Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends: Save Game (100%, access to all tracks and cars)

Home » Video Game Saves » Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends: Save Game (100%, access to all tracks and cars)
December 8, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends: Save Game (100%, access to all tracks and cars)

Installation instructions:
Test Drive Ferrari Racing Legends 100% Saving. Access to all tracks and cars.
YOURNAME is your Windows 7 username.
1. Make a backup copy, or transfer to another folder your save and profile, which are located here:

Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends: Save Game (100%, access to all tracks and cars) Free Download

C: \ Users \ YOURNAME \ Documents \ Test Drive Ferrari Racing Legends \ profiles \
C: \ Users \ YOURNAME \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ XLive \
2. Copy the file “-2305842895365585325.sav” to the following folder:
C: \ Users \ YOURNAME \ Documents \ Test Drive Ferrari Racing Legends \ profiles
3. Copy all folders from the “AppData” subfolder to the following folder (replacing the old files):
C: \ Users \ YOURNAME \
4. Launch the game and after starting, press the HOME key, then exit the Games For Windows Live profile.
After that, log in again but choosing a different local profile under the name: APTEM. All!
If everything works fine, you can delete the old profile from the game.
Translation ->
Test Drive Ferrari Racing Legends 100% savegame. Access to all tracks and cars.
YOURNAME – is your Windows 7 user name.
1. Backup or move to another folder you old savegame files and profiles located at the:
C: \ Users \ YOURNAME \ Documents \ Test Drive Ferrari Racing Legends \ profiles \
C: \ Users \ YOURNAME \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ XLive \
2. Copy “-2305842895365585325.sav” file to the next folder:
C: \ Users \ YOURNAME \ Documents \ Test Drive Ferrari Racing Legends \ profiles
3. Copy all folders from “AppData” folders to the next folder (replacing the old ones):
C: \ Users \ YOURNAME \
4. Start the game and after the game starts, press HOME button and logout from old Games For Windows Live profile.
Login to the APTEM named local profile. That’s all!
If everything works fine, you can remove your old profile from game.

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