheat (Lenny’s Simple Trainer) [0.7] Free Download

Teleport to any point on the map, including the current waypoint.
Push yourself forward through locked doors and walls.
Changing the time of day.
Weather change.
Add any weapon in the game!
Clear wanted level.
Never seek.
Toggle GodMode on or off.
Unlimited money!
Changing the speed of the game timecycle.
Quickly spawn a new horse.
Spawn any wagon, bus, car, etc. in Game.
Slomouth (slow motion!)
Spawn unlimited bodyguards!
Command your bodyguards to attack.
Spawn spawn peds in vehicles (you can fill whole wagons!)
Explosive, incendiary and super explosive ammunition!
Super GodMode – protects against ragdoll too.
New! All settings can now be reloaded during gameplay.
New! Zoom options – play like tiny or giant characters!
New! Summon a flying eagle (alive) to kill!!
New! Play hundreds of player actions and scenarios,
New! Select gender when spawning horses!

Lenny Simple Trainer Control:
F5: Press to open or close the Trainer menu.
F11: Press to teleport to the point.
F12: Logging the current position (and some other data) to a log file. Also works on the pedestrians you are targeting.
NumPad 0: HOLD and PRESS LEFT / RIGHT / UP / DOWN / PgUp / PgDn to nudge player, forward, up, left, back, etc. Walk through the doors!

Red Dead Redemption 2 Lenny’s Simple Trainer Menu Controls:
Up / Down to navigate the menu vertically.
Left / Right to change the parameters of an element.
Enter to select an option.
Backspace to go back to the previous page.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Trainer Bodyguard:
Press and release the F9 key for the bodyguards to regroup with you.
Hold F9 to remove all bodyguards.
Aim on Ped and press button 1 to have all the bodyguards attack them.
Aim on Ped and press 2 for the nearest bodyguard to attack them.
Aim on Ped and press Button 3 to have Ped sit down or leave his vehicle.

Aim on Ped and press F8 for the eagle to attack them.

Lenny’s Simple Trainer Installation:
Place all files in the root folder of the game (where RDR 2 is installed). When starting the game, you should hear several beeps, signaling that the trainer is loaded.
Don’t try to play online with this trainer. Delete all files from the game folder before playing online.
Don’t save your game with a modified character model. You must turn off autosaves before using this trainer.

The latest version of RDR2 Lenny’s Simple Trainer.

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